After walking out of the commercial building, Koumaro and the others saw more than 20 people wearing white hunting clothes outside the door.

There were men and women, and they looked no older than 30 years old.

"Is this, Onmyoji?"

Komari looked at him curiously, thinking secretly in her heart.

This is different from the Onmyoji she imagined. Shouldn't Onmyoji all hold talismans to release wind, fire, thunder and lightning? How come everyone has a cold weapon in hand?

But what Komari didn't know was that modern Onmyoji are completely different from ancient Onmyoji. In ancient times, they did hold talismans, and a few held cold weapons that could be enchanted, but in modern times, the use of Onmyoji magic equipment can not only enhance one's own survival rate, but also increase the damage to filth.

Everyone knows how to use basic talismans, but they are useless, and basically no Onmyoji magic equipment is useful.

Of course, this has to exclude those Onmyoji families that have retained powerful talismans and spells. The talismans used by these families are simply a world apart from those of ordinary Onmyoji.

""Hello, Hirayama, do you feel that there is more gray air in the air?"

At this time, Natsukawa Shinryo suddenly spoke.

She looked up with her little head, her delicate face staring at the distance.

Somehow, she had an ominous premonition in her heart.

Is there more gray air?

Hirayama and Ebina Nana looked at each other and looked around.

It was true that the thin gray gas had become thicker, just like haze.

"It has indeed become more, and it smells bad."

Ebina Nana fanned the air with her little hands, looking distressed.

It seemed that this could reduce the bad smell of the air.

This made Komari and Natsukawa Masu nodded in agreement.

To be honest, it really smells bad, but I don't know how to describe this bad smell, anyway, it smells bad.


At this moment, a female Yin-Yang Master suddenly came over clapping her hands.

"Everyone, please be quiet for a moment and listen to me first."

Instantly, the originally noisy crowd of hundreds of people suddenly became quiet.

After all, this is an Onmyoji, an Onmyoji who can take them back to the real world!

The female Onmyoji seemed very satisfied with this scene and immediately spoke

"We will unlock the door to reality later. When you return to reality, someone will meet you. They will ask you some questions, so please don't be afraid. They are all Onmyoji.……"

""Captain, there is filth ahead, everyone be alert!"

Suddenly, a shout came from the Yin-Yang Master behind.

The female Yin-Yang Master was stunned, and then frowned deeply.

Why did you come at this time instead of later?

Forget it, anyway, the important things have been basically explained, so that these ordinary people will not resist when they return to reality and see a group of strangers taking them away.

In fact, ordinary people have never known about the things in the inner world, entirely because the ordinary people who entered the inner world have their memories erased, forcing the real world to maintain a false stable and peaceful life.

"Makino, you guys quickly unlock the door to reality and let them go first.

The female Yin-Yang master hurriedly said to the other person behind her.

"I understand, Captain. You guys should hurry back to reality later."

Makino nodded solemnly.

After that, he waved his hand and called a few Yin-Yang masters to take out the talisman to unlock the door of reality.

As for the rest of the Yin-Yang masters, they all blocked the periphery to prevent the filth from coming in.

The six Yin-Yang masters, led by Makino, took out a talisman from their waists at the same time and chanted at the same time.

"The door to reality, unlock! X6"

Silence, no response

"How is this possible?!"

Makino made a panicked sound.

He had never encountered such a situation before. The door to reality could not be opened!

""Makino, what's wrong with you? Why haven't you left yet?"

The angry voice of the female Yin Yang Master came from a distance.

Makino did not respond, but took a deep breath and nodded to the five Yin Yang Masters who were also adjusting their states.

"Door of reality, unlock!"

The cursed power in the body is being drained at an extremely fast speed.


There was a pleasant humming sound, and a golden door about three meters long and similar to a spell was opened.

""Hurry up and run in!"

Makino shouted with difficulty, his right hand already shaking.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the door of reality disappeared.

Makino and the other five Yin-Yang masters collapsed to the ground due to exhaustion.

"Damn it, how come the cursed power in my body can't even open the Door of Reality."

He was a little confused, very confused.

The cursed power required to unlock the Door of Reality and the Door of Misfortune was extremely rare, but now six Yin-Yang masters couldn't unlock the Door of Reality together.

Makino, who fell to the ground, wanted to get up, but his body couldn't exert any strength at all. He even felt dizzy and his eyes were blurry.

"No, it's the miasma, there's something wrong with the miasma!"

He finally realized that there was something wrong with the thick miasma in the air.

(I stayed up all night last night and got up around 4 o'clock, so the update is slow.)

(Thank you for the flowers and rewards, please give me more.)

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