"Stop!" A

commander-level awakened person quickly arrived, frowning and looking at Jiang Yuan, who was extremely sloppy.

"Great, finally let me see a living person!" Jiang

Yuan's expression was exaggerated, and he even made some fake tears with his water ability, with an expression of the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

This person took out a device and swept it at Jiang Yuan, and raised his eyebrows after seeing the information on it: "Zhang Lin, a ninth-order general

, a citizen of Jiangbei?" "Yes, yes, yes, I escaped from Jiangbei!"

This person's expression was slightly serious, and he asked: "Escape?"

Jiang Yuan's face was ugly, and he said helplessly: "The beasts in the White Fog Mountain Range and the Red River are too terrifying, and their battle with zombies is difficult for our awakened people to resist at all..."

In Jiang Yuan's description, the Awakened camp in Jiangbei was overwhelmed by the tide of zombies and beasts, and he completely lost his ability to resist, and he desperately escaped, and now it is not clear what the situation in Jiangbei City is.

This person frowned, no matter whether Jiangbei was controlled by spirit beasts or zombies, it was not good news for them.

The distance between the two cities is too close!

After confirming that Jiang Yuan was a physical awakened person, and that he had no other weapon except a knife on his body, this person took him into the survivor base in An City.

The city of Anju is small in size, completely controlled by the military, and has extremely strict internal management.

After registering, because Jiang Yuan was an awakened person at the ninth order general level, he had the possibility of being promoted to the commander level, so he was quite valued.

But after all, he had just arrived, and his trust was not enough, and after a leader talked to him, Jiang Yuan was temporarily arranged into the team of mining black crystal.

He didn't care, but thought it was better.

When mining black crystal, Jiang Yuan constantly communicated with the people around him.

Most of these people who mined black crystals were low-level generals and elite-level awakened people, and they knew limited things, but they could also give Jiang Yuan a general understanding of the situation in An City.

Three bases, two of which are controlled by the military and one by people of various other backgrounds.

They were the zombies that they had dealt with four days ago, and the strongest human awakened people at that time were the fifth-order commander level, mainly zombies and spirit beasts that relied on the powerful firepower of the base to solve.

However, in the past few days, the number of Awakened Persons at the Commander level has obviously increased, and it is said that there have been Awakened Persons of the sixth order or even higher.

Jiang Yuan looked at the black crystal in his hand and fell into deep thought, and among the techniques shared by the doctor was the use of black crystal.

This ordinary black crystal is only useful for awakened people below the general level, and the effect will be greatly weakened when it reaches the general level.

However, the effect of the Black Crystal Origin is very exaggerated, and it is of great benefit to the Commander level.

In three days' time, some of these Awakened may appear at a higher level, and before that, he will have to find a way to get his hands on the Sombra Origin.

"System, isn't it unfair that I haven't been able to get benefits from

the Sombra Origin?" [Please rest assured that the Sombra Origin collected by the host in the future will provide the host with effective benefits such as evolution points and attribute points, which is about half of the benefits obtained by other zombies.


Jiang Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then ecstatic, he just complained just now, he didn't expect the system to give him such a big surprise.

[This system has never cheated the host, please rest assured.

"You're awesome!"

Jiang Yuan was overjoyed, even if it was only half of the benefits, but there was no trouble!

System, are you finally going to officially hang up for me?

Those who had been observing him in the shadows also seemed to be sure that Jiang Yuan would not make trouble, and slowly relaxed their vigilance against him.

When it was finally time to rest, someone took Jiang Yuan into the base and arranged a room for him.

This is an eight-person room with bunk beds.

The seven people in the room greeted Jiang Yuan warmly, but they were actually all sent to monitor Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan also pretended to talk to these people enthusiastically.

The water supply system of the base is groundwater, and Jiang Yuan was taken to take a bath, and then changed into the clean clothes he had prepared.

Walking in the base, Jiang Yuan's fingers would flick slightly from time to time, and a miniature machine the size of an ant would appear everywhere.

These were given to him by the Doctor, and were the key to the Doctor's invasion of the base network.

At present, he can only move around the periphery of the base, there are cameras everywhere, and he is being watched, Jiang Yuan decided to wait for the doctor to hack into the network.

This stay is three days.

Finally, when Jiang Yuan was working, he received the news that the doctor had successfully invaded the network.

The corners of Jiang Yuan's mouth gradually rose, and he could finally start acting!"

"I'll go and relieve myself."

"If you want to take a break, just say it, go, don't take too long!" In

the past two days, Jiang Yuan has already established a good relationship with the people around him, and they saw that Jiang Yuan had always been quite honest, so they gradually reassured him.

After walking out of Montenegro, Jiang Yuan found a place where no one was.

Taking out a pair of glasses from the storage space, a tiny machine crawled out of Jiang Yuan's ear and embedded it in the glasses.

Wearing glasses, the structures of the three bases all appeared in front of Jiang Yuan's eyes.

"I've already done my tricks and feet to monitor, and you can take a look at the strength division of the awakened. A

line of subtitles appeared, Jiang Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly

, one at the seventh-order commander level, two at the sixth-order commander level, and nine at the fifth-order commander level....

The information of all the awakened people in the entire An City was known to Jiang Yuan, and there were also records of their abilities.

Jiang Yuan smiled, turned on the latent skill, and walked directly towards the entrance of the base.

The guards are the generals, and those commanders are patrolling nearby.

Jiang Yuan swaggered in, but he did not appear in the surveillance screen.

The movements of everyone in the entire base were controlled by Jiang Yuan, and he came all the way to the internal area of the base.

There are two fifth-order commander-level guards here, and the sixth-order commander level is in the room where the origin of Sombra is kept.

Jiang Yuan silently spoke: "Flash." "

In the lab, some researchers are removing small pieces of black crystal from the origin and placing them in a machine.

There were many vials of pale red liquid in the room, and the sixth-order commander was looking up to drink one of the liquids.

The muscles in his body tensed instantly, and the muscles flare up, and after a while, they returned to normal, and he breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Yes, it's much more effective than the first-generation potion!"

he turned around with satisfaction as he turned around in satisfaction, admiring the Origin of Sombra not far away, his gaze as if he was looking at the person he loved the most.

"With this Sombra Origin, I... Huh?!"

He was sighing, but he was suddenly stunned.

Such a large piece of black crystal origin had just disappeared under his nose!

Not only him, but everyone stood on the spot, especially the scientific researcher who was about to cut black crystal, his hands were frozen in mid-air.

"Did you see a figure just flashing by?!" he shouted in alarm.


blue light curtain suddenly appeared, directly sealing the entire room, and the researchers looked around at a loss, falling into a panic.


The author has something to say:

I'm busy with the last two chapters and I'll come back to make up for it....

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