At noon,

Natsukawa Masaki, who had only drunk a pack of milk, walked onto the rooftop as promised.

There was also a male figure on the rooftop.

He had short brown hair, a handsome face, and was about 1.8 meters tall.

Ohga Taiyo, the ace of the Sobu High School baseball club and the school team

"Classmate, you're the one who called me over here?"

Holding his arms, Natsukawa Masuyoshi said as he sized up the other person.

He was barely tall, and his looks were just so-so.

Overall evaluation: 10 points.

This 10 points was given as a friendship point because they were in the same school.

Hearing this gentle, dreamy voice, Ohga Taiyo excitedly turned his head from looking at the scenery to look behind him.

""Xiachuan, my name is Da He Taiyang, just call me Taiyang."

Da He Taiyang put on his signature smile, which was very sunny.

It was because of this sunny smile that he gained a lot of fans.

Little guy, I'll charm you to death.

However, this smile was useless to Xiachuan Zhenliang, who just felt that the smile was very hypocritical.

"I know you, Da He, a sophomore classmate, who is also the ace baseball player in the school."

Suddenly, Da He Taiyang smiled even more brightly.

In fact, he fell in love with a"big sister" when he was in junior high school, but that"big sister" left in such a hurry that he didn't ask for her contact information.

But yesterday, he found that he had fallen in love with someone else.

He felt his heart pounding with the long snow-white hair and the"gentle" (?) personality towards everyone.

This"gentle" personality is just like that"big sister".

(Little brat, you are tempted by beauty, right?)

Then he secretly asked his friends about it.

It turned out that the girl's name was Xiachuan Zhenliang, and she was a child who had just returned to China.

After school yesterday, he secretly followed her, and after knowing the location where the other party stored her indoor shoes, he wrote a love letter.

"You've read the love letter, too, Xiachuan-san."

As he spoke, Da He Taiyang came over and tried to get close to Xiachuan Zhenliang, but the latter took a few steps back.

However, he didn't care and still looked affectionate.

"I like you, Xia Chuan, please be my girlfriend! I will do my best to treat you well!"

Sincerely, I am afraid that not many girls are willing to refuse.


"It sounds really good."

Hearing the first sentence, Da He Taiyang was ecstatic and his mouth was about to burst with laughter.

Little guy, isn't this easy to control you?

"Daga, verbal wah lu (but I refuse)."


"One of my favorite things to do is to say"No" to those who like to think they are the best."Hey, hey, hey, have you changed your style?

Looking at Da He Taiyang's confused expression, Xia Chuan Zhenliang's heart jumped for a while.

Finally, he finally said this!

This is too funny!


After clearing his throat, Xiachuan Zhenliang returned to his normal state.

"Forget it, Da He, I don't want to date in high school."

"But, but."

After hearing that he didn't want to date, Da He Taiyang came back from his confused state, with an unwilling look on his face, and said quickly

"I really like you, Zhenliang."

He called out the name that only close people can call out.


Natsukawa Zhenliang's face flashed with impatience, and his gentle personality was no longer pretended.

"Are you really a human, classmate? I said I don't want to fall in love, so why do you keep pestering me, or is your brain underdeveloped and you don't understand human language at all?"The poisonous words directly hit Da He Taiyang and made him confused again.

Is this really the classmate Xia Chuan who is so gentle to everyone?

Are you sure you haven't been replaced?

A trace of disgust flashed in her eyes, and Xia Chuan Zhenliang wanted to leave the rooftop.

However, the moment she turned around

‘Tap tap tap——’

There were hurried footsteps.

It was Da He Taiyang who rushed over and seemed to want to hug Natsukawa Masaki and not let him leave.

Natsukawa Masaki also reacted, but after all, his body was a little weak and his body did not react in time.

Just when Da He Taiyang was about to hug Natsukawa Masaki, a pair of white big hands suddenly pushed him away.

"Oh my, as soon as I got to the rooftop, I saw someone trying to molest my lovely student.

Gojo Satoru retracted his right hand, his pale blue eyes narrowed slightly.


Seeing this familiar tall figure, Natsukawa Shinliang was delighted and felt very lucky.

She never thought that this person would want to hug her and not let her leave after being rejected.

Eh~ It was almost there.

Thinking of this, Natsukawa Shinliang got goose bumps all over her body.

It's really disgusting to have such a person.

Da He Taiyang, who was lying on the ground, also made a sound of pain.

"Hiss~, no, teacher, please listen to my explanation first, I just want to pursue Xiachuan."

He rubbed his aching drum and explained hurriedly.

"I really like Xiachuan……"

""Okay, I don't want to listen, and I'm too lazy to listen to your explanation, get out of here."

Gojo Satoru glanced at the other party, his tone was very indifferent.

Clenched, clenched his fists.

Although Da He Taiyang was very unwilling in his heart, he still bit his lip and left.

Walking to the gate, he looked back at the two people who were still on the rooftop, and then went downstairs angrily.

It's all this person's fault, it's all his fault, if he was dead!

When this thought came up, Da He Taiyang was also scared by himself.

In the other world, in the understanding of the demons in the void world by exorcists and onmyojis, people who breed darkness in their hearts will attract demons to lurk in their bodies~


Feeling the passing disgusting breath, Gojo Satoru turned his head and looked towards the corridor where Ohga Taiyo had just left.

"This kid?... Heh."

It seems that he is indeed hopeless.

(I am disgusted by this kid too. If I don't like him, he must die!!!)

(Please give me flowers and monthly tickets. Woohoo, he doesn't even move. I am crying.)

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