
Gojo Satoru was whistling while washing his hair, looking very relaxed.

Last night, Nino suddenly sent him a message, asking if they could go out together tomorrow, just the two of them.

Thinking that he was bored, Gojo Satoru agreed without thinking.

‘As a wife, you should naturally pamper her.

After washing and drying her hair,

Gojo Satoru drank the black tea that had been prepared long ago, and there were also cakes next to it.

There were three portions, two of which were naturally for Kobe and Kouma.


At this time, the door of the room was opened.

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Hua Ye Hongxu came out and shouted in a daze:

"Good morning, Mr. Gojo."

""Good morning, Xiao Hongxu."

After responding, Gojo Satoru drank warm black tea while checking the messages on his phone.


‘Nino: I'm up, Gojo-kun. '

The slender fingers are raised, typing with one hand

‘Gojo Satoru: Oh, by the way, Nino, let’s meet up at the Chaoyue Cafe.���? (Hey, Wendy.jpg)'

Nino: Ah, let's forget it……’

‘Gojo Satoru: Then just wait for me downstairs of your house and I’ll come pick you up?’

‘Nino: That’s fine too. Wait, let’s not talk about it anymore. May has been urging me to do it. I’ll make breakfast. Bye.~’


After putting his phone aside, Gojo Satoru quietly drank his tea.

On the other side, Hongxu had also finished washing up. She was no longer as dazed as before, and now she was a little more energetic.

Sitting next to Gojo Satoru, after taking a sip of tea, she asked with some confusion:

"Teacher Gojo, aren't you going to call Mamoru to get up and have breakfast?"

"……, um~ (sound), in this case, she knows to roll over."

After saying this, Gojo Satoru seemed to have a headache.

Roll over?

Kanono Hongo's face was full of doubts. (black question mark.jpg)

As if to solve Kanono Hongo's doubts, Komari's room suddenly opened


A long figure wrapped in a blanket slowly rolled out.

The head that showed up at the corner was naturally Komari, who looked like she hadn't woken up yet.

"This, this is it?"

Huan Ye Hongxu's mouth twitched.

This really rolled out, no wonder Gojo teacher is so headache

""Good morning, brother, and Hongxu."

Komari shouted weakly, with obvious dark circles under her eyes.

Isn't she a national treasure panda?

Seeing his sister like this, Gojo Satoru was not surprised and asked calmly:

"Playing games all night again"

""Ah (two sounds), um."

It was still the same weak response.

The calves kicked off the quilt, and Komari sat on the chair unsteadily, staring at the red tea with her eyes narrowed into slits, in a daze.

Kanono Hongxu beside her was really worried that the other party would suddenly die.

"Don't worry, it's nothing today."

Seeing Kanano Hongxu's worried look, Gojo Satoru said helplessly.

Is this nothing?

Kanano Hongxu quickly drank a sip of red tea to suppress the strange feeling in her heart.

In fact, Gojo Satoru was not wrong.

Last time, Komari played games all night long. When she came out to eat breakfast the next morning, she couldn't tell the way. She ran to the left and then to the right, like she was drunk.

After being in a daze for a long time, Komari slowly picked up the red tea and drank it.


The four sisters in their pajamas sat on the sofa, waiting for Nino's breakfast.

"Have you noticed that Nino seems to be very happy today?"

Ichikagami whispered mysteriously.

"Indeed, when I urged Nino to hurry up and make breakfast, especially steaming some meat buns, Nino didn't scold me. She would have definitely scolded me in the past."

May looked surprised.

Her tone and body movements were extremely exaggerated.

After saying this, the three sisters nodded in understanding.

Nino is very wrong today!

In the kitchen, Nino didn't realize that her sisters were discussing her, but hummed an unknown song while frying dumplings. She kept thinking about where to go today.

"May, why don't you urge Nino again and see if she gets angry."

Miku said seriously

"I don't want to."

May rolled her eyes.

It was obvious that she was being used to test Nino's temper and attitude today.

"Then it's Yotsuba."

Ichika looked at Yotsuba who looked innocent.

"Huh? Why me?"

"Because you are heartless. X3" the three girls said in unison

"……, okay."

With a sad face, Yotsuba carefully whispered to Nino

"Nino, are you done yet? I'm hungry."

The voice was so soft that even Miku, who was nearby, couldn't hear it.

Instantly, Ichika and the others were all speechless. There was no need to be so cowardly.

"Siye, please shout louder."

May came over and pushed Siye's shoulder, saying with a look of disappointment

"When I urged Nino before, I wasn't as cowardly as you."

"That's right."

Sanjiu nodded her head.

""Okay, I understand."

Scratching his head in distress, Siye summoned up his courage and shouted loudly.

"Nino, can you hurry up? We are hungry."

It's too loud!

The three girls blocked their ears, their hearts were in a mess.

I told you to ask Nino, not to ask her with your throat.

In my mind, I had already imagined Nino coming over with a shovel and an angry look on her face. Ichika and the others also immediately pretended not to care about us.

However, the picture I imagined in my mind did not appear.

There was only Nino's soft response.

"Got it, it will be done soon."

Today's Nino is indeed problematic!

The four sisters looked at each other and read the meaning in each other's eyes.

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