

The originally sunny weather suddenly turned into a rainstorm, and there were even flashes of lightning from time to time.

This made everyone in the"Going Home Club" worried. You know, they didn't bring umbrellas. Are they really going to go home in the rain?

As for taking a taxi, it is too expensive. As high school students, they can't afford it.

But those who join the club don't care, because they have to participate in club activities anyway.

Classroom office.

Gojo Satoru leisurely drank coffee and watched short videos on his mobile phone.

He wants to go home, and he can teleport home at any time.

As for his sister Komari, she and Nana Ebina went home together, holding the two umbrellas given by the latter's mother.

"Do you want to take my car to take you home, Wu?"

While tidying up the things on the table, Hiratsuka Shizuka asked

"No, I'll stay for a while, you go back first."

Gojo Satoru, who was concentrating on watching the short video, didn't raise his head to respond.

Nodding, after packing up, Hiratsuka Shizuka also left.

Before leaving, she also said,"Remember to close the door."

In the huge office, only the sounds of Gojo Satoru and the short video were left.

About half an hour passed.

At this time, the door was suddenly opened.

Then there was a female voice.

"Hiratsuka-sensei, I have……"

The owner of the female voice walked in.

But she saw only Gojo Satoru, and stopped talking.

"Hmm? Are you here to see Xiaojing?"

Gojo Satoru turned his chair and looked at the girl at the door.

This sight made him raise his eyebrows.

Oh, an acquaintance.

The girl was wearing a Sobu High School uniform, with long black hair that fell past her shoulders and a face that was too cute to be true.

In Chiba City, the second daughter of the Yukinoshita family, Yukinoshita Hirano, ahem, it should be Yukinoshita Yukino

"Yes, may I ask who you are?"

Yukinoshita Yukino asked with some confusion.

In her memory, she had never seen this white-haired teacher.

"Oh, I'm Xiaojing's husband."

Gojo Satoru rolled his eyes and said with a smile.

There's really nothing wrong with this. I'm her man, which means I'm her husband, hehe.


Yukino Yukinoshita was stunned.

She couldn't imagine that a man would fall in love with that violent woman, and even married her.

"Haha, no kidding, I'm the new teacher, Gojo Satoru"

""Hello, Mr. Gojo."

Yukino Yukinoshita was speechless.

It seemed that this new teacher had a bad temper.

"I am a student in Class J led by Mr. Hiratsuka. I am Yukinoshita Yukino. Since Mr. Hiratsuka is not here, I will take my leave first."

(Slightly changed, Mr. O and Yukino are in the same class.)

After saying that, she left, and her delicate hands closed the classroom door again.

Looking at the closed door, Gojo Satoru rubbed his smooth chin and thought secretly.

"Could it be that you are looking for Xiao Jing to discuss the establishment of the service club?"

Without thinking too much, he continued to watch the short video on his phone.

Just one hour passed.

The thunderstorm outside the window did not stop at all, and seemed to be getting bigger and bigger.

Gojo Satoru stretched and prepared to leave.

However, he did not plan to teleport home directly, but to go to the supermarket to buy the dishes he needed for tonight.

He picked up the umbrella specially used for teachers in the corner of the wall, left the teacher's office, and closed it.


Walking on a small road to the supermarket,

Gojo Satoru was thinking about whether to call Mibijima Ao and ask him what he wanted to eat in the evening.

But when he thought about the possibility of him saying"I will eat whatever Satoru cooks", he gave up the idea.

""Eh? Isn't that Hirano?"

At this time, Gojo Satoru saw a figure squatting in the grass in front of him.

That figure was Yukinoshita Yukino.

However, it was a bit puzzling why this girl put her umbrella in the grass and kept getting wet in the rain.

From a distance, he could see her shivering body.

With curiosity in his heart, Gojo Satoru walked over.

After getting closer, he could vaguely hear Yukinoshita Yukino's comforting voice and the sound of a kitten.

"It's okay, it's okay, you don't have to get wet in the rain, don't be afraid."

Because of the sound of thunder and the attention on the kitten, Yukinoshita Yukino didn't notice that there was someone standing behind her.

After moving the umbrella slightly forward to cover Yukinoshita Yukino, Gojo Satoru spoke with interest.

"Eh? Yukinoshita is really compassionate. She handed her umbrella to Koumaro to keep out the rain, but she herself got wet."


The sudden voice startled Yukinoshita. She turned around with her wet face and saw that it was the teacher with a bad personality.

"Teacher, it's very rude to speak so suddenly and frighteningly."

Her tone was a little dissatisfied.

The kitten in the bush was also frightened and started meowing again.

""Wali-Wali (sorry, sorry)"

Gojo Satoru said with a smile after walking to the side and squatting down. After seeing that the umbrella could cover the girl, Gojo Satoru said with a smile.

Hearing this insincere apology, but seeing the other party's small gesture of separating her umbrella to help her block the rain, Yukinoshita Yukino snorted.

But then she lowered her head and looked at the kitten, revealing a gentle smile.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Her voice was very soft and gentle.

Eventually, the kitten gradually stopped meowing and just kept looking at Yukinoshita Yukino and Gojo Satoru.

"Why, do you want to adopt it?"

Looking at the kitten, Gojo Satoru asked.

Yukinoshita Yukino was also moved, but still disappointed, because she didn't allow small animals where she lived.


"If it doesn't work, send it to a shelter for stray cats."

Gojo Satoru seemed to see what the other party wanted to say and interrupted him directly.

(Seeking monthly tickets, flowers and rewards, big brothers, woo woo woo, my current word count is basically around 2,000, and it has been longer, so reward me.)

(Also, thank you for the flowers sent by the big brothers before, thank you, thank you.)

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