Sitting on the cracked wall, Vasala spat out a large pool of blood. Many of the feathers on his wings had fallen off, and one of them even had a huge bloody hole.

"Damn it! Is he really an Onmyoji?"

The fear in Vasara's eyes was almost real.

"This is not a power that humans should have."

No matter how he resisted, he just couldn't resist, as if a shackle was on him.

No matter how he used his magical power, even using his trump card 'Hurry up and command', he was still like a child holding a toy knife in front of that man.

"Oh, you still have the strength to struggle."

With a teleportation, Gojo Satoru instantly appeared in front of Vasara again.

""Gojo, Satoru!!!"

With a roar, Vasara stood up again with difficulty.

He flapped his wings behind him, and countless black feathers shot out.

However, a terrifying scene appeared.

Thousands of rapidly launched feathers actually stopped quietly in front of Gojo Satoru.

"Hey, how strong is your feather? It looks quite intimidating."

While saying this, Gojo Satoru curiously poked the feather with a white glow at the front.

The feather seemed to be like a quiet kitten, allowing it to be played with.


Vasara swallowed his saliva in fear.

This contemporary strongest Yin-Yang master, Gojo Satoru, was simply too strong to be human.

At the same time, he felt annoyed. He shouldn't have listened to An Wu's words and tried to test the specific strength of this monster.

"No, I have to escape!"

Vashara didn't want to die.

He flapped his wings and appeared in the air in the blink of an eye, flying away quickly.

Although there was a barrier around him, it was only to restrict Gojo Satoru and had no effect on him.

After flying for a few seconds, Vasara's face lit up when he saw that he had reached the edge of the barrier.

【[Unlimited Forward Rotation Technique]

In mid-air, a huge pulling force suddenly came to his body, and Vasara's face turned panic.

He knew that it must be the monster's trick again.

His wings flapped frantically, but it was still useless. His body continued to be pulled back. At the same time, a huge boulder was flying towards him in the distance.

These two were about to collide.


A loud noise sounded.

White dust floated in the air.

""Ahem, it's so choking."

Gojo Satoru fanned the dust around him with a troubled look on his face.

When the dust cleared, he saw that Vasara was lying quietly on the ground, with the wings and claws behind him gone.

He walked beside Vasara, then stepped on the other's face with his right foot, leaned down, and asked with a smile:

"Otherwise, you can kill me if you say so again?"

Vasara did not respond, his lifeless eyes still staring at the dark red sky.

"It's boring."

Gojo Satoru curled his lips, let go of his right foot, turned around and walked away.

He didn't seem to care about the other person's life or death.

【[Unlimited · Forward Rotation Technique · Cang]

A tadpole-shaped twisted space appeared in the air, and Vasara was directly attracted to it, and his hard body was instantly torn into pieces.

The pentagram bloomed.

Vasara, remove it!

A minute later, the barrier was forcibly broken.

On the other side, on a mountain ten kilometers away from the battlefield between Gojo Satoru and Vasara, the masked An Wu crossed his arms and muttered to himself

"As expected, he is the strongest Onmyoji in the world today. I am afraid that only the Satan Demon King in the Void Realm can compete with him. The next move must be stopped. The Onmyoji Realm must have suspected that there is a mastermind behind this. Tsk, I don't want to be like this...……"

"Why don't you want to do this?"

Suddenly, a voice came.

An Wu's pupils shrank, and his body went into combat mode. He turned his head towards the source of the voice.

""Gojo Satoru!?"

Yes, Gojo Satoru.

As early as the battle with the Vasara, Gojo Satoru's six eyes had noticed someone sneaking around.

He teleported and saw that it was Dark Wushu.

"Gojo Satoru, I don't want to fight you now. Besides, if you have time to look for me, you might as well go to the other side."

As he said this, An Wu wanted to jump into a dark vortex behind him.

However, he jumped fast, and Gojo Satoru's attack was also fast.

【The scarlet shock wave directly hit An Wu's body.

In an instant, half of his body was blown to pieces, but An Wu still endured the pain and got into the vortex.

"Well, I'll spare your life first."

Seeing An Wu's escape, Gojo Satoru didn't seem surprised.

If he wanted, he could find An Wu again, but if he solved the problem, what about the fun in the future?

"But, on the other side?"

(This event is not over yet, otherwise I would have written about Ang and Xun in vain.)

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