Outside the school gate, the five Nakano sisters rushed to Sobu High School without stopping, while the five of them chattered and blamed each other.

"It's your fault, Yihua, you said you wanted to clean the room this morning, and made us wait so long."

"Why blame me? You should blame Nino. She got up so late to make breakfast, so she was late."

"I told you yesterday that I might have to get up late today, so you should go and steam the buns that I saved before. I also specifically told Mijiu again, didn’t she tell you?"

"……I forgot about it. The main reason is that Siye took me to the convenience store to buy food last night."

"Woohoo, it’s none of my business. It was May who wanted to eat oden, so I dragged Miku to buy it together."

"So whose fault is it that we are quarreling!!! X5"

Speaking of a while ago, because Yotsuba failed the make-up exam, the five sisters transferred to another school together. The place they transferred to was naturally the more famous Sobu High School in Chiba City.

In fact, at the beginning, they wanted to transfer to other colleges, but it happened that a shareholder of Sobu High School was treated by the sisters' adoptive father. When he heard that they were going to transfer, he returned the favor.

The five Nakano sisters transferred to Sobu High School

""Right, right here."

May said breathlessly, bending over and holding her knees.

They had originally taken two taxis, but because of the morning rush hour, they were stuck in traffic.

In order to save time, the five sisters had to get off the taxi and run to school. Although they only ran a few hundred meters, May felt like she was dying.

"But, are we already late?"

Yihua scratched his cheek in embarrassment.

There were almost no students outside the school gate and inside the school, only a few scattered teachers and security guards.

"Well, I am indeed late. The class at Sobu High School starts at 8 o'clock."

Miku looked at the '8:40' displayed on her phone and said seriously

"No way, I'm late on my first day of school."

Nino folded her white arms, speechless.

"So, since we are late, should we climb over the wall?"

Siye said with a silly look on her face.

"Absolutely not! X4" refused in unison.

In response, Yotsuba smiled awkwardly.

""Okay, okay, let's go in."

As the eldest sister, Yihua must take the lead.

As she spoke, she walked to a window of the security booth and knocked on the glass.

"Uncle, we are new transfer students from Sobu High School, can you please open the door?"


The window was opened.

A middle-aged man with a beard came in.

"Are you a transfer student from Sobu High School?" the uncle asked curiously.

"But, what about your uniforms?"

"We, we are late, uncle, and this is the first day,���The uniforms haven't been distributed yet."

Speaking of being late, Ichika's earlobes turned red.

Only the five sisters could be so late on the first day of their transfer.

""Okay, go in."

The uncle didn't hesitate, nodded and pressed the button, and the door opened.

""Thank you, uncle."

After saying thank you, Yihua gestured to the four girls behind him and said"yeah", indicating success.


After entering Sobu High School, the five sisters found that this school was really big. After comparing it with other schools, it was bigger than their previous school.


At this time, the bell for the end of class rang.

The teaching building suddenly emitted an extremely noisy sound.

"Um, Ichika, where are we going now?"

Arriving at a strange school for the first time, Yotsuba was a little scared and held Ichika's clothes, asking timidly.

"Let's go to the principal's office. The uncle told us that we should go directly to the principal's office after we come to Sobu High School, and the principal will assign us to different classes."

Ichika said

"Hmm~ Let me think about it, the principal's office seems to be on the sixth floor, let's go to the sixth floor."

The other four sisters also nodded.


Walking into the teaching building, on the third floor. |

Many students in the corridor noticed the five sisters who looked almost the same, but had different temperaments and hairstyles.

Their eyes were directly attracted to them.

"Oh my god, quintuplets?!"

"Transfer students? Damn, are all the transfer students this pretty now? Xia Chuan was pretty enough before, and now there are quintuplets, and they are still so pretty?"

"It's over, brothers, I'm in love, I love it so much, I fell in love at first sight"

"I think you are just attracted by sex"

"Where, where, I heard there is a beautiful girl, where?"


The eyes of the second-year students in the corridor almost popped out of their heads.

They had seen beautiful girls and twins, but they had never seen quintuplets that were this beautiful.

After their eyes followed the five girls up the stairs to the first floor, they were extremely disappointed.

But, they changed their minds.

These quintuplets might also be second-year students, and they might even be able to enter their class. They became excited again.

The fourth floor.

Nino's face was extremely unhappy.

The eyes of those boys were just like those of apes in heat.

Sure enough, it's still my Gojo...

Eh? Wait, that back.

Seeing a familiar white back in front of her, Nino was startled and shouted with a somewhat uncertain tone:


The figure stopped and turned to look behind him.


Seeing the surprise on the girl's face, Gojo Satoru tilted his head in surprise.

He knew that the five Nakano sisters were going to transfer to another school, but he didn't know that they were actually transferring to Sobu High School.

"It's really you, Gojo-kun."

Nino ran over after leaving her sisters' group, her eyes narrowed into crescent shapes with joy.

"But why are you also in Sobu High School?"

""Huh? Didn't I tell you? I'm a teacher at Sobu High School."

Gojo Satoru said innocently.

"Absolutely not."

Nino was too tired to complain.

She remembered a little bit of everything the other party said, but there was absolutely no mention of being a teacher at Sobu High School.


(Today, I was doing a nationwide nucleic acid test. I got up late, and there were too many people when I went. I waited in line for a long time before I finished.)

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