In the corridor,

Shizuka Hiratsuka walked towards her second-year J class.

She was a lazy person, but now she is becoming a hardworking teacher at Sobu High School.

""This guy Wu, he makes me substitute for him every day."

She complained.

It was really not a good thing to let this guy come to Sobu High School as a teacher. He was either lazy or on the way to being lazy every day.

With a sigh, Shizuka Hiratsuka wanted to open the door of the classroom.

However, the sound in the classroom stopped her.

"I'm a three-man team, who wants me?"

"No, teacher, I’m from the same family as you, why are you eating me?"

"Don't worry about the details, I will lead you to win, don't worry"

"Hey, I want to eat you, teacher."

"Oh, you have a bit of temper. I want to see you eat me."


Hearing the voice of a white-haired monster mixed in with the noisy voice, Shizuka Hiratsuka's mouth twitched.

If I heard correctly, it was that guy Wu.

Shizuka Hiratsuka opened the door of the classroom with her right hand and looked inside.

She saw that the tidy classroom was in a mess.���The tables were put together, and there were more than a dozen people watching outside. Four people were sitting on chairs inside playing poker.

Her students Hayato Hayama and Sho Tobe had their faces covered with white paper strips. The guy who was a little better was Kazuto Kiritani, who only had one strip.

Gojo Satoru, on the other hand, was squatting on a chair like a gangster, with an unlit cigarette in his mouth. He didn't have a single strip of paper on his face.

"Three Js with 3, do you want to eat it, teacher?"

Hubu Xiang said proudly

""Tsk, that's all."

Gojo Satoru sneered, took out four cards, and threw them



The students watching the game exclaimed

"Can't afford"

"I told you not to go out, Xiang, the teacher must have a bomb in his hand"

"I, I don't know either, Hayato"

""Forget it, let me eat you, teacher."

Hayato Hayama said with a firm face.

After playing for more than ten times, they always lost. Even he couldn't help but feel a desire for revenge.

"Four A's"

"Hey, sorry"

"Then I will continue to play, straight."

After putting the cards down, Hayato Hayama only had one card left, and he became excited.

"No one wants it, no one wants it, I'm leaving. I'm done.……"

"Who told you that no one wants you? You can leave now."

He raised his left hand, and a ferocious expression appeared on Gojo Satoru's face. Then he took out the last two cards in his hand and slapped them.

"King bomb, uh hahaha"


Tobe Sho screamed in pain. Hayama

Hayato also covered his head in grief.

There was no place on their faces to stick the note. Even when they looked at the cards or played the cards, they could only play through the narrow seam.

""Teacher, you are awesome."

With only a piece of paper on his face, Kiritani Kazuto was full of admiration.

He didn't want to play cards and didn't even know how to play, but was dragged by Gojo Satoru to join the group. The result was unexpected.

Except for the first game where he and Gojo Satoru lost on the opposite side, they were always a team and won all the time. After winning, putting the paper on the other person's face really felt a bit inexplicably refreshing.

"Hahaha, who am I? I am the modern God of Gamblers."

Standing on the chair, Gojo Satoru put his hands on his hips and laughed.

But, as he laughed, he suddenly found that the noisy classroom suddenly became quiet.


Miura Yumiko, who had been sitting next to Gojo Satoru and watching the show, pulled the corner of Gojo Satoru's clothes and called out softly.

""Hiratsuka teacher is here.""

Huh? Shizuka is here.

Gojo Satoru turned around and saw that it was Shizuka Hiratsuka with a dark face.

""Hehe, Xiao Jing."

Gojo Satoru smiled awkwardly.

Hiratsuka Shizuka didn't say anything, but raised his fist with a dark face.

"Go to hell!"



Seeing Gojo Satoru on the floor, who seemed to have lost his soul, everyone hurriedly put away the tables and chairs, trying to put them back in their original positions.

""Teacher, teacher, you are not dead."

Ichika poked Gojo Satoru with her finger.

After poking a few times,

Gojo Satoru seemed to have regained his soul. He did a somersault, posed, and said handsomely.

"Don't worry, the teacher is fine, he just has a concussion."


Hiratsuka Shizuka rolled her eyes.

What concussion? Didn't she know how hard her own punch was?

Ichika covered her mouth and smiled.

Unexpectedly, Nino's boyfriend who looked so handsome and had such a unique personality turned out to be a funny guy. This was too much of a contrast.

Of course, if Ichika saw Gojo Satoru's tyrannical smile in the amusement park a while ago, she would never think so. Gojo

Satoru was indeed funny, but this 'funny' was not funny at all.

"You can start to quibble, what's wrong with playing cards."

Hiratsuka Shizuka crossed her arms and said with an unhappy look on her face.

"Ah, this, um, this……"

Gojo Satoru rubbed the back of his head, looking thoughtful, but his footsteps quietly moved towards the door.

"Goodbye, Xiaojing!"

He quickly opened the door and rushed out.

Hiratsuka Shizuka, who was still standing there, was stunned.

She didn't expect that he would just run away like this.


He ran out of the teaching building and walked into a pavilion.

Gojo Satoru finally breathed a sigh of relief, took out his phone and prepared to order takeout, talking nonstop.

"It seems that I have to stay out of the spotlight this morning. By the way, where did Xiao Jing order the takeaway from before? Ah~ How troublesome, why not just go and apologize directly?"

‘Ding, ding——’

Just then, the bell for the end of class rang.

It was time for lunch break.

A large group of students rushed down from the teaching building. These students did not bring lunch boxes and were going to buy bread.

At the same time, two figures of a man and a woman walking together appeared in Gojo Satoru's sight.

One of the women was the legendary bitch Akane, Akane Minakawa, and the other was a man with glasses and an honest look, Zhong Jingming.

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