Sobu High School.

After opening the box where the indoor shoes were kept, Natsukawa Masu saw a love letter with a red heart printed on it.

"It's only the second day.

She was a little helpless.

Although she knew she was beautiful, she didn't expect that these high school students had such strong animal desires. They just sent a love letter.

After changing into indoor shoes, Natsukawa Shinryou opened the love letter.

‘Mr. Xia Chuan, although we have never met, I was deeply attracted to you the day you entered the school. If possible, could you please meet me on the rooftop at noon?’

""Tsk tsk."

Xiachuan Zhenliang smacked his lips a few times and immediately wanted to throw the love letter into the trash can.

However, he paused and thought again.

"Forget it, I'm bored at noon anyway, so I'll go and have a look."

After all, they were in school, so she didn't believe that the other party would dare to do anything out of line.

After returning to the classroom, the bell rang.

"Hey, where's Mr. Gojo?"

Kitagawa Umi asked in confusion.

It's been a minute since the bell rang, why hasn't my homeroom teacher come yet?

"Maybe he went to kill the monsters."

Natsukawa Masuyoshi didn't say this, but thought to herself.

To be honest, she was really attracted by Gojo Satoru's fighting posture and appearance that day.

But, unfortunately, it was a teacher-student relationship.

In the island country, teacher-student love is not recognized by society, and may even be criticized by others from a moral point of view.

If everyone is a student, Natsukawa Masuyoshi is willing to let the other person be her"boyfriend", or in layman's terms, a shield.

The teacher didn't show up for a long time, and the students in the class became excited.

Some were eating breakfast without eating, some were putting on makeup in the mirror, and some were chatting with each other about which game was fun... They were all doing what they wanted to do.

""Natsukawa-san, Kitagawa-san!"

At this moment, Chitanda Eru from the first row ran over.

Her big violet eyes seemed to be twinkling bright stars.

"What's wrong, Eru?"

Looking at the girl in front of her, Kitagawa Umi smiled slightly.

After they entered school yesterday, this girl was very active in becoming friends with them, exchanging contact information and lines.

"Hey, have you seen an urban legend?"

Chitanda Eru said mysteriously.

"I heard that several people have suddenly self-immolated in the past few days. That is, their bodies suddenly caught fire, and not even ashes were left."

When she said 'wow', she raised her hands and made a more vivid gesture.

Urban legend, self-immolation?

Not only Kitagawa Kaimeng was interested, but even Natsukawa Shinryou, who had entered the disaster field, was interested.

"Hiss~, is it phosphorescence?"

Kitagawa Umi said nervously

"NONO, someone in the forum analyzed that the temperature of phosphorus fire is not enough to burn people to death, and everyone said it was caused by the legendary monster!"

Chitanda Eru was excited.

For a girl like her who is curious about everything, this urban legend aroused her great interest

"I think it might be a monster."

"Eh? X2"

Hearing this affirmative voice, the two girls looked and saw that it was Xiachuan Zhenliang with a face of approval.

"It's really cool, is there any basis for this?"

Kitagawa Umi said curiously.

"No, it's just a feeling, don't take it seriously."

Natsukawa Masaki said mischievously while lying on the table.


The two girls made disappointed sounds.

Hearing this, Xiachuan Zhenliang just smiled slightly.

The monsters in urban legends may be... real!

About five minutes passed.

At this time, a puff of white smoke suddenly floated up from the podium.

Then there was a voice

""The handsome Gojo teacher has appeared!"

The smoke cleared.

Gojo Satoru, dressed in black and dressed like a ninja, suddenly appeared on the podium. He squatted down.

In an instant, everyone stopped talking, their faces were shocked and stunned.

He seemed very satisfied with everyone's reaction. Gojo Satoru stood up proudly and said:

"Today is Ninja Gojo Sensei, are you surprised? Are you surprised?……!"

Before he could finish his words, the ceiling he had uncovered began to shake and crumble. It did n't last for even a second. It came down vertically and hit Gojo Satoru exactly.


A crisp sound rang out

"Gojo teacher!"


Looking at Gojo Satoru, who was standing on the podium with gauze wrapped around his head but still dressed as a ninja, everyone in the class twitched their faces.

So, Mr. Gojo, it's been such a long time since you came to class, you used all your time to prepare for cosplay as a ninja, right?

And it's okay that you cosplayed as a ninja, but why haven't you even uncovered the ceiling and covered it up yet? You've hurt yourself.

After rubbing his head wrapped in bandages, Gojo Satoru finally chose to take off the ninja suit.

It's too hot.

He grabbed the hood and pulled it up, and the one-piece ninja suit was taken off directly, revealing yesterday's outfit. He casually threw the ninja suit out of the window.

He continued to lecture.

No, Mr. Gojo, is it really okay for you to throw clothes around?

As they saw the ninja suit was thrown directly out of the window, everyone in the class frowned.

"Bastard, which bastard threw clothes around? Principal, are you okay?"

"it's okay no problem"

"Let's go to the hospital right away to avoid any accidents."

"Really, let's continue patrolling the school building."

The sound of the dean of studies talking to the principal came from outside the window, especially the dean of studies' voice, which was heard by all the classes on the side.

Ah this...

Looking at Gojo Satoru who looked calm and nonchalant, the class could only sigh that their head teacher was thick-skinned.

(Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, and rewards, woo woo woo.)

(No one has guessed who this urban legend is about~)

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