A few minutes ago,

Gojo Satoru was about to teleport to Shibuya where Kouma-chan was.


, there was a space fluctuation, and the gate of disaster was unlocked.

A man appeared at the spot.

He was wearing a white men's suit, with a black bow tie at the collar, long dark green hair, a bunch of yellow hair falling back at the bangs, and very obvious dark circles under his eyes.

"Hey, isn't this the useless uncle?"

Seeing this man, Gojo Satoru's eyes lit up, raised his hand, and shouted excitedly.

Useless uncle, ahem.

It should be one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals of the Yin-Yang Realm in the modern world, Tian Ruo Qingxian.

His title is 'White Tiger'.

Hearing this familiar voice and the four words 'useless uncle' that sounded particularly familiar, Tian Ruo Qingxian's originally stern face instantly darkened.

"Why are you here, you idiot boy?"

He looked at Gojo Satoru who was already approaching with a somewhat unhappy expression.

"What do you mean, why am I here, useless uncle? Such a big thing happened in Tokyo, how could I not be here?"

Gojo Satoru said with some dissatisfaction, and then turned around and asked with a puzzled look

"And I should be the one asking you why you are here, useless uncle"

"I don't want to talk to you, get out of my way"

"Hey~, why are you like this, useless uncle? I asked you kindly, but you ignored me. Woohoo, I am indeed a lonely ronin and cannot fit into your big family at all."

Looking at the pretentious Gojo Satoru, Amanaka Kiyotaka didn't know what to say.

If someone else called him"useless uncle", he would have beaten him with his fists, but this kid is different.

There was a bet a few months ago, and he lost it directly. The bet was naturally a verbal title, and no matter what it was, he could not refute it.

As for if he won, it would be that Gojo Satoru had better stay away from him and not bother him.

But, it was obvious that Amanaka Kiyotaka lost.

As for the content of the bet, I will talk about it later.

"Hey, useless uncle, you're not coming back to Tokyo to look for Xiao Jian, are you?"

Gojo Satoru still had a smile on his face, but he looked teasing.

"Wow, so touching, the dignified Twelve Heavenly Generals returned to Tokyo just for their daughter, I was moved to tears"

""Stop being weird, and don't get close to her."

Tian Ruo Qingxian said with a warning.

Xiao Jian, also known as Yin Hai Jianliang, is his daughter and also his weak spot.

No matter who wants to touch his daughter, he will not allow it.

As for the warning from this"useless uncle", Gojo Satoru waved his hand indifferently.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in junior high school kids.

Of course, it's different if the other party takes the initiative.~

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's talk about what happened this time. Gojo, you should have come to the disaster area before me, why are you still here?"

Tian Ruo Qingxian asked with a puzzled look on his face.

According to the other party's technique called [Unlimited Technique], he should have teleported to Shibuya a long time ago.

Why are you still staying here ?

"I just plucked out a Vasara, why am I still here?"

Gojo Satoru rolled his eyes and said speechlessly.

I just plucked out a Vasara...

Tian Ruo Qingxian's eyelids jumped.

The cursed power in his body was not chaotic at all, it didn't look like he had experienced a battle.

But although he didn't like this unreliable boy, what convinced him was the other party's terrifying power.

If he said he plucked out a Vasara, then he must have plucked out one!

"The vasala is just a slightly larger ant, it's that simple.……"

Gojo Satoru folded his arms, tilted his head back, and spoke in a very pretentious manner.

However, when he was halfway through his pretense, he suddenly paused.

"Hey, useless uncle, let's hurry over."

He narrowed his eyes slightly.

Kouma's amulet was activated!

Tian Ruo Qingxian curled his lips

"If you hadn't kept saying it, I would have gone there long ago, you crazy boy"

"Since we are going there, I will take you there faster."

Gojo Satoru put his arm around Tenruo Qingxian's shoulders.

【No lower limit, forward rotation technique, teleportation】


Looking at Nana Ebina and Koumaro who were safe and sound in the barrier below, Gojo Satoru smiled faintly.

As long as they are fine.

However, that girl with the same snow-white hair looks a little familiar.

After rubbing his smooth chin a few times, Gojo Satoru finally chose to give up thinking.

""Hey kid, do you want to solve that problem or should I?"

Suddenly, Tian Ruo Qingxian next to him asked.

Facing the real snake-level filth that was about to jump into the cursed power, his poker face, like an ice sculpture, showed no emotion at all.

It was like solving it like an ant.

"Let me do it."

Gojo Satoru bent down, put his hands on his thighs, and stretched his body, with a smile on his face.

"At least let me show off in front of my sister."

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