In the room.

Nino had already put on light makeup. Although she was already beautiful enough without makeup, as a girl, who wouldn't want to be more beautiful? She pursed her lipstick-coated lips in front of the mirror and took off her pajamas. She changed into the new clothes prepared on the bed.

A black corset top with a black X-shaped bandage tied around her neck, and a zebra-colored skirt similar to a hip skirt underneath, revealing her extremely slender waist.

Then she tied her signature black bows on both sides of her hair.

Nino's outfit and appearance were just like a model in a fashion magazine.

After changing into high heels, Nino opened the locked door.

She carefully poked her head out, looked around and downstairs, and after not seeing her sisters, she tiptoed out.

If this outfit was seen by her other four sisters, I'm afraid there would be suspicion and ridicule again.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Nino decided to leave secretly.

But what Nino didn't know was.

This morning, she showed her patience which was not in line with her usual style, which directly made her sisters suspicious.

In Yotsuba's room.

The four sisters gently opened the door and poked their heads out to watch Nino walking down the stairs quietly.

Ichika was at the bottom, Miku was second, Yotsuba was third, and Satsuki was at the top.

The four of them were like a human pyramid.

"You guys think, is Nino going out today to date that handsome guy again?"

Ichika asked quietly.

"It's possible. After all, I can't think of anyone else who can make Nino dress like this."

Miku also answered in a low voice.

"Well, we are not going to follow Nino again, but I have something to do (second tone).

Yotsuba looked tangled.

She had promised others the day before yesterday to accompany them to choose shopping.

"Anyway, I'm not going. I'll just stay at home and watch TV."

After saying that, Mayu stretched her head back and lay on the bed with a look of despair.

Following Nino every day makes them look like perverts.

If you have time to follow them, you might as well eat more.

"What about you, Sanjiu?"

Hearing that the other two sisters didn't want to go, Ichika poked Sanjiu

""I have something to do in the afternoon, so I won't go."

Miku said calmly.

In the afternoon, a new game in the style of the Warring States was released, and she wanted to buy it.

If she went to follow Nino, she would have no time to buy it.

In fact, she could also ask others to buy a copy for her, but Miku said she didn't want others to know that she liked anything about the Warring States.

After all, which girl likes the Warring States, isn't it strange?

""Okay then."

Yihua lowered her head in disappointment.

She really wanted to follow him, but two of her three sisters were busy and one didn't want to go, so she didn't feel like going.

Forget it, just stay at home and let it go.


After reaching the elevator, Nino walked around carefully.

After seeing that her sisters really didn't follow her, she finally breathed a sigh of relief and took the elevator down.

Anyway, for some reason, she didn't want her four sisters to find out that she had someone she liked. Maybe, this is tsundere.

The elevator quickly arrived at the first floor, and after walking out.

Nino hummed a little song and walked towards the door happily.

After walking for about a few minutes.

Nino saw the familiar tall white figure outside the door.


He called out softly.

Gojo Satoru, who was looking at the surrounding scenery, turned around and saw Nino with a sweet smile on her face.

"As expected, my 'wife' is beautiful."

He sighed silently in his heart.

A burst of fragrance came to his face.

Nino walked to Gojo Satoru's side.

"You're dressed so beautifully today, it makes me feel inferior."

Gojo Satoru said with a smile

"What? You keep saying useless things."

Nino rolled her eyes in silence.

But, she was so happy that she almost jumped up.

Maybe this is the tsundere girl in love.

"But where are we going today?

Although the itinerary had been arranged last night, Nino still asked

"Huh? Didn’t you arrange it? Hiss~"

Gojo Satoru seemed confused.

Not a girl, you asked me out, didn’t you arrange it?

"How about we go to a cafe?"

"That's fine, as long as it's not a maid cafe."

Nino is not against cafes.

On the contrary, she likes drinking coffee. Of course, the main reason is that she resists maid cafes.

As for why she resists~ naturally, Gojo Satoru is by her side~

"Get in the car, get in my convertible sports car."

Gojo Satoru leaned over the hood of the Kawasaki and said with a smile.

"Isn't this a Kawasaki? How did it become a convertible sports car?"

Nino pouted and said. She adjusted her skirt a little and sat on it.

Seeing Gojo Satoru's waist, Nino hesitated for a moment, then hugged him with a red face, and said stubbornly

"I'm afraid I'll be blown out"

"Hihi (Yes, yes)."

After lifting Nino's hand to let her hold tighter, Gojo Satoru was ready to drive.


There was a roar.

Kawasaki started.

Looking at the scenery flashing by quickly, Nino's eyes could not help but feel relieved.

Isn't this the love she wanted?


(Wow, my Nino wife, one of my favorite wives.)

(Anyway, none of the five sisters can escape. After Nino, it should be Miku. Miku is also my wife.)

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