Gojo Satoru was holding a lollipop in his mouth, flipping through the phone notes of"Chitanda Eru" on his phone.

In the first class in the morning, he found that Chitanda Eru did not come to school, and did not even say that she had asked for leave.

So he had no choice but to call and ask in person.

After flipping through it, he found it and called directly.


The waiting sound lasted for a long time.

Just when I was about to hang up, the call finally got through.

""Hello, Gojo-sensei."

Chitanda Eru's voice was hoarse and listless on the phone.

Hearing this hoarse voice, Gojo Satoru raised his eyebrows.

"Chitanda-san, what's wrong with you?"

"Sorry, Mr. Gojo, I forgot to ask for leave."

"Let’s not talk about asking for leave for now. What’s wrong with you?"

"Okay, yeah~——, Actually, I don’t know why I have nightmares so often recently. Every time I wake up in the morning, I have a headache and dark circles under my eyes, as if I didn’t sleep."

Hearing this, Gojo Satoru stopped stirring in his mouth.���Lollipop.

On the phone, Chitanda Eru was also talking to herself.

"I didn’t take it seriously at first, but this nightmare has continued until now, like a TV series. Every time I dream, I am chased by a fog-like thing."

"Today, I couldn't stand the headache any more, so I told my parents and they helped me find the priests in the shrine. I just fell asleep again. I'm sorry, Mr. Gojo, I didn't ask for leave for you. The girl's words made Gojo Satoru ponder for a while.

"Give me your home address"


Chitanda Eru was a little confused.

"I said, I came here as a teacher to see my lovely students"

"What a cute student."

Chitanda Eru on the phone seemed a little shy and muttered, but she also gave the address.


After writing down the address, Gojo Satoru also reminded

"You are not allowed to sleep any more. If you are really too sleepy, just set the alarm and wait for me to come over. Do you hear me?"


After hearing the response, Gojo Satoru also hung up the phone.

After chewing the lollipop in his mouth, he thought to himself

"It must be caused by a demon."

The filth in the disaster field can do this, so only the demons in hell and the void can do this.


At this time, the door was opened.

A golden figure rushed directly into Gojo Satoru's arms.

"Ah~~, I haven't seen you for a few days."

Toji Nanai raised her little head and smiled foolishly.

Hmm~ It's still the same good smell as before.

Rubbing Toji Nanai's light golden hair in his arms, Gojo Satoru asked curiously

"Why are you here so late today?"

"Ah, this……"

Toji Nanai was a little embarrassed.

She couldn't say that her father had been talking about finding a partner this morning, and for some reason she suddenly said that she had a partner.

This surprised her father so much that he asked her to bring him over to see him.

After a few perfunctory words, Toji Nanai came to Sobu High School.

"Forget it, let’s not talk about this for now."

After putting the ‘girl’ in his arms down, Gojo Satoru continued

"When Xiaojing comes back from get out of class later, tell her that I have something to do today and ask her to substitute for me."


Like a commissioned soldier, Toji Nazhai made a strange military salute.

This amused Gojo Satoru so much that he pinched her cheeks and turned away.

But Toji Nazhai stayed there stupidly, holding her cheeks with both hands, with a mysterious blush on her face, smiling foolishly.

"Hey, Gojo-kun pinched my face, pinched my face……"

It’s a small step, but it’s a big step forward in the relationship!


According to the address provided by Chitanda Eru, Gojo Satoru walked to the outside of a courtyard full of ancient charm.


I knocked on the door.

A few seconds later, I heard footsteps coming from the door, and then it opened.

"Hello, who are you?"

The person who opened the door was a middle-aged woman in a kimono.

"I am Chitanda Eru's homeroom teacher. I heard that she was sick, so I came to visit her."

Gojo Satoru explained.

"So you are the young lady's teacher, please come in, the young lady told me before that you would come to visit."

The middle-aged woman suddenly realized, quickly made way, and said respectfully.

Gojo Satoru nodded and walked in.

However, as soon as he entered, he did not feel any breath, even the breath of the devil.

It was a bit strange

"Please follow me, the eldest lady is in the room."

After bowing, the middle-aged woman made a gesture of invitation and led the way.

Following behind her, after a few circles, the two of them also stopped outside a room.

""Miss, your teacher is here."

The middle-aged woman standing outside the door called softly.


The sound of bare feet stepping on the floor came from the room, and then it was opened.

"Chitanda-san, it seems that you have indeed become a national treasure panda."

Looking at his student's appearance, Gojo Satoru couldn't help but laugh.

Chitanda Eru's face was pale, and her originally beautiful big eyes now revealed deep fatigue, with deep dark circles under her eyes, and her beautiful black long hair was extremely messy.

"I am like this and you are still laughing at me, Gojo-sensei."

Chitanda Eru's voice was still hoarse as she pouted.

"Please come in."

Gojo Satoru walked in without saying anything else.

The middle-aged woman beside him also left tactfully, pulling the door of the room up again with both hands and closing it.

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