Looking at the robot that suddenly walked out, Jiang Yuan was shocked to find that the doctor's breath had turned into two!

Among the second machine, there was a life breath that was almost identical to the doctor, and even he couldn't distinguish it if he didn't look closely.

"Let your Montenegro make a way for me, and I'll move the base in.

Machine Two spoke lightly, and his tone was exactly the same as that of the Doctor.

Jiang Yuan looked left and then again, and asked, "Is there still the No. 3 machine?" "

You guess?"

Jiang Yuan didn't want to ask, he didn't have time to study the secrets of the doctor now, so he had to hurry up and complete the task.

He decided to take a few commanders to explore the road and confirm the situation in and around Anshi.

If Anshi is controlled by zombies, it will be simple, he can just go and kill the leader of Montenegro.

But if it is controlled by spirit beasts or human awakened people, it will be much more troublesome.

"By the way, in addition to sharing your technology with the humans of Jiangbei, have you shared it with others?" Jiang Yuan suddenly turned around and asked.

The doctor said lightly: "Yes, all the places that have access to the Internet have received the technology I shared. Jiang


"..."This pig teammate!"

"Don't panic, what I provide is only basic technology, although there are some barely smart talents in the human race, but with me following you, their things are our things."

"What about those advanced weapons that have been made?"

"Figure it out yourself." The

doctor moved into a small ball and followed Jiang Yuan out, looking at Jiang Yuan's millions of corpses, and suddenly spoke: "It's too much, I suggest you let them devour each other, just leave ten."

Jiang Yuan frowned slightly, he had this idea before, and there was no need to devour each other, after the fusion of the five black mountains, it would have this function.

Combine a group of zombies into one, sacrificing numerical superiority for a more powerful individual.

It's just that Jiang Yuan doesn't plan to do this for the time being, he is afraid that the system will send him a task of total annihilation one day, and the huge number of corpses in that kind of task can still play a key role.

"Think about it later.

"Whatever you want.

When Bai Mao saw Jiang Yuan coming, he immediately ran towards him.


Shut up, stand still!" Jiang Yuan hurriedly ordered.

Bai Mao's body stiffened, his expression began to become strange, and he trembled there again.

"New gameplay?"

Jiang Yuan: ヾ (⌐ ■_■)

Believe you are a ghost!

Since Bai Mao is in the Jiangbei range, he has been forcibly classified into the zombie category he manages by the system.

As the only fifth-order commander-level zombie under Jiang Yuan's current command, Bai Mao has become the strongest combat force of the zombie army.

What's even more terrifying is her exaggerated attributes, Jiang Yuan feels that even if the other fourth-order evolves to the fifth-order, it can't compare to half of her.

There aren't many skills in white hair, but they're all very perverted.

Optimization Modification, Overdrive, Rapid Response, Screaming, Cell Activation, Ability-Space.

The optimization and transformation is completely a weakened version of Jiang Yuan's ultimate transformation of the symbiosis skill, and Bai Mao's manipulation of hair and the transfer of weaknesses are all achieved with this skill.

Overdrive, swift weakened version. Extremely fast reaction, extraordinary reaction weakened version.

Cell activation, this skill is actually the same as Jiang Yuan, and even the introduction is exactly the same.

Scream, a physical and mental double damage skill, and a growth skill linked to attributes.

Needless to say, the spatial ability has not been obtained, Jiang Yuan has not been able to obtain it yet.

Jiang Yuan felt that if he didn't show up, the controller of Jiangbei City would most likely be Bai Mao.

Putting aside his distracting thoughts, Jiang Yuan looked at the group of corpses and asked all the commanders above the fourth order to come out.

There are eight fourth-order commanders, and Jiang Yuan and Bai Mao are both fifth-order commanders.

Caesar is now also a fourth-order commander, mainly thanks to the fact that he fused the corpses of the three Black Mountain leaders, and Caesar has an additional skill.

High-temperature rays: The eyes can release high-temperature rays, and the power of the rays is related to strength and mental attributes.

This skill is the skill of the Winged Demon Leader, and it was successfully mastered by Caesar, and Jiang Yuan was very pleased with this.

Xiaohua is only at the second-order commander level now, but it seems to have given up on chasing Caesar because it has found a new thigh.

Looking at the little flower lying lazily on the top of Bai Mao's head, the corners of Jiang Yuan's mouth twitched.

This is already a waste cat!Ordering

the nightingale to lead the corpse group to slowly follow his footsteps, Jiang Yuan began to advance towards An City with a commander level above the fourth order.

He cleared the way ahead and made sure it was safe before he ordered the nightingale to follow again.

Along the way, Jiang Yuan saw many small groups fighting.

Most of these are spirit beasts and zombies, and there are few traces of humans to be seen.

During this period, some commander-level were discovered by Jiang Yuan, and they were slaughtered by him.

Time passed slowly, and on the third day, Jiang Yuan finally saw the appearance of Anshi.

Jiang Yuan frowned slightly, in Anshi, there are three large bases located near the three dilapidated black mountains, and there are cleared roads on all sides for vehicles to pass.

The ultimate victor here is actually a human being!

Jiang Yuan asked Caesar and them to wait in place, and he flew near a ruined black mountain with his mental power.

In terms of perception skills, there is a large number of human awakened activities in Black Mountain, and some vehicles are loaded with black crystals and are being transported to the human base.

Ten Commander-level Awakened Ones were vigilant all around, and the highest rank was a Fourth-Order Commander.

He looked at the human base again, his perceptual skills were momentarily limited after entering the base, just as he felt when he first entered Black Mountain.

Humans have mastered the use of the Black Crystal Origin?

Jiang Yuan frowned slightly, so unless he infiltrated the base, he would not be able to know how many Commander-level Awakened Beings there were in this city.

He went to the other two bases to probe around, and the results were the same.

"Doctor, how long will it take for the black to enter those three bases?"

"If you count the establishment of the underground base, it will take about three days.

"So long?"

"You know, I can't be too public.

Jiang Yuan pondered for a moment, and finally decided to take Anshi as the goal.

The metal ball containing the Doctor's consciousness burrowed into the ground, and the construction of the underground base began.

Jiang Yuan's corpses also began to dig into the ground, but the purpose was to hide their figures.

After using the earth-based ability to restore the excavated pit to its original appearance, Jiang Yuan turned and left.


A head suddenly arched out on the ground in front of Jiang Yuan, and Jiang Yuan's feet suddenly stiffened.

"Where are you going?"

"Stay honest, you can't just pop up without my order

!" "Okay!" "Brush!"

Seeing Bai Mao's head burrow back again, Jiang Yuan filled in the hole speechlessly.

He disguised his aura as a ninth-order general, and wore tattered clothes that he casually pulled from a zombie brother, and turned into the appearance of Sea King Zhang Lin, and then soiled his face.

After rushing back to the vicinity of Anshi, Jiang Yuan no longer hid his figure, and began to shout from afar.

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