Looking at the amulet that felt warm in her palm, Koumaro was stunned.

The words that Gojo Satoru said to her a year ago came to her mind.

"No, this is a talisman made by my brother. Hey, what does good soil mean? Okay, okay, take this with you. No matter where you go in the future, whether it is shopping or going to school, you must take this with you. If you encounter danger, it will protect you~~ Hehe."

Bless me...

Looking up at the barrier that has enveloped everyone, Xiaomao's eyes became confused.

Her brother is definitely not an ordinary person!

"Little girl, you are……"

The female Onmyoji was supported by another Onmyoji and walked over, looking at Koumaru with a look of doubt.

That's right, the fluctuation of the cursed power came from this amulet, and this barrier was also created by this amulet.

But, looking at the other party's appearance, it is obvious that he doesn't know the function of the amulet.

Koumaru pursed her lips, then shook her head and whispered

"I don't know why it turned out like this."

Although she already suspected that her brother was an Onmyoji, she still didn't say that the amulet was given by her brother.

The female Onmyoji didn't say anything, just nodded.

She is already 30 years old this year, and she can see that Komari did not lie, but the other party must know who gave it to her.

But, what if she knows, is she going to force the question?

Not to mention that there is a very powerful Onmyoji standing behind this little girl, just say that this barrier is equivalent to Komari saving the lives of all of them.

Looking at the hideous filth outside the barrier, although everyone was afraid, they still breathed a sigh of relief.

After sitting on the ground, all eyes were on Komari.

In other words, the amulet in Komari's hand

"Umaru-chan, your amulet is not……"

Nana Ebina trotted over from the other side, her wine-red eyes looking at the amulet, and she seemed to be hesitant to speak.

As a good friend of Koumaro, she naturally knew who gave the amulet.

But no one expected that the amulet would have such an effect.

Koumaro seemed to have noticed Nana Ebina's thoughts, and shook her head in confusion, as if to say,"I don't know why it has this effect either."’

"Is this amulet given to you by your brother, Komaru?"

Natsukawa Shinryou leaned over to Komaru's ear and asked in a low voice.

Komaru pulled her head back, her eyes full of surprise.

"That's cool, how did you know?"

"I just cheated you, but I didn't expect it was just, hehe, don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

With a smile on her lips, Natsukawa Masuyo sticks out her tongue playfully and speaks softly.

Umaru-chan's brother, Gojo Satoru, my homeroom teacher... I'm a little curious about you~


The roar of the filth one after another frightened everyone who had been gradually relaxing.

Countless filth were trying to break this"shield" by any means.

Komari and the others were also nervously watching the filth attacking the barrier.

At the same time, many people were also nervously putting their hands together and praying to Amaterasu.

The Onmyojis had no emotional fluctuations and were always bandaging and treating the injured Onmyojis.

After all, according to the fluctuations of the cursed power emitted by this barrier, even if a real snake-level filth came, it would not be able to break it. Just wait quietly for the other Onmyojis or exorcists to rescue.

But, suddenly at this moment.

All the roaring filth voices paused, and then began to retreat. They had no IQ and actually formed two paths, leaving a path in the middle.

‘Boom, boom——’

A huge footstep sounded, and a giant filth that was over fifty meters tall, wearing red Warring States warrior armor and with many halo symbols all over its body, walked out of the hazy miasma.

"That, that is……"

"What a tall monster! Could this be the king of these monsters?"

"It is possible that the group of monsters made way for him, and that monster was the only one wearing a set of samurai armor, while the others were not."

"This barrier won't be broken, right?……"

"If you can't speak, don't speak."

Ordinary people were discussing nervously.

The Yin Yang Master and others also stopped their actions at this moment, and their faces turned pale.

From a distance, they all felt the suffocating and terrifying curse power.

This is 100% true snake-level filth, and it is the one standing at the top!

Everyone's emotions became tense.

But, at this moment...

Two unfamiliar male voices suddenly echoed in the silence.

"Oh ~ a Warring States warrior, pretty handsome, makes me want to take off his armor and wear it, but it's too big, otherwise I have to cosplay a Warring States warrior, hahahaha"

"You..., hey, Gojo, didn't you notice that the filth was about to complete its jump?"

"Jump? Basala? It's just an ant."

"I just can't get along with you."

"Of course, after all, you are a middle-aged man who got married and divorced, and I am always 18 years old. We can never get along, Lulue~"

"……You really deserve a beating."

"Yeah, but you can't beat me."


"You can't beat me"


Listening to this strange voice, from the initial communication to the subsequent bickering, everyone's forehead was filled with black lines.

However, in the crowd, there were two people who listened in a daze.

They were Kouma-kun and Ebina Nana.

They recognized who the voice was.

Wasn't this voice the brother (Gojo Brother)?

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