[Mission Objective: Kill 10 Hunters Difficulty: Unknown Time Limit: Fifteen Days

] [Mission Reward: One Random Special Skill

] [Failure Penalty: None] [

The location of the nearest ten hunters has been marked for the host, please check it through the map function. Jiang

Yuan was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly turned on the map function.

Ten yellow points of light appeared on the map, most of which were outside the map range of Jiang Yuan's exploration.

But there is a yellow point of light on a road that Jiang Yuan passed by when he came to Anshi, and it is rapidly approaching Jiang Yuan's position!"

"System, what is a hunter? a human? a zombie or a spirit animal?


Yuan: "..."

What a pit daddy!"

Jiang Yuan looked coldly at the cursor of the hunter on the map, thought for a moment, and immediately entered the base.

The three bases slowly rose into the air, and Jiang Yuan drove them towards the hunter's cursor.

The other party's speed was very fast, and Jiang Yuan estimated that he would be able to meet the other party in half an hour at most.

Finally, the other party entered Jiang Yuan's perception range, and he immediately turned on the information detection function.

But Jiang Yuan only got the other party's level information, and he couldn't even detect the race information.

Ninth Order Commander Level!

Jiang Yuan frowned, turned on his perception skill, and lay motionless on the base.

Finally, he saw the hunter clearly.

It was a long-haired man, who looked like a human from a distance, with a long knife behind his back, flying towards the three bases at a rapid pace.

Jiang Yuan immediately used the instrument to remotely control the base, and a large number of turrets stretched out, instantly locking the position of the hunter.

Boom, boom, boom

! The terrifying artillery fire of the base poured out, and as soon as it came up, it was the largest firepower suppression

! I saw that a barrier suddenly lit up on the hunter's body, and the decomposition rays of the awakened person's base actually failed to penetrate the barrier, and all of them were blocked!

Jiang Yuan's pupils shrank slightly, and he jumped off the base without hesitation, and his body quickly exploded back.

The self-explosion program at the base was activated, and Jiang Yuan turned around and ran.


, there is no punishment for failure in this mission, and it is a big deal to hide.

The self-detonation of the base seemed to delay the hunter's footsteps, but Jiang Yuan was shocked to find that even with the self-detonation power of the three bases, the hunter's aura still did not decrease! This strengthened Jiang Yuan's

determination not to fight with him.

The system has absorbed the Origin Black Crystal, and his evolution points and attribute points have been continuously increasing, and he will talk about whether he can fight or not after he has advanced to the ninth order commander level.

At this time, in the self-detonation circle of the three bases, the hunter frowned slightly.

All disintegration rays were blocked by the barrier around him, and they couldn't do him any damage.

"There should only be three bases in Zhong'an City, why did they all blow themselves up? How did they find out about me..."

"And I seemed to feel the breath of life just now!" He

looked in the direction of Jiang Yuan's escape, hesitated for a moment but did not catch up, but continued in the direction of An City.

After arriving in Anshi, he looked at the empty city and frowned.

After scolding for bad luck, he immediately changed directions.

Jiang Yuan was hiding in a forest at this time, and he also stopped watching the hunter's cursor in the map stop in Anshi for a short time and then move in the other direction.

He turned on the Black Mountain summoning function, went directly into the Black Mountain, and disappeared into the woods.

Coming to the doctor, Jiang Yuan asked, "Do you know the hunter?"

"I don't know." The doctor said without looking back: "Is there something

?" Jiang Yuan was silent for a moment, shook his head, looked at Luo Zhanfei who was tied to the test bench on the side, and asked, "Can someone like him be

mass-produced?" "As long as you provide me with experimental subjects, it can be mass-produced, but the transformed person can only reach the ninth-order commander level at most, and if you want to break through the restrictions of the commander level, unless there is a technological breakthrough." "

It doesn't matter, as long as the energy is produced, are there any requirements for

the test subject?" "As long as it is an awakened person, the higher the level of the test subject sent, the faster the transformation speed."

Jiang Yuan nodded and turned to leave.

After a few moments, the doctor came to a wall of Sombra and cut open a piece of Sombra in front of him.

There was a black void behind Sombra, and the Doctor threw some of the machines over, only to lose contact with them in an instant.

"There are so many secrets on this guy, it's really exciting!"

"And the hunter has appeared, it seems that some things are going to speed up..."

After returning to the outside world, the cursor representing the hunter in Jiang Yuan's map chose a relatively close one to approach quickly.

With all his strength bursting speed, in about half a day, Jiang Yuan finally arrived near the hunter.

With the latent skill turned on, Jiang Yuan approached cautiously.

"It's also a ninth-order commander level?"

Looking at the other party's information, Jiang Yuan frowned, but he didn't retreat, but continued to get closer.

Suddenly, Jiang Yuan's pupils shrank, and he saw the long knife in the man's hand flickering with silver-white light, directly breaking the skin of the spirit beast under his body, and taking out the Origin Pill in the spirit beast's body.

That light was very familiar

to him, it was the cutting ray of the nano suit! Jiang Yuan was furious, and Dr. Dog said that he didn't know

! He would dismantle the doctor to vent his anger when he went back! He

was about to retreat, but he suddenly caught a glimpse of a reflection on a tree next to him.

Turning his head to look, Jiang Yuan was silent.

A small machine, stuck in a tree, with the tiny camera pointed at him.

Looking at each other, a slightly regretful voice came from the robot.

"Hey, I was discovered, I wanted to wait for you to get closer. There

was a loud bang, and Jiang Yuan's figure instantly retreated.

He was helpless, his perception skill could sense the breath of life, but it was ineffective against the machine.

The Latent ability is a ability that reduces his presence, but is more of a psychic ability.

If the other party is monitoring the surrounding movements, he will definitely be found when he suddenly appears in the picture.

The hunter stepped on his feet and rushed towards Jiang Yuan, the speed of the two was comparable, and Jiang Yuan simply didn't bother to run.

All skills were activated, and the Crimson Eye was born, and a crimson ray and spiritual blast were used against the hunter.


hunter's body flashed, and the corners of his mouth showed disdain, and he didn't have the slightest intention of dodging Jiang Yuan's spiritual attack.

Jiang Yuan's expression was shocked, could it be that there was something on the other party's body that could ignore the spiritual attack?

The next moment, he saw that the hunter's figure suddenly stiffened, one foot was tripped by the other, and the whole person slashed forward along the ground hundreds of meters away.

Jiang Yuan: "..."

He was stunned, and he didn't know whether to go on or not for a while.

This guy is acting? He wants to seduce me

? But this acting is too realistic, isn't it? That expression goes from disdain to horror and is inevitably too natural

! This kind of facial expression control makes Jiang Yuan bow down!

Then Jiang Yuan saw that the hunter stood up, turned around and ran...

Jiang Yuan: "???".

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