The sixth-order commander-level awakened person reacted, his eyes instantly filled with bloodshots, but he suddenly felt an unprecedented chill coming from behind.

He just wanted to dodge, but suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head, and his consciousness was instantly in a trance.


A hand suddenly came out of his chest, crushing the bright red heart directly.

At the same time, Chen Hong's body had a large number of spikes piercing out, and he couldn't even speak, because his throat was strangled from behind by a hand.

"Shhhh Don't be afraid, it'll be fine in a while..."

Jiang Yuan's voice sounded, and his palm suddenly exerted force.


The Awakened's neck twisted at an eerie angle, unable to make any more sounds.

Jiang Yuan didn't stop, his claws stretched out, and rushed straight towards the rest of the people who hadn't reacted yet.

These scientific researchers are also awakened, but the highest ones are only two first-order commanders, and they were all killed before they even saw Jiang Yuan's shadow clearly!

The sixth-order commander-level awakened person fell to the ground, blood continued to spill around, and he watched with difficulty as Jiang Yuan's monster-like figure slowly returned to normal, and his consciousness gradually blurred.

"System, didn't you say to give me half of the benefits?, why hasn't there been any movement yet?"

[Ding, evolution point +1, strength +1G.] Jiang

Yuan: "???"

is just a little bit?!

He was about to question, but suddenly a prompt sounded in his mind.

[Ding, evolution point +1, spirit +1G.] This

scene is so familiar!

Once in the long insect nest in Jiangbei

, Jiang Yuan felt it for an afternoon! While waiting for the Awakened to mutate, Jiang Yuan heard a total of four prompts, and the system told him that this was not over yet, let him enjoy it slowly.

Although he felt that his appetite was being suspended, Jiang Yuan felt that it was so refreshing to be hanged!

"There are two fifth-order outside the door, one physical body awakens and one spatial ability..."

Jiang Yuan looked at the metal gate, and his body suddenly split apart from it.

"Xiao Zi, I'll leave the one on the left to you. The

splinter nodded, and disappeared with Jiang Yuan.

After Jiang Yuan took control of Jiangbei, he had successfully evolved into a fifth-order commander-level zombie.

If it was a head-to-head battle, Jiang Yuan felt that although he could kill them, it would not be so easy, and even the spatial ability awakened might run away.

But now the situation is different, the two of them don't know what they will face

in the next moment! The spirit blast and the crimson ray were cast at the same time, and the body of the spatial ability awakened froze in place in an instant, and the next moment it was pierced through the heart by Jiang Yuan, and the body was even more crushed by the spikes sticking out of Jiang Yuan's arm!


[Ding, the plunder failed. Jiang

Yuan pursed his lips, it was not easy to find a spatial ability awakener, how could it fail

? Could it be that it had to rely on the lottery?

Xiao Zi did not disappoint Jiang Yuan, and the physical awakened person also fell to the ground, and his pupils quickly dilated.

The two fifth-order awakened people were assassinated by Jiang Yuan so simply!

The metal door opened, and Jiang Yuan dragged the two mutated corpses into the laboratory, and cleaned the blood outside with the water ability.

When they mutated and woke up, Jiang Yuan ordered them to stay here, and if someone forcibly broke through, then kill them!

Jiang Yuan quickly left and went to the second human base.

With the same routine and the same technique, the sixth-order commander-level awakened person with the earth-based ability was also successfully assassinated by Jiang Yuan.

After receiving the Black Crystal Origin, Jiang Yuan went to the third base.

This time, Jiang Yuan was very cautious, because the manager of this base was a seventh-order commander-level.

According to the information introduced by the doctor, this person is a bit strange, similar to the original fire god, and let those scientific researchers use their own bodies for experiments, which is no longer strictly human.

What made Jiang Yuan speechless was that the technology used by this person was the one that the doctor had sent out in the first group....

Mindfulness, earth, dual-line abilities.

The body has been injected with various things extracted from the spirit beast zombies.

The doctor recorded video research through experiments, and found that this person's skin can transform into various forms, and has a defense comparable to that of a spirit animal.

The physical body has also been strengthened, and the strength is incomparable, comparable to that of the awakened body of the same level, and it has an extremely perverted healing ability.

But the side effect of all this is mania, easy to lose reason, and prefer to eat raw meat.

This is a ruthless man! Jiang Yuan commented.

So this time, Jiang Yuan changed his strategy and directly killed the fifth-order awakened person guarding the door first.

After all the skill CDs were reset, Jiang Yuan flashed into the laboratory.

After absorbing the Origin Black Crystal in an instant, Jiang Yuan appeared behind the Seventh-Order Awakened in an instant, his eyes flashing with murderous intent!

A sharp blade that flashed silver-white light pierced out, and the cutting light of the nano suit instantly penetrated the body of the Awakened One.

Just as Jiang Yuan was about to perform the ultimate transformation again, so that his arm would give birth to a sharp blade and shatter the flesh and blood in this person's body, this person suddenly roared angrily.

"You want to kill me?!"

Jiang Yuan's face changed slightly, and he only felt a huge force covering the changing blade of his arm, and pressed down violently


!Jiang Yuan knew that this guy was a monster, but he still couldn't react for a while!

The next moment, a large number of metal blades suddenly flashed golden light in the room, raging towards Jiang Yuan.

Before those scientific researchers could react, their bodies were directly pierced by the flying knives, and they fell to the ground screaming.

This guy didn't even let go of his own people! Or maybe he had lost his mind because of the anger of being attacked

! Jiang Yuan saw that the awakened person directly picked up a few vials containing the origin extract of black crystal and threw them into his mouth, biting them and swallowing them together with the glass!

The split lower body quickly began to heal, but this healing had just begun, and he roared and rushed towards Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan stood up speechlessly, his eyes flashed with murderous intent just now, he was careless just now, this time he would not give the other party another chance

! This person's huge roar attracted the attention of the other awakened people in the base, and he just wanted to come to check, but suddenly heard the roaring sound of countless zombies! Jiang Yuan's corpses

are coming!

The awakened people stationed outside looked at the crazy corpses, and hurriedly roared angrily.

"The corpse tide is coming!Activate the base to fight!" A

large number of cannon barrels stretched out from the three bases in an instant, making the awakened feel a lot more at ease in an instant.

But the next moment, they were shocked to find that the barrels were not aimed at the corpses, but at them.

A vicious chill struck in an instant, and the awakened quickly dodged.

Boom boom!

One attack after another fell, and the fifth-order commander-level awakened people stationed outside cursed, completely unable to understand what was happening.

A large number of the Awoken scattered and fled, dodging the terrifying rays launched from the base.

But they soon discovered that the corpses were in front and the base was behind, and there was no way to retreat!

Those high-level Awakened Ones stationed outside finally learned the news that the base was out of control through the intercom at this time.

What frightened them even more was that the leaders of the two bases had mutated into zombies and were wreaking havoc in the bases

! The fear of the unknown quickly spread in the hearts of all the awakened!


The author has something to say:

I will change more than 8,000 words today, and I owe a chapter to make up tomorrow, so I'm sorry everyone... Too busy.

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