Early in the morning.

Gojo Satoru opened his eyes and yawned uncontrollably.

Then he turned his head and looked at Mihijima Ono, who was lying beside him, hugging his arm and still sleeping.

Last night was really bloody.

Carefully pulling his arm away, Gojo Satoru walked to the closet, took out a pair of pants, and opened the window.

Let in some fresh air to get rid of the strange smell in the room.


At this time, Mihijima Aoi woke up.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Gojo Satoru who had just opened the window.

"Good morning, Wu."

She smiled softly.

"Did I wake you up?"


Mihijima Ang still had a gentle smile on her face.

At this moment, she had been thinking about it for a long time, and finally gave her first time to the other party.

Gojo Satoru nodded, put on his shirt, tucked the white shirt into his pants, and pulled it halfway out, then he sat on the bed.

"What do you want to eat in the morning?"

"I will eat whatever you cook, just don't poison me to death."

Yubidaoang smiled mischievously.

"I really can't do anything with you."

Rubbing the other's soft golden hair, Gojo Satoru smiled helplessly.

After all, she was the first woman he had sex with in this world, so it was okay to be gentle and forgiving.

(Hiratsuka Shizuka: Did you see my fist?)

Watching Gojo Satoru walk out of the door and close it considerately, Mikujima Ang stretched his waist, revealing his excellent figure.

Although the movement was still a little inconvenient, compared with the injuries he suffered in the disaster field, it was just a relief.


After walking into the living room, Gojo Satoru saw Koumaro, who had been sitting on the sofa with a face full of resentment.

Seeing her brother coming out, Koumaro snorted and turned her head.

At the same time, a blush appeared on her cheek.

Obviously, the noise of the battle last night woke her up.

Such a high-end apartment, but the sound insulation is so poor, bad review!

"What's wrong with you, Komari?"

Gojo Satoru said teasingly while opening the refrigerator and taking out a few quail eggs and a bottle of fermented rice wine.

Obviously, he also knew why Komari was like this.

However, he was not embarrassed at all, and his face was so thick that even bullets could not penetrate it.

"Don't ask me about my stinky brother, hurry up and make breakfast, I still have to go to school"

""Hi hi hi (yes yes yes)"

Gojo Satoru walked into the kitchen and prepared today's breakfast.

Today, he was mainly responsible for taking care of Mikujima Ao.

He would make the rice wine egg drop soup that he knew in his previous life.

Of course, wolfberry and red dates should also be added.

Looking at Gojo Satoru busy in the kitchen, Komari pouted unhappily.

Obviously, I came here first~

But, I am my brother's sister.

Thinking of this, her eyes dimmed.

"Hello, good morning, Umaru-chan."

At this time, Mihirajima Ang came out of Gojo Satoru's room and waved his hand, shouting in a hoarse voice

"Good morning……"

Hearing this hoarse voice, Xiaomaru blushed.

How could such an elegant and beautiful woman...……


On the way to Sobu High School,

Kitagawa Umi was walking on the street with a handbag.

Her long golden hair, hot girl outfit and extremely beautiful face attracted other students from Sobu High School.

"Oh~ so beautiful. Judging from the lining, she should be a student of Sobu High School, but I don’t have any impression of her."

"There are thousands of people in Sobu High School. It's strange that you can remember them."

"Tian Ping, you can question my memory, but you can't question my memory of beautiful girls. I already have an impression of beautiful girls like this, okay?"

"Tsk tsk, but I have to say she is really beautiful. I want to pursue her."

"You can try it, but I don't support it."

"What, you little brat!"

The students looked at Kitagawa Umi's back and talked about it.


After entering the school,

Kitagawa Umi found a serious problem. She didn't know where her class was.

The sign indicating the start of the school year had been removed long ago.

In distress, she suddenly saw the back of a woman with long white hair in front of her.

Kitagawa Umi's eyes lit up, and she trotted over and patted the other person on the shoulder.

"Classmate, where is Class F of the first year?"


The white figure, no, it should be Natsukawa Masuzu, blinked her eyes blankly.

In fact, she was also looking for where the first-year F class was.

Looking at Kitagawa Umi with a bright smile, she said with an embarrassed expression

"Well, I'm actually looking for a first-year F class."


Kitagawa Umi made the same surprised sound, but immediately said excitedly

"Aren't we classmates? My name is Kitagawa Umi, please give me your guidance."

"Xiachuan is really cool, please give me more advice"

"Hey, it's really cool, can I call it that?"

"No problem, Hai Meng.

Xia Chuan Zhenliang nodded gently.

In front of outsiders, she always maintained her gentle and amiable side.

"But Zhenliang, why did you also start school so late?"

"Me? I just returned to China not long ago and transferred here. What about you, Haimeng? You must have just transferred here too, right?"

"No, I just had a car accident at the beginning of the school year and ended up in the hospital."

"Is everything okay now?"

"It must be alright."

The two girls were walking and talking, ready to find another passerby to ask.

But at this moment……

"Hey, my two lovely students, good morning."

Gojo teacher? X2

Hearing this familiar voice, the two turned around.

It was Gojo Satoru who was wearing a white shirt and sunglasses instead of the iconic eye mask on his face. (After so long, I was told that it was obscene and pornographic again. This is a shabi review. What am I writing.)

(I was so confused when writing this chapter. There are indeed bugs. Thank you for reminding me.)

(Today's extra chapter, thank you for the flowers, brothers! Please give more!)

(Enough flowers, enough monthly tickets to urge the reward, these are my motivation for extra chapters.)

Happy Qingming outing and reading! Recharge 100 to get 500 VIP points!

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