Class F, Year 1

"Mina-san (everyone), how was your weekend?"

Standing on the podium, Gojo Satoru said with a"full of energy" look

"I haven't found my own love or spent money to find love. Regarding spending money to find love, the teacher kindly reminds you to take safety measures.~"

‘Gah, Gah, Gah——’

There seemed to be a group of crows calling in the classroom.

Everyone was frowning.

What the hell, spending money to find love, teacher, we are just high school students, how can we have money?

But as for finding love, hehe~ this is available.

Although they were speechless about their unreliable class teacher, the students in the class were still a little surprised at Gojo Satoru's outfit today.

The iconic coat and eye mask were taken off, and he was wearing a pair of sunglasses.

I thought he might have an eye patch because of a scar on his eye, but he didn't. He even had snow-white eyelashes and extremely beautiful blue eyes. He was just a top-notch handsome guy.


"Hey, you kids, why are you staring at me? Although I know I am a handsome guy, please don't keep staring at me. I will be shy.

Gojo Satoru seemed to be really shy, lowering his head and whispering shyly.——~

Sure enough, no matter how handsome he is, he still has this personality

""Okay, okay, before the morning reading, we have two new students coming."

Gojo Satoru shouted to the door of the classroom.

""Xiachuan classmate, Kitagawa classmate, please come in!"

Two new classmates?

One of them is Kitagawa Umi who was in a car accident, right? Who is the other one?

Everyone stared at the door.

‘The door was pushed open.

Two pretty figures walked in.

"Oh huh Xn——"

Seeing the two, all the boys in the class were ecstatic and made uncontrollable noises.

Hey, hey, no way, no way, are these two really our future classmates?

The blonde girl dressed as a hottie is so beautiful, she really meets my girlfriend standards!

And the girl with silver hair is so delicate, so delicate that she looks like a doll. Is she of foreign descent?

The two girls took the chalk handed over by Gojo Satoru and wrote their names on the blackboard.

"Hello everyone, my name is Kitagawa Umi. I was hospitalized due to a car accident some time ago, so I couldn't meet you the first time, so please give me more advice during this year."

Kitagawa Umi introduced herself generously with a smile on her face.

With this cheerful personality and appearance, I'm afraid she will have her own live-action team in no time.

After all, high school students are willing to play with such people.

"Not bad, not bad."

Gojo Satoru clapped his hands.

Everyone below followed suit and clapped. Some boys even clapped hard with silly smiles on their faces.

"Hello everyone, my name is Natsukawa Masuzu, I just came back from abroad and transferred to Sobu High School. Please give me your guidance in the next year."

It was still that gentle and pleasant voice coming out of Natsukawa Masuzu's mouth.

Natsukawa Masuzu, 'down there' Masuzuzu.

Thinking of this strange habit, Gojo Satoru wondered if the other party was wearing anything.

The applause sounded again, and it was still the same boys who applauded hard just now.

"Ouk, now that the introductions are over, let the handsome Gojo teacher arrange your seats.

Gojo Satoru rubbed his chin and looked down.

In fact, there were still many empty seats in the class, more than enough to arrange two girls.

"Mr. Gojo, please let Kitagawa and Natsukawa sit next to me. There are empty seats to my left and behind me."

"No, no, Mr. Gojo, I have a seat here too!"

"Fengyuan, just talk nonsense. I'm sitting next to you. There's no empty seat."

"Oh, so please leave now."

"Fuck me."

The noisy people below were the boys who had been clapping hard.

There were even a few boys who were secretly looking at her but were eager to see her, and they raised their hands cautiously.

""Okay, okay."

Gojo Satoru pressed his hands.

The boy who had been making noises immediately shut up.

"You two can sit in front of Jian Qi."

He pointed to the window seat on the right.

Because the school had just started, Jian Qi Ming's lifeless appearance and introduction made the seat in front of the student vacant, just enough for the two girls to sit there.

Of course, the most important thing is that he hopes that the two of them can change their student's attitude a little bit.

"Good job, Mr. GojoX2"

Picking up the handbag, the two girls nodded and sat in front of Jian Qiming.

But Jian Qiming was still looking at the scenery outside the window. The noise just now did not affect her at all.

""Misaki, please give me more advice in the future."

After sitting down, Kitagawa Umi turned around and said in a low voice

"I'll give you more advice."

Ji Qi Ming still had a blank expression on her face.

Natsukawa Masuyoshi didn't say anything, and put her handbag away.

She could feel that this classmate of Jian Qi was difficult to get along with, and the whole person gave off an air of"no strangers allowed".

She couldn't do that.

On the podium, watching the interaction between the three girls, Gojo Satoru felt that he was almost broken-hearted.

"Okay, students, please take out your Chinese textbooks. As for Kitagawa and Natsukawa's books, I'll take you to get them later. For now, just make do with Mizaki."

(I got up late again today, the update is full.)

(Please give me flowers for the monthly ticket, I woke up today and saw that the flowers didn't move. I cried to death.)

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