Home of Love.

Gojo Satoru was tickling the kitten in his arms, stroking its head and body.

The kitten didn't seem to be disgusted at all, and looked very happy. It even purred softly.

""Oh, you're so good, come on, do a backflip."

Gojo Satoru grabbed the kitten's front legs and made a gesture.

This made Yukinoshita Yukino, who was watching with envy, unable to sit still and quickly spoke up to stop him.

"Teacher, you are forcing the cat to do something that is beyond its ability. Which kitten can do a backflip?"

But, just as he finished speaking... the kitten actually did a backflip.

"Meow meow meow——"

The baby voice is crying, as if asking for credit.

""Fuck, that's awesome!"

Gojo Satoru clapped his hands, looking amazed.

"No way……"

Yukinoshita Yukino fell silent.

She had liked cats for so long, but this was the first time a cat could do a backflip.

With a grin on his face, Gojo Satoru seemed to have come up with an idea, and with a tug of his right hand, he took off the blindfold.���Come, gently put it on the kitten's head, covering its eyes.

The kitten did not resist, but just scratched its claws with a little curiosity.

"From now on, you will be Gojo Satoru's new cat version."

Gojo Satoru said with a smile.


The kitten nodded in agreement.

This made Gojo Satoru laugh.

"Hey, Xueno, why don't you tease it? I don't think it's annoying to you either.……"

Gojo Satoru picked up the kitten and turned to ask Yukinoshita Yukino who was standing next to him.

However, Yukinoshita Yukino just stared at him blankly. After their eyes met for a second, she turned her head away in panic and said calmly:

"I didn't expect you to be so handsome, teacher."

""Huh? This is Murong's question."

Gojo Satoru said proudly, but after he finished speaking, he put on a teasing smile and approached Yukinoshita Yukino and asked

"Could it be that, Yukino, you are stunned by my stunning beauty?"

"Yes, I was amazed by your pig face. And, you didn't even call your classmates this time?"

Yukinoshita Yukino regained her usual calmness and said speechlessly

"Kusuo (damn it), being called a pig-faced person is something that makes me a little unhappy."

Gojo Satoru continued to tease the kitten, looking unhappy.

Seeing Gojo Satoru making the kitten very happy, Yukinoshita Yukino smiled softly in her heart.

In fact, to be honest, she was indeed amazed just now.

But after all, she is not a face control. Apart from the face, she was amazed mainly by the harmonious picture of Gojo Satoru and the kitten.

For cat lovers, no one can help but be amazed.

"Eh? So, are you a female or a male?"

Gojo Satoru's confused words came to her ears.

Yukinoshita Yukino was stunned, then she hurriedly shouted

"don't want…"

""Ah, it's a female."

Lifting the kitten's legs, Gojo Satoru suddenly understood.


A crisp sound of hitting

"It hurts so much."

Gojo Satoru covered his head with tears in his eyes, looking innocently at Yukinoshita Yukino who picked up the kitten.

"Why did you hit me, Yukino?"

"Teacher, are you a fool? You don't know the difference between men and women, even if it's a kitten."

Yukinoshita Yukino exudes a cold breath, with a dark face.

"Got it, got it."

Gojo Satoru pouted.

Damn it, a mere Hirano dared to teach me a lesson. I'll show you how I'll deal with you when we get to know each other.

Well, the familiarity I'm talking about is another kind of familiarity.


After dusk

, Gojo Satoru and Yukinoshita Yukino left the House of Love after saying"Welcome to come again next time".

"As expected, it just likes you more."

Yukinoshita Yukino said with a sour tone.

During this period of time, it was all Gojo Satoru who interacted with the kitten. Even if she picked up the kitten, it would struggle and run towards a white-haired person after a while.

"Maybe I am more handsome?"

After putting on the eye mask again, Gojo Satoru pondered for a while and said seriously:


Yukinoshita Yukino did not refute this.

If even Gojo Satoru is not considered a handsome guy, then the others are probably the ultimate ugly men.

"Then, I'll leave first, okay?"

Gojo Satoru said, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Huh? I thought you were going to be like the male protagonist in the comics and send the girl home before leaving."

Yukinoshita Yukino covered her mouth, her tone was full of surprise, but she said calmly.

"I don't want to, shouldn't a girl send me home?"

Gojo Satoru rolled his eyes and said as a matter of course.

In response, Yukinoshita Yukino shrugged, walked forward, and waved her hand, leaving only a cold voice.

"Goodbye, teacher."


After saying that, Gojo Satoru turned and left.

However, he did not teleport home directly, but walked slowly towards another road.

That road was the home of his student...

Chitanda Eru.


【[Unlimited·Forward rotation technique·Teleport]

Teleporting to an empty high-rise building, Gojo Satoru quietly looked at the busy traffic and the bustling crowd below.

When saying goodbye to Yukinoshita Yukino, his six eyes detected a demonic power.

The essence of this demonic power is the same as the black air lingering in Chitanda Eru's brain.

This time, he came here to completely eradicate the demon.

After taking out his mobile phone and sending a message to Koumako and Kanono Akao, asking them to order takeout tonight, Gojo Satoru sat down gently.

He was waiting for the demon to show up. As long as he showed a little breath, the six eyes would be able to detect it. Then he would teleport to solve it and go home.

(In the chapter about Nino, I wrote about chest binding, and I didn't say that it was missed. It may be because of the illustration problem, which made you think it was missed. I will be more rigorous when looking for illustrations in the future.)

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