In the afternoon, at the amusement park.

Gojo Satoru was sitting on a bench drinking Coke, and beside him was Nino, who was also drinking Coke.

In the morning, they went to an ordinary cafe, sat for a while, and then rode to the bay to see the scenery. At noon, they went to eat, and in the afternoon, they naturally came to the amusement park.

Passersby also subconsciously glanced at Nino and Gojo Satoru.

Although Tokyo is an international city with many beautiful women and handsome men.

But Nino's top appearance and Gojo Satoru's extremely tall figure and exposed lower half of his face attracted many passers-by.


At this time, a girl, pushed by her companions, shyly walked in front of Gojo Satoru.


Nino's eyes became dangerous, and the straw in her mouth was directly bitten flat.

"What's wrong?"

With his left hand resting on the back of the bench, Gojo Satoru sat like an old man from Kyoto and asked.


The girl seemed to be asking for someone's contact information for the first time, and she stuttered.

"You can’t do that."

At this time, Nino interrupted directly.

She hugged Gojo Satoru’s arm as if to claim sovereignty, letting his arm squeeze against her chest, and said calmly:

"He has a girlfriend, so do you still want him?"

"Ah hi (yes), sorry (sorry).

The girl bowed 90 degrees and ran away, looking very depressed.

Her companions seemed to comfort her and then gradually left.

""Tsk, didn't they see I was sitting next to you? And you dare to come and ask for my contact information?"

Nino was still holding Gojo Satoru's arm with a look of disdain on her face.

In front of outsiders, her temper cannot be said to be good, it can only be said to be very bad, a little irritable.

Not even half as pretty as she looks, how could she have the courage to come and ask for my contact information.

Hearing this, Gojo Satoru did not speak, but just smiled silently in his heart.

Tsk tsk, this bastard (funny.jpg)

His right arm moved slightly...

Feeling the subtle touch, Nino's face turned red, but she did not let go, pretending to drink Coke as if nothing had happened


"I'll never play this again."

"Who can help me!"


Dozens of people on the bungee jumping machine not far away screamed in fear.

""Gojo-kun, shall we go play the bungee jumping machine?"

Looking at the bungee jumping machine that goes from bottom to top and then drops rapidly, Nino's eyes seem to be twinkling with little stars.

She is a bold girl and is more interested in this kind of exciting entertainment project.

""Okay, let's go."

Gojo Satoru stood up.

But, after all, he was too tall, and Nino was a little tired.

He let go of his right arm, and Nino felt a little disappointed. Gojo Satoru held her hand again.

Feeling the warmth in his palm, Nino smiled calmly.


"So, Nino, you are both a novice and a playful person."

Gojo Satoru said speechlessly while supporting the dizzy Nino.

Just now, after they played a bungee jumping machine, Nino couldn't stand it and almost vomited when she returned to the ground.


Nino hesitated and didn't know what to say. Her face and earlobes were red.

Indeed, it was she who suggested playing the bungee jumping machine, but she couldn't stand it.

After helping Nino sit down on the chair, Gojo Satoru didn't sit down as well, but just rubbed her little head and said,

"Okay, I'll go get you some water and a banana."

Bananas can stop vomiting, which he learned when he was taking care of Hiratsuka Shizuka.


Nino responded softly.

With her purple-tinged sea-blue eyes, she watched Gojo Satoru leave, feeling warm in her heart.


On the other side, he walked to a fruit stand.

Gojo Satoru took three packaged bananas and asked the stall owner who was sitting on a chair playing with his phone.

"How much"

"What kind of fruit?"

Hearing that there was a customer, the stall owner put away his phone and looked up.

However, when he looked up and saw the impressive white hair,

"why is it you again?"

"So, I should ask you, boy, why are you selling fruit here?"

Seeing the appearance of the stall owner, Gojo Satoru smiled.

Isn't this Okumura Rin?

She was working part-time at the store selling 'Kikufuku' before, but today she came to the amusement park to sell fruit.

"Tsk, 2,000 yen, take it."

It seems that Okumura Rin didn't want to explain more about selling fruit in the amusement park, and said with an unhappy look on his face

"Wow, two thousand yen, your banana is made of gold."

Gojo Satoru seemed very shocked and said exaggeratedly.

However, a smile flashed in his eyes under the eye mask.

Obviously, he just wanted to tease the other party.

"Just tell me whether you want it or not."

"I definitely want it."

Gojo Satoru squatted down, propped up his chin, and said jokingly

"Tell me why you came to the amusement park, and I'll buy it."


Okumura Rin rolled his eyes, but when he saw Gojo Satoru's smiling face, he immediately lost his temper and said weakly

"He was fired."

Yesterday, a group of hooligans came to make trouble intentionally, occupying seats and preventing others from buying.

Okumura Rin naturally knew these hooligans.

Some time ago, they molested a middle school student, and he couldn't stand it anymore, so he went up to help the middle school student, but they also had a grudge.

So when these hooligans saw Okumura Rin working, they came to make trouble directly.

Because they kept occupying seats and preventing other customers from buying, and even verbally harassing them, he couldn't stand it anymore, so he started to fight.

The two sides fought, and Okumura Rin relied on his strong body to fight five people alone, and won, but the small shop was inevitably destroyed.

The boss didn't ask Okumura Rin for compensation, but naturally, the money for working was gone.

In this way, Okumura Rin found another job overnight.

Selling fruits in the amusement park, the commission is based on the amount sold

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. Here, two thousand yen."

He took out two thousand yen from somewhere, handed it to the other party, and Gojo Satoru left.

Looking at the brand new two thousand yen in his hand, Okumura Rin curled his lips.

However, he also silently remembered this favor in his heart.

Gojo Satoru was his first customer.

Although some people came to buy before, they left directly after hearing the expensive price.

(This chapter is banned again, I am convinced.)

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