Gojo's house.

After finishing his meal, Gojo Satoru lay on the sofa and became a salted fish.

""Oh, help me get a dessert from the refrigerator."

He shouted weakly

""Okay, wait a moment."

Yubidaoang, who was washing dishes in the kitchen, responded.

Two minutes later, after putting the dishes in the disinfection cabinet and wiping his wet hands, Yubidaoang took out the dessert cake with a packaging box from the refrigerator.

"For you."

The dessert cake was placed on the table.

Gojo Satoru quickly recovered from his lazy state, tore open the package, picked up the small spoon that came with it, and started showing off.

Looking at his man's foolish eating, Mibijima said with a smile

"Gojo Satoru, I have to go back to Kyoto tomorrow morning.

Gojo Satoru did not stop what he was doing, but just said vaguely:

"Is there something wrong with Huoye in Kyoto?"

"Something has happened. A new type of 'filth' has appeared. The other twelve generals are still in various places across the country. I am the only one who has less time, so I want to go and take a look.���Dirty?

Gojo Satoru paused for a moment.

"Always carry the amulet with you. I can sense if something happens."

He turned his head and said seriously.

However, the cake stains on his face and mouth made him look extremely unconvincing and even a little funny.

"Hi hi hi (yes, yes, yes)."

Said perfunctorily, Yubijima Ang took out a tissue and wiped the cake off the other person's face.

"Keso (damn it), you squinty-eyed guy, you think I'm a child."

Gojo Satoru said in a dissatisfied tone.

"Is not it?"

"……You're done tonight."

"I couldn't ask for more."

Yubidaoang still had a smiling face.


In the evening.

After Gojo Satoru successfully defeated Mihijima Ao and made him fall into a deep sleep, he lay on the bed and played with his phone.

‘Ding Dong——’

Someone sent me a message on line.

I opened it and it turned out to be Nino.

"It's so annoying, Gojo-kun. We five sisters are going to transfer schools, and the transfer procedures are so troublesome."


Gojo Satoru raised his eyebrows and started typing.

"What happened? Did you fail the exam or did you get into trouble due to school bullying?"

Within three seconds, the response came.

Obviously, the other party was holding the phone ready to reply immediately.

"We were good kids, how could we be bullied in school? We were not bad girls. It was just Yotsuba who failed the make-up exam twice and was expelled. It was impossible for the five of us sisters to be separated, so we had to transfer to another school together."

"So good? If I were treated like this, I would just marry you."

Nakano family.

Seeing what Gojo Satoru said, Nino blushed in the bed.

You can marry, but please only marry me.

She said secretly in her heart.

She held the phone in her bare hands and typed on the screen.

"Hey~ Gojo-kun you are so disgusting, how can a boy marry a girl."

After she said this, she regretted it a little.

But before she could withdraw her words,

"Hey, hey, this is not disgusting at all. This is called marrying into the family, being a son-in-law. I will stay at home for three years and suffer all kinds of contempt during these three years. I will just do a Dragon King Return to the Throne. The three-year period is up, please ask the Dragon King to return, hahahahaha"

"Puff, haha——"

Seeing this message, Nino couldn't help but laugh.

Isn't this the short video meme from China?

She complained about it for a long time.

"Then I'm a snobby fiancée? I don't want that."

"Then I will return as the God of War, and you will be my wife who has been away for three years. When I give an order, a hundred thousand soldiers will rush over, and then everyone will spit at me. You are the only one who complains about me every day."


Nino was almost laughing.

Thinking of Gojo Satoru's handsome face, he said such a funny thing. It was really a big contrast.

However, wife...

Looking at the word wife on the phone screen, Nino had some fantasies.

‘Ding Dong——’

Hearing the news, she looked at

"I'm sleepy, I'm going to sleep first, good night, Makabaka."

I felt a little depressed, but when I saw the 12:30 displayed on my phone,

Nino was also ready to go to bed, because I had to go through the transfer procedures tomorrow.

"Good night, Gojo-kun."

She knew the joke, but asked her to reply with the same words.

This made it impossible for the tsundere Nino to do it...

Well, maybe?


Early in the morning.

Gojo Satoru helps pack Mihijima Ong's clothes

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Komari, who had just woken up, saw Gojo Satoru packing his suitcase in the living room and was a little confused.

"Oh, Ang is going back to Kyoto. There is something going on there."

Exultant, exultant in her heart.

Kouma-chan quickly controlled her facial expression and said to Ang who was drinking coffee with a reluctant look on her face.

"Ah? It's only been a day or two, sister, you're leaving, why don't you stay for a few more days."

Haha, hurry up, I want to spend some time with my brother, Wuhu!!!

After taking a sip of coffee elegantly, a trace of distress flashed across Yubidaoang's smiling face

"Ah? Umaru-chan, you're so reluctant to leave me. Then I'll come back and live here after I finish my work in Kyoto, is that ok?"

"What do you mean by"Can I?" This is your home."


??? (black question mark. jpg)

No, you squinty eyes, I just said something polite, why did you come?!

Forced to smile, Xiaomao said uncomfortably


Woohoo, I would have said nothing if I had known.

My brother and I's world of two will soon be broken.

(Thank you brothers for the flowers and rewards, thank you!)

(Please give me more, woohoo, I corrected my mistakes, reward me [dog head])

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