In a dirty, smelly alley corner.

Da He Taiyang curled up on the ground, sweating all over, his eyes extremely crazy.

He was suppressing himself, suppressing something in his body.

But, even if his back teeth were broken, he could not hold on any longer.


He let out a painful roar.

Da He Taiyang gradually developed demonic features, sharp teeth, long ears, and even a flexible black tail grew behind the drum.

After a brief twitch,

"This feeling is really great."

Getting up from the ground, Da He Tai Yang seemed to be a different person, grinning and saying excitedly.

The devil's mind has completely taken over his body.

Clenching his powerful fists, Da He Tai Yang muttered to himself with a gloomy face.

"That teacher deserves to die. If he hadn't messed things up, I wouldn't have been rejected by Zhenliang. I want him to die."

The powerful force made him completely swell up.

He twisted his stiff neck and prepared to go to Sobu High School.……


My stomach growled.

I rubbed my stomach and said to myself

"Forget it, let's go eat something."

The food he was talking about was not rice or something like that, but... human flesh and blood!

When Da He Taiyang walked out of the alley, he found that there was basically no one around, and he was a little disappointed.

After all, the place he ran to was close to the forest, and there were no residents in the surrounding area.

However, suddenly, in the distance, a figure slowly appeared in his field of vision

"Isn't the food coming?"

Da He Taiyang stuck out his long tongue and walked over with a happy look on his face.


"Oh, what should I do for food in the next few days?"

Walking on the dilapidated road, the boy with an eye patch sighed.

Just ten minutes ago, he wanted to go to the convenience store to buy discounted bread, but he bumped into a passerby and his only few hundred yen was stolen.

Now, don't think about eating in the next few days, unless there is another task to eliminate demons to earn money.

And this boy is Denji.

He has short golden hair, black pupils, and a black eye patch.

And his parents are not alive. His mother died of vomiting blood due to a heart attack, and his father wanted to kill him after being drunk, but he killed his father in defense.

In order to repay his father's debt, he not only sold one of his kidneys, right eye and a testicle.

And he also became a running dog of the underworld, signed a contract with the devil, and became a folk"demon hunter".

But fortunately, the only thing Denji can be thankful for is that he still has a partner to accompany him.


A dog-shaped demon with whom he signed a contract

‘Woo woo woo——’

Suddenly, Bochita, who had been following Denci on the right, barked like a puppy.

Its bark was full of vigilance, as if it was reminding its friend’

"What's wrong, Bochita?"

Squatting down, Denci touched the other person with some confusion.

Bochita pushed Denci's right knee with his head, as if he wanted him to escape quickly.

Is there danger?

Sensing the idea, Denci quickly looked around.

But, there was only one human walking towards him from a distance? How could there be danger?

‘Woo woo woo——’

Bochita's cries became more and more anxious. Never mind.

No matter what, I chose to believe Bochita's words and ran away deep into the forest.

""Hey, where are you trying to escape to, human?"

A strange voice suddenly appeared in Denji's ears.

As soon as the voice fell, he felt his sight moving backwards rapidly.

"I haven't eaten yet."

Fell to the ground, Denci touched his aching back and looked at the man in front of him.


He exclaimed, but then quickly shook his head.

"No, you are not a normal demon, you are the demon from the legendary void world?"

As a folk demon hunter, he knew that demons were divided into two types, one was born out of human fear, and the other was the demon from the legendary void world.

Shouldn't this kind of demon be exorcised by the exorcist? How could it appear?

Denci thought to himself.

However, he didn't care about that much, and quickly got up and took out the hand axe that had been hidden at his waist.

"You know me?"

With an arrogant smile on his face, Da He Taiyang stuck out his tongue and licked his lips.

"Whether you know it or not, you can't escape the fate of being eaten by me."

The demon's features became more intense.

His originally human face took on the features of a cow, and his skin gradually turned brown.

His right hand stretched out quickly, grabbed Denji's right leg, and pulled it back.

The force was so strong that Denji felt his right leg was about to be torn off, but he still endured the pain and swung his hand axe directly at the arm that grabbed his right leg.


Suddenly, blood was flying everywhere.

"Ah, it hurts, kid."

He retracted his right hand and shouted angrily.

The violent fluctuations of emotions made his still human face completely transformed into a demonic bull face. His body swelled up and his clothes were stretched out.

He took a step and the ground under his feet collapsed one meter.

"You devil, aren't you afraid of the exorcist appearing?"

Dodging an attack, seeing the ground being blasted into a deep pit by a casual fist, Denci shouted with some palpitations

"Come and eat together."

Da He Taiyang, who has completely transformed into a demon, has a look of disdain on his face.

In his mind, exorcists are just food.

Damn it!

Denji's face is a little ugly

"Become my food, kid."

Waving his fists wildly, Da He Taiyang looked ferocious.

He decided to beat this human into a pulp and swallow it directly.

"I would rather die than be your food���!"

After dodging the attack and quickly gaining distance, Denci's single eye quickly looked around.

He was looking for a chance to escape.

But... humans have their limits after all.

Before his brain could react, Da He Taiyang appeared in front of Denci in the blink of an eye, elbowing him and sending him flying in the air. A large pool of blood gushed out of his throat.


(Yes, the chainsaw man you asked for is out, please give me flowers, monthly tickets and rewards.)

(I will explain and change it later.)

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