Reality, Chiba, Tokyo.

Evening, Gojo House.

Koumaro looked at Okuhima, who was hugging her brother's arms and even sticking his whole body on them, with a twitching face.

"Damn woman, I will never admit that you are my sister-in-law!"

She thought evilly in her heart.

It has been more than an hour since she returned to reality from the disaster.

After dealing with the samurai filth, Gojo Satoru was also quite surprised by the arrival of Mikujima Ang. Then the Onmyojis opened the door to reality and organized ordinary people to return to reality. They were sent directly to the Onmyoji Department's treatment place as soon as possible. After all, ordinary people who stay in the disaster for a long time will have problems with their bodies in the future.

Only a few people with strong innate curse power will be fine.

As for erasing memory, the Onmyoji Department will make unified arrangements.

However, three people escaped the erasure of memory.

They are Koumaro, Ebina Nana and Natsukawa Masuzu.

As for Natsukawa Masuzu, Gojo Satoru originally didn't intend to care. , but after hearing Komari's request and the other party's name, he remembered who the other party was.

At the same time, he also thought of the information sent by the principal of Sobu High School a while ago, which was the transfer information.

But Gojo Satoru was too lazy to read it at that time, and now he has flipped through it, oh~ It's still a student in his class.

There must be special treatment for his own students. As for

Mihijima Aoi, according to her words,"I came all the way from Kyoto to Tokyo, how can I go back? I'll buy a few sets of clothes in Tokyo first." As for the residence, it must be the Gojo family.

Oh, yes, there is also Yu.

I don't know what's wrong with this kid Yu, he went back to Kyoto directly.

I seriously suspect that Mihijima Aoi forced the other party to go back, wanting to live in a world for two people.

"Brother, I'm so hungry."

Looking at the two of them with a resentful look, Komari said with a sour face.

"What do you want to eat, Mamoru-chan? I'll go out and buy it for you."

Holding Mikujima with one hand and playing with his phone with the other, Gojo Satoru raised his head and asked softly.

He can use the [Unlimited Technique] to teleport to any place in the island country, and he can buy whatever his sister wants to eat. You must be pampering your sister.

"Dame, I want to eat what you cook."

""Okay, but you have to wait a moment."

The almighty Gojo Satoru said that this was nothing.

His cooking skills were comparable to the ten best chefs from Totsuki.

After hearing this, Komari was delighted, and her eyes seemed to challenge her"sister-in-law".

See, this is how my brother dotes on me. If I'm hungry, he'll buy me food. If I want to eat what my brother cooks himself, he'll cook for me himself.

"The mind of a child."

Miyajima Ang didn't care about Komari's provocative look, and even smiled secretly in his heart.

His soft body pressed closer, which made Komari so angry that her mouth was about to spit fire.


After finishing the belated dinner, as usual, Umaru-chan did not go back to her room to play games, but sat on the sofa in the living room.

She lay down in Gojo Satoru's arms.

Gojo Satoru did not feel anything about this, after all, it was just a daily routine for the two siblings.

(Umaru-chan: Sora no Sora, right?)

Seeing that there was no chance for her to lie down, Umaru-chan scratched her cheek in distress, but still sat aside and hugged the other's arm.

Time passed slowly. It was twelve o'clock in the morning.

Umaru-chan's eyelids were trembling with sleepiness.

After all, she had been shopping all day, and was forced to enter the wilderness to play a life-and-death game. Suddenly, she felt relaxed and sleepy.

It didn't take long.

‘Snore, snore——’

Hearing the snoring of Koumaru in his arms, Gojo Satoru lowered his head and gently touched her long chestnut hair.

Then he gently picked her up and walked into the room.

Mikujima Ao followed, and his white and tender feet deliberately made no sound.

After putting Koumaru in his room and covering her with a quilt, Gojo Satoru quietly closed the door and left.

"Brother, don't leave...……"

Lying on the bed, Komari mumbled in her sleep.

In the living room,

Mihima finally lay in Gojo Satoru's arms, madly inhaling the good smell.

At this moment, she was no longer the beautiful woman who looked like a European aristocrat in front of people, but more like a nymphomaniac.

Well, a nymphomaniac specifically for Gojo Satoru

"Wu, your sister is really jealous."

With his face pressed against his chest, Yubidao said in a muffled voice.

"I'm afraid she doesn't even acknowledge that I'm her sister-in-law."

"There is no way, Ang, after all, she only has me."

Looking at the summary of the number of deaths sent by the Tokyo Yin Yang Branch on his mobile phone, Gojo Satoru said calmly.

Mikujima Ang paused for a long time

, and then slowly spoke

"I only have you."

Gojo Satoru did not speak, but gently stroked the other's back in response.

In this large-scale filth incident, 35 Onmyojis died, 57 Exorcists died, 471 ordinary people died, and 1,951 people were rescued.

The number of deaths was too high, and the authorities could only try their best to suppress it, and then visit them, try to explain and give compensation.

However, at this moment……

"Hey, Satoru, the night is long, I can't sleep."

Mikoto said to Gojo Satoru with her cherry lips.

After that, she blew a breath of fragrance.

(Thank you for the monthly tickets and flowers, big brothers. Thank you. I will add more later. Thank you!)

(Reminder, the Onmyoji and the Exorcist are combined into a team, and rescue at the same time. The Onmyoji on Gojo Satoru's side can't open the door to reality because the appearance of the samurai filth makes the miasma thick)

(Other teams did not have this situation, but there was still too much filth, causing ordinary people who entered the disaster field to be hunted down in the first time. At the same time, many Onmyoji used their lives to block others from opening the door to reality.)

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