"But, I heard online that organizations that adopt stray animals actually kill them afterwards."

Yukinoshita Yukino frowned and whispered with embarrassment.

In fact, she had this idea before, and wanted to send these stray cats to an adoption organization, but when she looked up information online, she saw many people saying that they would kill them and even make food.

This gave up the idea of sending them to an organization.

Hearing this, Gojo Satoru teased the kitten with his index finger and chuckled.

"Formal adoption agencies won't do what you said. If you're really worried, you can visit them from time to time. If something really happens, you can just call the police."

"Indeed, you can!"

Yukinoshita Yukino's eyes lit up.

Why didn't she think of this before? If she was really worried, she could go and check on her often. This was a benefit for cat lovers.

Obviously, she had fallen into the misunderstanding that all organizations adopting stray animals were fake.

Yukinoshita Yukino picked up the kitten with her delicate little hands, and the kitten did not resist, but just meowed in confusion.

What does this two-legged beast want to do?

"Here, your umbrella."

Gojo Satoru also took the umbrella from the bush and handed it to the other party.

""Thank you."

She responded.

She held the kitten against her ordinary chest with one hand, and took the umbrella with her free hand. Yukinoshita Yukino bowed to Gojo Satoru.

"Thank you, Mr. Gojo. It seems you are not as bad as I thought."

"Haha, I mean I left such a bad impression on you before."

Gojo Satoru complained speechlessly

"But do you know where the organization that adopts stray cats is?"

He was a little confused.

"I know. I checked online before. The nearest shelter is only a few hundred meters away."

Looking at the quiet kitten in her arms, Yukino Yukino's heart almost melted.

Sure enough, cats are the cutest animals in the world.

(The kitten is female.)

"Then be a good person to the end, I will go with you."

Gojo Satoru said, standing up. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

I am such a good person.

Yukinoshita Yukino did not refuse and nodded.

If the organization is fake, it can be better solved with a man like Gojo Satoru.

So, she, a cat slave, is really worried about the cat.

The two walked on the path, no one spoke, only the kitten's baby meowing.

Passing through the bustling crowd.

Not far away, they saw a small shop called"Love House".

The two put their umbrellas outside, pushed open the door, and a female voice came from the shop.

"Private Ma Se (excuse me), sir or madam, are you here to adopt an animal or foster an animal?"

A middle-aged woman in an apron came over.

"I saw on the Internet that you can adopt stray animals here, right?"

Yukinoshita Yukino asked.

Although the tone was very calm, it felt strong.

The middle-aged woman was stunned and looked at the kitten in Yukinoshita Yukino's arms.

The kitten also meowed cooperatively.

"Ah~ What a cute kitten. Oh, sorry, I’m being rude. We can indeed adopt stray animals here. Is this the kitten?"

"Yes, if possible, please take good care of it. I will come to see it often."

Yukinoshita Yukino breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the kitten with some reluctance in her heart.

However, when she thought about the fact that she could come here often in the future, her reluctance disappeared. She carefully took the kitten with both hands and said with a peaceful face:

"Please rest assured, our store staff are all dog and cat lovers, and they will take good care of these lovely stray animals."

Yukinoshita Yukino nodded.

Then she walked around the store again and found that the small animals in the store were doing well, and she was completely relieved.

After leaving the"Love Home", Gojo Satoru, who had been incomprehensible all along, suddenly said

"Then I'll be leaving first, Yukinoshita-san"

"Well, thank you for coming with me, Mr. Gojo."

"Haha, as a teacher I am also very happy to help lovely students."

"Gojo-sensei, are you a pervert?"

Yukinoshita Yukino covered her chest with a vigilant look.

"I know I'm cute, but you don't have to say it."

""Huh? How do you know I'm a pervert?"

Gojo Satoru cooperated and showed an evil smile.

"Since I'm a pervert, it doesn't matter if I do perverted things to you."

"……, I called the police."

Speaking of this, Yukinoshita Yukino took out her cell phone as if she was really going to call the police.

But, in the end, she didn't call the police.

Although she had only known him for a short while, she had a rough idea of the teacher's character.

He was a man with an extremely bad character, but surprisingly, he was a kind person with a bit of love.

"Ahem, I'd better go then. Oh, by the way, if you encounter any sad things in the future, you can lean on the teacher's shoulder. The teacher is your support.~"

Gojo Satoru threw a wink and said greasy

"It's basically impossible for you to meet Gojo-sensei in this life."

Picking up the umbrella, Yukinoshita Yukino left with a blank expression.

"Well, it's impossible in the next life."

I'd better go home and change clothes and take a shower. You will catch a cold sooner or later if you wear these wet clothes.

Looking at the gradually receding back, Gojo Satoru smiled nonchalantly, picked up the umbrella and left, heading straight for the supermarket.

(Sorry, sorry, I really didn't expect that the big brothers would react so strongly to the bitch Akane, but actually I wanted to draw out the characters in the play.)

(Besides, I also wrote that Gojo Satoru was in a state of disgust and ran away directly.)

(Maybe I, the author, know the plot later, but after all, you don't know, and think that I will take it back. In fact, I have hinted that Gojo Satoru will not take it back, and I want to see your opinions.)

(I will directly arrange a way for her to die in the later plot.)

(Also, thank you for the flowers and monthly tickets from the big brothers before.)

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