"Teacher Minagawa, shall we go out to eat together later? I know there is a very popular Chinese restaurant recently, and the food there is very delicious."

Zhong Jingminghai said like a dog licker

"I heard there are many internet celebrities here, so you might bump into them if you go there."

"A Chinese restaurant? If Zhong Jing wants to go, I can go."

Still wearing her signature smile, Akane Minakawa said gently, but halfway through she turned distressed.

"But I don't have enough money. Chinese restaurants are expensive, right?"

She did have enough money. After all, she was with a rich man. But there was another human-shaped ATM machine in front of her. If she didn't let the other party spit out some money, would she still be Akane Minakawa?

So, hurry up and say"I'll treat you".

From the side that no one else could see, Akane Minakawa's mouth curved up.

Sure enough, the next second.

Zhong Jingming's words satisfied her.

"It's okay, Mr. Minagawa. I was the one who invited you to dinner. It's normal for me to treat you to dinner."You are worthy of being my dog.

Minagawa Akane felt very happy at the moment, and was ready to accompany her little dog to dinner.

Her eyes kept scanning the surroundings to see if there were any handsome boys or something, but when her eyes scanned the pavilion, she stopped.

Gojo Satoru was sitting on a bench in the pavilion, looking at the two of them with curiosity.


Akane Minakawa smiled and shouted in a deliberately clipped voice.

This shout made Zhong Jingming next to her jealous, and she also looked towards the pavilion.

""So tall!"

He was deeply shocked by the height when he saw it for the first time.

Although there was a distance of more than ten meters, he could still see that Gojo Satoru was extremely tall. Anyway, even he had to look up to see


Before Zhong Jingminghai could recover from the shock, Minakawa Akane trotted into the pavilion.

""Gojo-sensei, aren't you going to eat yet?"

Sitting next to Gojo Satoru, Akane Minakawa said in a serious tone.

"If you don't eat, you will get stomach problems. Stomach problems are very uncomfortable. My friend had it before. He didn't eat lunch every day. Well, it happens that I haven't eaten yet. Do you want to go with me?"

"It's none of your business whether I eat or not."

Gojo Satoru glanced at the other party and said.

Damn, I just used my six eyes to curiously look at the other party's soul, and the filthiness of the soul almost ruined my eyes.

Hearing this, Akane Minakawa was embarrassed.

After all, she was also flattered by many lickers, and now she is a little unhappy to be said like this.

Seeing that Akane Minakawa seemed to want to leave, and looking at Zhong Jingming who had been waiting outside the pavilion, Gojo Satoru changed his mind.

"Anyway, I don't know where to eat, so why don't I let them treat me?"

Thinking of this, he thought it was okay and cleared his throat.

"That's fine, let's go eat together."

I'll make you bankrupt."

Akane Minakawa was delighted."

Little guy, I'm just controlling you."

The two walked out of the pavilion, and Akane Minakawa said to Zhong Jingming with a gentle face.

""Teacher Zhong Jing, this is Teacher Gojo, the new teacher of Sobu High School. He just hasn't eaten yet. Can I ask him to come with us? Can I? Ming Hai."

At the end, she even stood on tiptoe and whispered intimate words and blew a breath into Zhong Jing Ming Hai's ear.

This made Zhong Jing Ming Hai blush and said in panic

"It's okay, we are all colleagues, I will treat you this time"

"Wow, that's great."

Akane Minakawa clapped her hands in a very cooperative manner, with a look of admiration on her face.

Gojo Satoru's eyelids twitched wildly when he saw this.

This bitch Akane is really overacting.


In a Chinese restaurant,

Zhong Jingminghai paid the bill with a tearful look on his face.

He never expected that the desserts in this Chinese restaurant would be so expensive. He shouldn't have said before that he could order whatever he wanted as long as he could finish it. But, his goddess was right next to him, so he had to pay for it no matter how expensive it was.

After paying the bill for the next few days, Zhong Jingminghai was worried about what to eat in the next few days.

"Well, Mr. Zhong Jing, I'll leave first. I have classes in the afternoon and I need to prepare for them."

After saying that, without waiting for the other party's response, Akane Minakawa left.

When the other party's back completely disappeared from his sight, Zhong Jing Minghai lowered his head in disappointment.

I thought this meal could promote the relationship, but there was no progress at all.

"I really don't know, why do you like Akane Minakawa so much? What postures do you like her in?"

At some point, Gojo Satoru appeared beside him and asked calmly,

"No, Minagawa-sensei, you give me a very special feeling, I will not give up pursuing her."

Zhong Jingminghai said with a firm face.

If you catch her, you will be bullied every day and become a minotaur.

Gojo Satoru rolled his eyes speechlessly.

This kind of person is completely hopeless. I remember that in the original work of the previous life, Zhong Jingminghai did catch up with Minagawa Akane, but Minagawa Akane said,"I might cheat every day", and this guy said,"I don't recommend it." Damn

, even if the Bull Demon King comes, I have to swear brotherhood with you and call you"Big Brother" respectfully.’

"This is my meal money."

Gojo Satoru took out several thousand yen from his pocket and handed it over.

"Here you go"

"No, no, how can this be possible? After all, it was me who said I would treat you."

Zhong Jingminghai was full of resistance and quickly refused.

However, Gojo Satoru did not give him a chance. After forcing the money in, he left. After all, he was only targeting Akane Minakawa. Zhong Jingminghai, an honest man, was innocent after all. He had to pay for the meal. He didn't want to owe anyone a favor.

Looking at the thousands of yen in his hand, Zhong Jingminghai was stunned.

Gojo teacher, what a good person!

He sighed in his heart.

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