Shizuka Hiratsuka was stunned, a little confused.

Seeing the puzzled look, Gojo Satoru remembered that his amulet not only blocked the cursed energy, but also blocked himself from seeing the"mysterious" things.

He mobilized a trace of cursed energy to attach it to his hand and merged it into Shizuka Hiratsuka's body.

In an instant, Shizuka Hiratsuka's vision changed drastically.

The classroom was filled with countless small black balls, which flew around like flies, and there were more small black balls around Ohga Taiyo's body.

"This, this is! ?"

She was a little panicked

"It's just a little devil, there's no danger, don't panic, Xiao Jing."

Gojo Satoru's reassuring words reached her ears.

Hiratsuka Shizuka also quickly adjusted her mood.

She raised her head and looked at her man, and asked in a low voice

"How come his situation is different from what I encountered at the beginning, Wu?"

At the beginning, she was just dragged into the disaster field and hunted, but on the other hand, Da He Taiyang even had changes in his own body.

"It's just that he's possessed by a demon."

Gojo Satoru said nonchalantly.


Hiratsuka Shizuka's pupils shrank.

Isn't this a legend in mythology? But when she thought about what happened half a year ago, she quickly accepted it.

Even monsters and Yin Yang masters from another world have appeared, so there's nothing to be surprised about the appearance of a demon.

During their conversation, when Ohga Taiyo heard that he was going to be sent to the Academic Affairs Office, his whole body trembled, and he kept repeating one sentence in his mouth:

"No, no, no... No!"

He shouted the last sentence with a hideous look on his face, and suddenly jumped out of the window behind him.


"don't want!"


A variety of chaotic voices echoed in the classroom.

You know, this is the fourth floor!

Jumping down is almost a 100% sure death!

Kirisu Madoka and others hurried to the window and looked down.

However, they did not see the fallen Ohga Taiyo, and there was no place below.


Gojo Satoru, who could no longer sense the demon's aura in the school, raised his eyebrows.

He didn't expect that the restraining power of this Ohga Taiyo could actually suppress the gradually awakening demon.

He was bored and released the cursed aura to eliminate all the little demons in the classroom, then turned and left.

Except for Hiratsuka Shizuka, everyone in the class was also paying attention to the following and did not notice Gojo Satoru's departure.


Walking in the empty corridor, Gojo Satoru did not go to his class, but to the principal's office.

In order to prevent accidents, let the bald Yamamoto leave school early.

After all, the devil's revenge is very strong. There is a high probability that he will come back.

One o'clock in the afternoon.

According to the school-wide announcement, Sobu High School has something urgent to do, all teachers and students will leave school early, and club activities are prohibited.

Teacher's office.

Looking at Gojo Satoru who was drinking coffee and didn't seem to be leaving at all, Shizuka Hiratsuka asked a little worriedly

"Wu, are you planning to wait for that demon to come over?"

"Yes, if it is not removed, will it be necessary to keep it for the New Year?"

Grinning, Gojo Satoru said with a bit of amusement


Hiratsuka Shizuka's eyes are a bit complicated

"Don't be in trouble."

"It's okay, Xiaojing.

Gojo Satoru still looked nonchalant.

"I am……"

Before he could finish his words, his lips were blocked by Hiratsuka Shizuka. His blue eyes widened slightly, and then suddenly softened.

A minute later,

Hiratsuka Shizuka released his lips, took a breath, and stroked Gojo Satoru's cheeks with both hands, saying seriously:

"I know you are strong, Satoru, but please be careful. After all, I don’t want the Onmyoji Gojo Satoru, but the Gojo Satoru who can laugh and tease me every day."

"Don't worry, Xiao Jing, it's just a little devil."

Gojo Satoru was a little helpless.

Why did he feel that his Xiao Jing had become a demon? Not to mention a demon, even if Satan from the Void Realm came, he would not hesitate to kill him directly.

"It's okay. Send me a message when you kill him."

Releasing his hands, Hiratsuka Shizuka rubbed Gojo Satoru's white hair

"No? Are you treating me like a child? Pat my head"

"Puchi, you are just a child to me"

"Well... the child needs milk, hehe, milk, milk"

""Climb, climb, climb, I'm leaving."

The noise in the office ended with the sound of the door closing, and Gojo Satoru was drinking coffee quietly.

He also called to explain what Komari said, and said he would be back a little later.

However, the clever Komari seemed to have thought of something, and she reminded Fu to be careful.

In this regard, Gojo Satoru was also speechless.

How come you guys really think I'm a weak chicken?


It was five o'clock in the afternoon.

Gojo Satoru was so bored that he was tapping the cup with a coffee spoon.

""That kid, could it be that he went to find someone directly?"

He muttered to himself.

For the past four hours, Gojo Satoru has been staying in the school, ready to wait for Da He Taiyang to come, but now there is no trace of the devil's aura.

Once the devil's aura appears, it is like setting a GPS on the body. No matter where it is, Gojo Satoru can detect it.

I originally thought that I was too lazy to catch him, and he would come back by himself, but I didn't expect him to be so patient. Up to now, there has been no trace of the devil's aura, and there is no trace of the devil in various areas of the city.

"Forget it, let's go buy some dessert."

Yawning, Gojo Satoru was ready to leave.

But... the next moment, he looked to the west with an unhappy face.

"Are you sick? You are just running out now. I really give in."

In the west, the breath of the devil emerged.

It was like releasing fire in the night, attracting the eye.


(If you want to read the story of the chainsaw man, I will release a chapter later, and then you will know whether I will write it or not.)

(But as for the setting, I will change it slightly, after all, there are still demons in the void.)

(Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, and rewards, woooo.)

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