Chitanda House.

Kikyo knelt on the white mat, her dark eyes tightly closed.

She was regulating her body's state... but suddenly, she suddenly opened her eyes.

""Is he coming?"

With a whisper, Kikyo picked up the bow and arrow that had been placed beside her.

She stood up, pushed open the door, and walked into the yard.

Kikyo kept looking around.

She stayed here all night just to see if the mysterious man would come to Chitanda's house.

But as she expected, he really came.

""Miss Kikyo, what's wrong with you?"

At this time, 'Chitanda Eru' suddenly came out from the other side.

She held the fruit in the bowl in both hands, with a puzzled look on her face.

As she spoke, she kept approaching.

Kikyo did not reply, and her pair of bright eyes looked at this 'young lady'.

She stepped back a few steps with her long legs in wooden clogs, and she shouted loudly.

"Devil, what are you still pretending to be here for?"

‘Chitanda Eru was stunned, and shook her head in panic.

""No, no, Miss Kikyo, I just came to deliver some fruit."

As if she really had been suspected of mistaking someone, her eyes were full of tears, and she looked very pitiful.

However, Kikyo didn't buy it.

Her beautiful face was full of coldness, and she even picked up a bow and arrow, pulled out an arrow from her back, and aimed it at Chitanda Eru.’

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Chitanda Tadayoshi's anxious voice and footsteps came from afar

‘Tap tap tap——’

With a burst of hurried footsteps, Chitanda Tadayoshi ran into the yard, accompanied by his wife.

"Miss Kikyo, what happened?"

Seeing the shrine maiden aiming an arrow at her daughter, Chitanda Tadayoshi, who was eager to protect her daughter, subconsciously opened his arms to block the way.

And behind him, Chitanda Eru showed a weird smile when no one could see.

"Mr. Chitanda, please leave."

Kikyo frowned and said, moving the bow slightly away.

"This is not your daughter."


Hearing this, Chitanda Tadayoshi looked back at his daughter in disbelief.

And Chitanda Eru also put on a pitiful look again.

""Dad, don't believe her. I'm real. This Kikyo must have been replaced!"

Hearing this familiar voice and face, Chitanda Tadayoshi felt a little unreal.

Squinting his eyes, he silently lowered his arms and pulled���My wife quietly walked to the other side.


Seeing Kikyo's arrow pointed at her again, Chitanda Eru panicked again.

This time, not only Chitanda Tadayoshi felt something was wrong, but even his wife felt that this was definitely not her daughter.

Although her face and clothes were the same, her temperament and tone of voice were not right.

"Haha, hahahahaha"

‘Chitanda Eru' laughed up to the sky, her face looked extremely crazy

"I didn't expect that I could be seen through by a mere human. It seems that my disguise skills are getting worse and worse. I wanted to tease you guys, but it's boring."

The voice was no longer the lively voice of a young girl, but the hoarse voice of a middle-aged woman.


Without hesitation, Kikyo covered the arrow with her cursed power.

With a sound of breaking through the air, the arrow pierced through the body of 'Chitanda Eru' in the blink of an eye, leaving a big hole.

This made Chitanda Tadayoshi and the others who were watching from the side close their eyes reluctantly.

Although they knew that this was a demon disguised as their daughter, they really couldn't bear to see a demon with the same face as their daughter being pierced by an arrow, and their hearts were in pain.

Although there was a big hole in its body, the demon was not injured and was still grinning.

A gust of wind blew, and many small black balls were scattered around, covering the entire yard.

Even Chitanda Tadayoshi and the others, who were ordinary people, could clearly see these little demons

"What did you do to Chitanda Eru?"

Hanging up the arrow again, Kikyo asked coldly

"What happened?"

The devil tilted his head, thought for a while, and then showed an extremely evil smile.

"Of course I have to kill her. After all, she has such a strong vitality. If I don’t kill her and absorb it, do I have to keep it for the New Year?"

"Damn it."

Kikyo's face turned ugly.

When Chitanda Tadayoshi and the others heard that their daughter had been killed, their eyes suddenly turned black and they fell to the ground, muttering

"How could it be possible, my daughter, my daughter……"

""Go to hell, demon!"

With an angry cry, the arrows hit the demon at high speed.

However, this was far from stopping, and there were several more following closely.

The powerful curse power covered the arrows, like a heavy sniper rifle, directly smashing the demon's limbs and even the body.

"Are you angry already? You are such sentimental creatures."

With a calm voice, a burst of magic power instantly erupted.

A figure slowly stood up. It turned out to be a demon with a rotten dog face, three meters tall, and wearing a black robe.

"Humans are such pathetic creatures, so weak, even your strongest human."

A female voice like a tractor came out of the dog-faced man.

Kikyo's expression froze.

The magic power of this demon was the strongest she had ever encountered!

But at this moment, a huge 'tent' fell from the sky, covering the entire area.

"What is this? X2"

The devil and Kikyo were stunned

""Eh~ You're really ugly, you devil."

The sudden male voice made the two (?) look in the direction of the voice.

They saw that it was the extremely eye-catching Gojo Satoru who appeared in their vision, and the person in his arms was Chitose who the devil said was"dead".���Airu

"I wanted to watch for a while longer."

Gojo Satoru gently put down the unconscious Chitanda Eru in his arms, raised his head and looked at the devil with a surprisingly calm face, and asked

"You, again, say that humans are pathetic creatures?"


(Kikyo's setting is slightly changed to use cursed power)

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