
Seeing that all six Onmyoji of Makino had fallen to the ground, the female Onmyojis were worried.


The snake-like filth roared.

Taking advantage of the female Yin-Yang Master's distraction, he whipped her and sent her flying more than ten meters away.


She felt a sweet sensation in her throat as she flew backwards in the air, and a mouthful of blood gushed out.

"Everyone retreat!"

The female Yin Yang Master yelled hoarsely as she climbed up from the ground with difficulty.

The filth around them was gathering more and more, just like an endless tide. The twenty or so Yin Yang Masters could not resist it at all.

"We can't retreat, Captain. The door to reality can't be opened at all. There's something wrong with this miasma."

Finally, one of the Onmyojis realized something was wrong and shouted anxiously.

Just now he wanted to unlock the door to reality, but his cursed power was quickly drained. Fortunately, he cut off the flow of cursed power in advance, otherwise he would have collapsed on the ground.

At the same time, he also found that his cursed power was reduced, and he began to feel dizzy.

There's something wrong with this thick miasma!

The door to reality can't be opened...

Everyone was panicked.

Even if they were Onmyojis, they were just ordinary people with special powers. Sooner or later, their cursed power and physical strength would be exhausted, and if a snake-level or even a real snake-level appeared on the side of the filth, then they would all be wiped out.

Under the continuous siege of filth, all the Onmyojis on the periphery were forced to gather together.

Forming an outer circle and an inner circle.

The outer circle was the Onmyojis, and the inner circle was all hundreds of ordinary people.

""Mamoru-chan, it seems we can't leave here."

Said Ebina Nana with red eyes.

"Will we die here?……"

Seeing an Onmyoji in front of her being bitten off an arm by a giant six-meter-long snake-like filth and hearing miserable screams in her ears, she was so scared that she couldn't move.

At this moment, she really missed her mother and father.

If she hadn't suggested going to Shibuya, this wouldn't have happened.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault. It's all my fault. If I hadn't suggested coming to Shibuya, this wouldn't have happened to us. It's all my fault. It's all my fault.……"

"It's not your fault, Lailai, it's not, and it's okay, we will be fine."

Holding Ebina Nana, although Koumaro was also afraid in her heart, she comforted others.

Because her brother told her, 'No matter what happens, you must be strong, and your brother is always here.'

Brother... and Natsukawa Masuzu on the side seemed surprisingly calm at the moment, and her face did not fluctuate at all.

But from her trembling body, her mood was not as good as her face.

Suddenly, a small hand took Natsukawa Masuzu's hand.

She turned her head subconsciously and saw that it was the pale Koumaro who held her hand and squeezed out a forced smile.

"We'll be fine."


Although he knew that this was a comforting word, Xiachuan Zhenliang still smiled.

Mom, I may not be able to find you...

The ordinary people around were also panicked and shouted,"Hurry up and send us back to reality."

Some people wanted to rush out through the gaps in the filth, but they were immediately drowned by the filth.

Seeing the miserable state of many people, most people finally gave up the idea of running away.

But if they didn't run away, they could only wait to die here.

Time passed slowly.

In less than a minute, all the Onmyoji were injured, and the more seriously injured ones even lost their arms.


Suddenly, the ground beneath Komari's feet began to surge.

In just two seconds, without waiting for a reaction, the earth's crust was pried open!

A huge rat-shaped filth emerged from the ground.

The people who had originally gathered were directly divided into two groups.


As soon as it came out, the filth locked onto Komari's eyes.

It opened its mouth wide, showing its sharp front teeth, and bit towards her.



At this moment, time seemed to have stopped.

Koumaro stared at the filth biting at her, and her mind instantly went back to recall all the details of her life with Gojo Satoru.

There were noisy scenes, scenes of playing games together all night, scenes of shopping together, etc.……

"It turns out that what is said on the Internet is that people can recall every detail of their lives before they die. It turns out that this is true.……"

She closed her eyes. A line of hot tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.



Suddenly, at this moment, the amulet that Koumaro had been holding in her hand suddenly emitted a dazzling light.

A transparent barrier quickly expanded outward with Koumaro as the center, and all the filth in the barrier was instantly removed...

Pentagrams bloomed one after another, and all the Onmyojis who were in despair were stunned.

"What's the matter……"

The Onmyojis immediately locked onto Koumaru-chan, who was staring at the amulet in a daze.

(At this moment, Gojo Satoru had just finished training Vasara.)

(Thank you for the flowers and monthly tickets, brothers!)

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