""Tsk tsk, I didn't expect that handsome guy is actually a teacher at Sobu High School."

Ichika said teasingly.

In their sight, Nino was smiling very happily, and this was happiness from the heart.

When she walked with them, she had a sullen face, and even looked unhappy just now, but when she saw Gojo Satoru, she smiled like a flower.

It seems that Nino is really in love.

"How about we go to the principal's office first? I don't know how long it will take to talk to Nino."

May said with a pout.

She is not interested in dating and liking others. She even feels that it is not as interesting as eating delicious food.

Because of this, Ichika often teases her, saying,"Are you going to spend your whole life with Baozi?"’

"Forget it, let's wait for Nino."

Miku shook her head.

"However, I remember that teacher-student relationships are not allowed."

The stubborn Yotsuba suddenly spoke up.


Three pairs of eyes looked at Yotsuba.

This made her touch the back of her head, and took a step back in fear.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"No, you are right, Yotsuba, but don't say that again next time."

Yika said with a gloomy face

"Yotsuba, what a spoiler."

Miku also complained.

Mayu didn't care much, she took out her phone and watched short videos.

However, the short videos were all about food, which made her drool.

It looks so delicious~ I'll ask Nino to help make one when I get home.

The four sisters were either chatting or watching short videos, waiting for Nino who was"in love".

The first-year students in the corridor were curiously watching the four sisters chatting with Gojo Satoru at the stairs, and then they all exclaimed and whispered to each other. You can guess without listening that they must be saying"so beautiful" again. The quintuplets’……

Class F of the first year.

A boy in the class suddenly ran back from the corridor, looking hurried and anxious, and shouted in fear:

"Big news, big news, Gojo Sensei was hit on by a super beautiful girl!!!"

""Nani (what)! ? Xn"

Everyone exclaimed.

Even Jian Qiming, who was sleeping in the back row, raised his head curiously.

""Kuso (damn it), although Mr. Gojo is handsome, tall, and very elegant, I will never allow any girl to approach him! He is my most respected teacher!" The man who spoke was a boy.

He roared with tears on his face, his expression full of tragic grandeur.

Are you sure you are not jealous?

Everyone in the class silently complained in their hearts

""Hey, Makoto, Benio, Naru-chan, shall we go check it out?"

Kitagawa Umi was excited.

She also wanted to see how Gojo Satoru would be approached by a beautiful girl. That scene must be very interesting!

Hearing this, Natsukawa Makoto, who wanted to go out, nodded without hesitation.

Benio touched her chin and thought for a while, then nodded slightly.

If it was Gojo-sensei, then there must be a reason for being approached.

As for our Naru-chan, that is, Mizaki Naru, she supported her head with her right hand and said sleepily.

"You guys go, I won't go, I still need to sleep."

I read mystery novels all night last night, and now I can get up on time for school, all thanks to the biological alarm clock.

After saying that, she lay on the table and fell asleep in just a few seconds.

Seeing that Qi Ming seemed to be asleep, Kitagawa Haimeng suppressed her voice and said softly

""Let's go, let's go out and take a look."

The three girls left their seats quietly.

When they reached the door, they saw Gojo Satoru not far away and Nino with her back to him.

"From the back, she looks like a beautiful girl."

Kitagawa Umi commented

"But there are so many back-shadow killers."

Natsukawa Shinryo said with some resentment in his heart.

Maybe this is the real 'love-brained' girl.


Kanono Hongo said nothing, but watched intently.

Under the gaze of everyone in Class F, Gojo Satoru and Nino chatted for about five or six minutes.

""Okay, okay, Nino, you and your sisters go to the principal, otherwise, I always feel like I'll be killed."

Gojo Satoru was the first to stop chatting, and pointed his slender index finger at the stairs.

Nino looked back and saw her four sisters playing with their phones in boredom, and her face turned red.

It's over, I only cared about Gojo-kun and forgot about Ichika and the others.

"Then, I will leave first, Gojo-kun."

Nino waved her hand reluctantly.

"Well, bye."

Gojo Satoru also waved his hand.

After seeing Nino trotting back to the four sisters, he nodded to Ichika and the others and gestured.

Ichika and the others also responded politely, and then turned around and left with Nino.


When I left, the bell for class rang.

Everyone who had watched the show went back to their respective classes, and Gojo Satoru went straight back to his office.

After all, this class was not his.


Teacher's office.

After opening the door, Gojo Satoru saw the student he met this morning.

Kitahara Iori

""Hey, a naked boy."

With a teasing smile, Gojo Satoru greeted him.

""Wuwuwu, you are finally here, teacher!"

Kitahara Iori seemed to have been wronged. He fell at Gojo Satoru's feet like a vicious dog and started crying.

"Please help me to unlock the handcuffs."

Yes, in the morning, Gojo Satoru left directly without unlocking the handcuffs for Kitahara Iori. Kitahara Iori came back with the look of a prisoner, and was laughed at on the way, but fortunately he was thick-skinned enough not to care.

After class, he went straight to Chihiro Chigoku's office, which was Gojo Satoru's office.


Gojo Satoru suddenly realized and sat down on the chair.

"I forgot to bring my keys, too. Hehe."

He knocked his head cutely and stuck out his tongue.

Ugh - in an instant, Kitahara Iori lay on the trash can and vomited non-stop.

"Hey, you little bastard."

Gojo Satoru stepped on the other's drum unhappily.

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