At this moment, it seems that the air, space, and time have all frozen.……

""Eru! X2"

Two exclamations broke the silence.

Chitanda Tadayoshi and the other ran to the unconscious Chitanda Eru, and the lady hugged her and cried bitterly.

Not disturbed by the two people behind him, Gojo Satoru's eyes were cold under the eye mask, and the pressure emanating from his body made the demon dare not breathe.

After a few seconds of confrontation,

"Who are you? Onmyoji or exorcist!?"

The demon summoned up his courage and asked in a deep voice.

His body had already adjusted to the best counterattack and attack posture.

The burning magic covered his whole body, illuminating the slightly dark courtyard.

"I'll ask you to say it again."

Gojo Satoru repeated what he said before.

As soon as he said this, the devil's face suddenly became ferocious and he roared:

"Am I wrong? You are just a human being.……"


A huge explosion sounded.

The lower half of the demon's body exploded on the spot, blood splattered everywhere, and the upper half of his body collapsed on the ground, his narrow eyes filled with disbelief.

How could it be possible? I didn't even see when he made the move.……


The light footsteps sounded like the death taking away the life.

Gojo Satoru raised his right foot and stepped hard on the demon's head, leaning down and smiling.

"Say it again?"

"No, don't!"

The devil finally panicked, and his panicked look made Gojo Satoru look extremely happy.

Even Kikyo, who was watching, couldn't stand this scene.

How come the devil became a decent guy and Gojo Satoru became a villain?

Rubbing the devil's face with his right foot, Gojo Satoru continued to ask

"What is 1000-7?"


The demon was obviously a little confused.

Why did he suddenly ask such an irrelevant question?


The narrow eyes suddenly exploded.

The blood that splattered was automatically isolated by the [Unlimited Spell]

"Ahhhhh, 993, it’s 993!"

The demon answered in pain.

He subconsciously tried to cover his eyes, but there was a pressure that prevented him from moving.

"1000-7, what is that?"

Gojo Satoru asked again, like a repeater.

""It's 993, it's 993-sama!" the devil said quickly.

However, Gojo Satoru showed a confused expression.

"Wow, you answered too quickly!"


Explosive arms with muscles


The painful sensation caused the demon to scream

"1000-7, what is it equal to?"

Gojo Satoru asked.

Hearing this question again, the demon was really about to cry. He was stunned for a moment and then his eyes exploded. When he answered quickly, his arms exploded. What else do you want from me?

After two seconds of thinking, he spoke carefully.

"Equal to 993 adults"

"Hmm? Why are you taking so long to answer this time?"


The upper half of the body exploded again, and the purple-red heart appeared in the head.

As long as the heart of the demon in the void world is not completely shattered, it can still survive.

"Kill me, kill me quickly, you devil!"

The devil has gone completely crazy, roaring crazily.

This made Gojo Satoru and Kikyo speechless.

Brother, you are the devil, right? Why are you calling others devils?

It can be seen that the devil has been tortured and gone crazy.

"Remember, in your next life, if someone asks you what 1000-7 equals, don't answer."

As soon as he finished speaking, Gojo Satoru stepped down lightly with his right foot.


The remaining body turned into blood and exploded.

At the same time, it accidentally splashed on Kikyo's white shrine maiden costume, which made her look disgusted.

I decided to wash this dress 20 times, not 50 times.

Gojo Satoru, who had no blood on his body, glanced at Chitanda Eru's position. Chitanda

Tadayoshi and the other two looked at him blankly.


"Chitanda-san is fine, she just had some of her life force sucked out, but I've healed her, she might wake up soon."

Gojo Satoru regained his usual smile.

"Thank you, thank you so much, sir!"

Chitanda Tadayoshi hurried over, held Gojo Satoru's right hand with both hands, bowed and nodded to express his gratitude.

"If it weren't for you, my beloved daughter……"

At this point, he choked up.

"It's all right now."

Pulling his right hand away, Gojo Satoru patted the other's shoulder.

"Then I'll leave. By the way, don't tell her that I did it. I'm afraid of trouble."

He said with a headache.

According to this girl's habits, if she knew that the homeroom teacher was the legendary Yin Yang Master, she would definitely come to ask questions every day, and I'm afraid she would always say"I'm curious".

If it was other beautiful girls or students, he would care about how to show off, but forget about Chitanda Eru. It's not that he doesn't like her, but he's afraid of a headache every day.

"Kikyo, I don't recommend adding a contact number."

Walking in front of Kikyo, Gojo Satoru took out his cell phone and said in an unusually casual manner:

"Contact information?"

Kikyo was stunned, then nodded.


Su Shou took out an old flip phone from the arrow frame.


Looking at the flip phone in the other person's hand and then at his own smartphone, Gojo Satoru was silent.

"She is indeed a village girl"

"What is a village girl? I won't add it anymore."

Hearing this exclamation, Kikyo blushed and wanted to take back her phone in anger.

She was just too lazy to change her phone. How could she become a village girl by using a flip phone from many years ago?

In the end, Kikyo and Gojo Satoru exchanged phone numbers.

(When I was uploading the chapter, the network was stuck, and I uploaded two identical chapters. I deleted it directly later. Don't subscribe. No one subscribes, right?)

(Sorry, this is my mistake)

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