With a loud bang, the outer wall of a base suddenly burst open, and a figure flew out of it upside down and slammed into the ground.

Some of the Awakened high-level looked at it, and their pupils instantly shrank.

"This monster...

Luo Zhanfei?" "He is a seventh-order commander-level, how could he be beaten like this!" "

They had seen Luo Zhanfei's horror, and in the last battle to win Anshi, Luo Zhanfei was still a fifth-order commander-level, but he directly tore apart a Black Mountain leader zombie with his bare hands!

His monster-like and violent body left an extremely shocking impression on the awakened people, and no one dared to provoke him.

But now, this monster they feared actually had its hands and feet cut off! Rolling and struggling on the ground like a human stick!

"Has the rebirth speed slowed down?"

Two figures suddenly appeared from the gap in the base.

When everyone looked at it, they were even more shocked, these two monsters looked even more terrifying than

Luo Zhanfei! Up and down his body, there were sharp blades flashing with cold light everywhere! There was thunder and fire wrapped around his body, looking down at Luo Zhanfei who was struggling on the ground like a demon king of the world.

The fear that arose in their hearts completely collapsed the last faith in the hearts of these awakened people.

Escape! If they don't escape, they will definitely die! They don't

want to die!

Jiang Yuan looked sideways at the commander-level awakened people who had fled, and said coldly.

"Xiao Zi, don't leave one. Xiao

Zi manipulated the split body to disappear in an instant, and the next moment it had already appeared in front of a fourth-order commander-level awakened person.

The screams sounded, Jiang Yuan glanced at the blood sprayed in mid-air, and once again set his eyes on Luo Zhanfei's body.

As soon as he raised his hand, several bottles of the extraction liquid of the Black Crystal Origin flew out and fell directly into Na Luo Zhanfei's mouth.

Luo Zhanfei passively swallowed the potion, a scarlet color gradually appeared in his eyes, and his reason was almost completely overwhelmed.

"It seems that this thing can't be eaten too much at once, and feeding this guy may really turn into a zombie.

Jiang Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and the next moment his figure burst out.

Luo Zhanfei's newly grown hands and feet were cut off again, and then they were put into the storage space by Jiang Yuan.

Luo Zhanfei roared in anger, and his telekinesis and earth-based abilities were wildly cast, but in the face of Jiang Yuan's attack, no matter how he resisted, it was in vain.

He seemed to have become a domestic animal that could infinitely regenerate his body, and he was contributing a large amount of flesh and blood to Jiang Yuan!

Gradually, Luo Zhanfei became afraid, and the madness in his eyes was completely replaced by fear.

When Jiang Yuan raised his hand again, he actually curled up and shouted in horror, desperately trying to escape.

Jiang Yuan frowned slightly, and stepped Luo Zhanfei under his feet.

After thinking for a while, he didn't kill him, but used his silk spinning skill to wrap Luo Zhanfei into a giant cocoon, and used his mental skill to completely knock the other party out.

Using his telekinetic ability, Jiang Yuan flew into the sky with Luo Zhan, looking at the battlefield below.

Now that all the commanders above the fourth order of Anshi have been killed, the remaining awakened ones are just lambs to be slaughtered, and Jiang Yuan's corpses are allowed to devour and infect.

Time passed slowly, and when the last awakened person within the scope of An City was killed, Jiang Yuan heard the prompt sound of the system.

[Ding, the siege mission has been completed, and the reward has been distributed.]

At the same time, the huge black mountain in Jiangbei City suddenly disappeared out of thin air, as if it had never existed.

There was a dead silence in the whole of Jiangbei, and only the ruins scattered everywhere showed the terrifying battles that had taken place here.

On the bank of the Red River, a group of fish mutated spirit beasts were preparing to attack, but the disappearance of Black Mountain made them all stunned on the spot.

The eyes of the three eighth-order commander-level fish spirit beasts flashed with suspicion.

One of them, a huge catfish with limbs and fleshy wings, stepped forward, and behind it, a large column of water rose from the Red River and shot out towards the original location of the Black Mountain.

Eventually, they determined that Montenegro had indeed disappeared.

They couldn't comprehend the scene in front of them, and they didn't believe in evil and searched around again, but they still found nothing.

The spirit beast began to return to the Red River, and a small colorful snake took one last look at the ruins of Jiangbei with confusion, turned around and entered the Red River, and quickly left along the current.

At this time, Jiang Yuan, who was in Anshi, was being asked by the doctor in an extremely excited tone.

"What about Montenegro! The No. 2 machine just sent me a message, and the Montenegro in Jiangbei is suddenly gone!"

Jiang Yuan looked at the deflated doctor, and his heart was dark.

"Put it away?" The doctor was silent for a while, and asked, "How did you collect it

?" "You guess?"

The doctor didn't hold back a word for a long time, and just when Jiang Yuan felt that the other party was about to go crazy, he suddenly used the Black Mountain summoning ability.

A part of the black mountains about ten meters high slowly appeared out of thin air behind Jiang Yuan, and then slowly advanced at a speed of one centimeter per second, bringing out more black mountains.

Doctor: "..."Jiang Yuan: "..."

Why is the speed of summoning Montenegro so slow?One centimeter per second?How long does it take to summon the entire Montenegro?

After getting the system's answer, Jiang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good to be able to go inside, at least to allow the corpses to enter and exit freely, and at least give a ten-meter-high starting summoning height...

He let his army of zombies enter Black Mountain, but some of the larger zombies could only wait silently for the entrance to be large enough for them to pass through.

The doctor's strong desire to learn led him towards Black Mountain, only to find that he was blocked by a force and could not enter at all.

The corners of Jiang Yuan's mouth curled slightly, and the Black Mountain that was accepted by the system could not be entered by outsiders unless he had his permission!

Seeing that the doctor sent a bunch of robots to scan there, Jiang Yuan said after confirming with the system that it didn't matter if the doctor was allowed to enter.

"Aren't you too revealing, my Black Mountain can just be used as a shelter for you, where you can study your stuff to your heart's content!"

"But correspondingly, you need to use the technology you have at your disposal to help me in all aspects!" the

doctor was silent, thinking for a long time before finally nodding.

He reached a series of agreements with Jiang Yuan, promising to build a high-tech zombie squad for Jiang Yuan to improve Jiang Yuan's legion strength.

However, the nano suit that Jiang Yuan wanted the most was limited in materials, and the doctor could not guarantee the supply quantity for Jiang Yuan, but he would try his best to make it for Jiang Yuan.

Eventually, the Doctor moved the base into Montenegro, and Jiang Yuan turned around and prepared to enter the base.

Suddenly, he felt the light around him seem to grow stronger.

"What's going on?"

Jiang Yuan looked up and found that the huge sun in the sky was blooming with unprecedented light!

Suddenly, the entire heaven and earth were shrouded in a strong light, and Jiang Yuan was briefly blinded.

The bright light came and went as fast as it came, and everything around it quickly returned to normal.

Jiang Yuan flew into the air without hesitation, vigilantly probing all the creatures within his senses.

[Ding, follow-up mission trigger - kill the hunter.] 】

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