Why did he run? Acting in a full set?

Jiang Yuan felt that the other party's performance was too weird!

He stared at the green dot of the hunter on the screen, and watched that the other party's position had been moving away, and he had no intention of stopping.

Jiang Yuan suddenly felt that something was wrong, that guy couldn't really be unable to defend himself against his spiritual attack, right?

He immediately chased after him and decided to try again.

He followed all the way, and it wasn't until the hunter's cursor stopped that Jiang Yuan slowly slowed down.

This time, he turned into a bald monkey.

Quietly coming to the vicinity, Jiang Yuan saw that the hunter was dealing with a swarm of insects that was still quite large.

The Crimson Eye is born again, and the Spirit Blast and Crimson Ray are used again.


Yuan watched as the hunter's body became inflexible again, and was instantly overwhelmed by the swarm.

Jiang Yuan was silent for two seconds, and then suddenly stood up.

He was angry, he looked down on this hunter, he thought that the other party was acting to seduce him, but it turned out that he was really hit!

The insect swarm could not break through the hunter's defense, and when the hunter reacted, he immediately killed all the insects lying on his body.

But there was a hint of horror in his eyes!

The guy caught up?

Before he could think about it, a figure suddenly fell from the sky, wielding a huge blade that flashed silver-white light and slashed down.

He hurriedly dodged, but suddenly a chill ran down his spine.


A huge force came from behind, and the hunter's whole body was smashed away in an instant.

It turned out that it was the split body manipulated by Xiao Zi that fell from the sky, and Jiang Yuan himself attacked from another direction.

What made Jiang Yuan frown was that the level of the opponent's nano suit seemed to be quite high, and he couldn't break through the opponent's defense with all his strength, and was all blocked by the nanorobots that poured out in that instant.

Seeing that a bunch of broken nanobots were being absorbed by his own nano suit, Jiang Yuan immediately rushed out again.

The opponent's nanobots were destroyed by themselves, and it was obvious that the level was inferior to their own.

Then he is still afraid of a hammer? This is a proper delivery of nanobot materials to himself!

At this time, the hunter's face was ugly, and he stared at Jiang Yuan deadly: "Who are you? Why do you have a nano suit!"

Jiang Yuan ignored him and rushed over directly.

The IQ of the insect tide is obviously not high, and when he saw the two bigwigs fighting, he actually wanted to come up and intervene, but he was directly destroyed by Jiang Yuan with his thunder and fire ability.

With a knife slash, there are fewer and fewer nanobots on the hunter's body, and they can no longer cover the whole body, exposing some body parts.

Jiang Yuan didn't say a word, and according to these places, it was a burst of chopping.

This hunter was very fast, but he was still slashed by Jiang Yuan a few times, and a large amount of blood flew out, but it healed quickly.

Jiang Yuan was a little strange, this person had never used his abilities from beginning to end, could it be a simple physical awakening

? Is the so-called hunter so good? Or was he lucky enough to meet the most vegetable?

In the end, in the case of Jiang Yuan and Xiao Zi two fighting one, the hunter's hands and feet were cut off, and he completely lost his ability to move.

Jiang Yuan's blade pointed at the red weakness of the hunter's eyebrows, and with a little force, he could completely end the other party's life.

At this time, he finally spoke

: "Who are you, where do you come from, and what kind of organization are the hunters

?" The hunter's pupils suddenly shrank wildly, and he said in a deep voice: "You don't

know?" "Nonsense! I know I still ask you?" Jiang Yuan frowned slightly and scolded loudly.

The next moment, Jiang Yuan suddenly saw this person's chest light up, and a strong sense of life and death crisis instantly struck.

As soon as his pupils shrank, the giant blade in Jiang Yuan's hand immediately fell, completely destroying the last weak red light at the center of the hunter's eyebrows.

But the light on the other party's chest did not mean to extinguish at all, and the sense of fatal crisis became stronger and stronger.

Jiang Yuan immediately pressed one hand on the body of the split, and in an instant, the splitter body was retracted and retreated with all his might.

He blasted his speed to the limit, and it didn't take long for him to run 10,000 meters away.


! With a loud bang, a huge force struck from behind, Jiang Yuan spurted a mouthful of black blood, which was even mixed with minced flesh and bone chips

! The terrifying explosion fluctuations swept his entire body flying

! "What is so powerful!" Jiang

Yuan was shocked in his heart, he had already turned on all his defensive skills, and he had the protection of the nano suit, but he was still hit hard, and everything in his body was almost shattered!

This was the first time Jiang Yuan had suffered such a serious injury, and he felt that if he ran slower, he might be killed directly!

Looking at the slowly rising mushroom cloud and earth-shattering fire in the distance, Jiang Yuan stood up with palpitations.

The activation of the cells has worked, and his injuries have been repaired to a very good age.

[Ding, kill a hunter, 1/10 of the progress of the task completion.] Jiang

Yuan turned on the Black Mountain teleportation function and immediately entered it.

He found the Doctor and took out the destroyed nanobots.

"Doctor, let me ask you again, do you know what kind of organization the hunters are!" The

doctor was stunned, looked at the broken nanomachine in Jiang Yuan's hand, and then looked at Jiang Yuan, and his tone suddenly became solemn.

"Is he dead or not!Did he blow himself up?Did you fight him be discovered by other hunters?"

"You really know!" Jiang

Yuan raised his hand and directly smashed the machine that the doctor was now possessing to smithereens.

But the doctor's breath was directly transferred to another machine, which made Jiang Yuan even more angry.

This guy is harder than Xiaoqiang's life! Can't he really be killed?"

"Yes, I know, but I can't say, at least not now. The

doctor said solemnly: "You answer my question first

!" "That guy blew himself up! No other hunters found out!" Jiang Yuan replied angrily.

"That's good..."The doctor's tone suddenly relaxed

, and he said slowly, "Remember, don't try to infect the hunters, you must kill them completely! And you must find a way to make them blow themselves up, and you can't let any of the hunters go, and it's best to kill all the people watching the battle! After killing, you must transfer immediately!"

"So serious?" Jiang Yuan frowned and said, "What if you let one go?"

The doctor said lightly: "Have you heard this sentence from the little one?"

Jiang Yuan: "..."

Good guy! I'm a good guy directly!"

Jiang Yuan immediately left the Black Mountain, and sure enough, he saw that the cursors of the rest of the hunters on the map were rapidly approaching, and without saying a word, he immediately dug up the ground stained with his own blood, turned around and ran.

On the map, the points of light representing the hunters were gradually increasing, and soon they had reached more than twenty!

Jiang Yuan bypassed the position where they were advancing and came to the deserted wilderness and went directly into the ground.

The place where the hunters exploded before is now a terrifying pit, in which stood more than a dozen figures, both men and women, but all of them looked cautious.

"The area around it was destroyed by a self-explosion, and there were no clues to explore.

"The communication equipment was inexplicably out of order, we couldn't pass information to each other, and we wouldn't even be sure that a companion had died if it weren't for the sound of the explosion.

"To be forced to self-destruct, the other party is at least a king-level life, and before the contact instrument can be used normally, I suggest that the two of them act in a team." "

Agreed. "


-The author has something to say:

I may not be able to change it in the last few days, I'll try my best... I'll make up for it when I'm free

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