Following this way, Jiang Yuan has collected almost ten black crystal origins, and he doesn't need to make a move at all, he just needs to touch a fish when the hunter leaves.

The reason why he ignored those awakened people was just that Jiang Yuan didn't want to attract the attention of the hunters.

The prompt sound of the [Ding, Evolution Point +1]

system sounded again, although it was not as frequent as it was at the beginning, it still made Jiang Yuan feel happy.

I looked at the Properties panel.

Level: Ninth-Order Commander-level Zombie (101/5000)

Attributes: Strength 306G Agility 357G Spirit 201G

After absorbing the Black Crystal Origin, the benefits given to him by the system will not always be accompanied by attributes, but it still makes Jiang Yuan's full attributes soar!

Below the ninth-order commander, Jiang Yuan has almost not been promoted.

The appearance of the hunter shortened Jiang Yuan's evolution time by too many times!

They wanted to leave the Black Crystal Origin captive life, and wait for the next wave of Commander level to appear before harvesting, but they didn't expect to cheapen Jiang Yuan.


Jiang Yuan had a smile on his face, and after receiving another Sombra Origin, he turned around and was about to leave, but suddenly found that the cursors of the two hunters quickly turned back.


Jiang Yuan frowned slightly, he was already very careful, every time he absorbed the Black Crystal Origin, he asked the system to leave these Black Mountains alone for the time being.

Could it be that these two people left surveillance nearby and saw themselves?

Jiang Yuan looked up and saw that the pit where the origin of black crystal was hidden was more than a hundred meters high, and the surrounding walls were uneven, so it was impossible for him to carefully observe every corner.

Could it be that those two people left surveillance in the dark?But his current appearance is just a monkey, so it will also attract the attention of the other party?The

hunter's cursor is still approaching, Jiang Yuan pondered for a moment, and suddenly a thunderstorm flashed on his body, and a thunderstorm directly penetrated the entire cave.


Several miniature surveillance robots fell from mid-air, slowly emitting black smoke.

Jiang Yuan was speechless for a while, these people have nothing to do to monitor! The

hunter didn't go far, and at the speed of the ninth-order commander level, it would only take less than a minute to return here.

Jiang Yuan wasn't sure if there was monitoring in the rest of the place, so he simply didn't run away.

He let all the zombies in this Black Mountain retreat to Black Mountain, and at the same time used his splitting skills to let Xiao Zi hide along the tunnel opened on the side.

Jiang Yuan did not change his form, but still appeared on the top of the Black Mountain in the form of a bald monkey, waiting silently.

The hunter arrived quickly, looking at Jiang Yuan in the distance, but he didn't make the first move.

"First Order Commander?"

Male Hunter 307 frowned slightly.

"Be careful, there's something wrong with this beast!" Female Hunter 206 squinted her eyes slightly, and said solemnly: "You also saw it just now, the origin of the black crystal was just touched by it and disappeared out of thin air, this method has never been seen before!"

Jiang Yuan suddenly beat his chest with both hands and roared at the two hunters.

Come here, what are you two doing there

!Xiao Zi was lurking near him, he was still waiting for these two people to come over and yin them, but they actually stopped!

"No matter how weird it is, it's just a first-order commander-level beast!"

307's eyes flashed with disdain, and his figure rushed out in an instant.

206's face suddenly changed, his heart was annoyed, and he shouted: "307! Catch it alive!" "


This was the first time Jiang Yuan had heard hunters call each other, and he had only watched from a distance before, and had not heard the two talk.

307, code name?

, thinking in his heart, he used his thunder ability to attack the opponent.

He deliberately lowered the power of his abilities, and was blocked by the shield of 307.

"Heh, it's really a miscellaneous fish!"

307 was even more disdainful, and directly gave up his defense, staring at Jiang Yuan's limbs and cutting them off.

Just as he rushed in front of Jiang Yuan, he suddenly saw that the corners of the monkey's mouth seemed to be crooked.

The next moment, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head, and his body became disobedient.

Jiang Yuan's body changed rapidly, turning into a killing form in an instant, and the giant blade that flashed silver-white light chopped at 307's head.

The nanobots on the opponent's body defended quickly, but Jiang Yuan's speed of swinging the knife was too fast, and the supply speed of the nanobots was too fast to keep up.


! Red and white splash, before this 307 could figure out what was going on, he was directly hit by Jiang Yuan on the head!206

was stunned, all this happened so fast that she didn't have a chance to stop it.

Looking at 307, who was already dead, her eyes were filled with fear for a moment.

Something is wrong with this zombie! He can't just be a first-order commander

level!307 Even if he carelessly underestimates the enemy, this zombie can kill him in seconds, it must be above the ninth order

! The most important thing is that she actually saw the nano battle suit on this zombie's body

! So the previous dead companion was killed by this monster? What level is it? King level?!

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through 206's mind, and he subconsciously wanted to ask for backup, but suddenly remembered that the communication equipment was now unusable.



turned around and left, faster than ever!But she had just turned around, but suddenly saw that the zombie was actually behind her

!"How could it be? How could it be so fast!"

She hurriedly retreated, but she saw Jiang Yuan's body groping back and forth on 307's corpse.


The horror in her heart was overwhelming, and she immediately exploded with all her strength, wanting to fight her way out.

But the next moment, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her mind, and her body began to lose control.

"How is this possible!Why can this zombie's spiritual skill break through my spiritual defense shield!"


Xiao Zi directly kicked 206 in front of Jiang Yuan, and Jiang Yuan grabbed his neck and carried him in the air.

The nanobots on his body began to frantically devour the nanobots on 206's body.


Yuan snatched the opponent's black knife, he was very interested in this weapon that could split the Awakened Light Cannon.

"His name is 307, what about you, what is the meaning of this code name?" Jiang

Yuan said.

206's pupils shrank wildly, and even the pain in her body couldn't stop the shock in her heart.

This zombie monster can actually talk, and it's still digging into the hunter's secrets!"

In the end... Who..."

206 struggled in pain and struggled to speak.

Jiang Yuan frowned slightly, and scolded: "Now I'm asking you!" He

just wanted to torture to extract a confession, but suddenly saw the position of 206's chest light up, and his pupils instantly shrank wildly.

Why do these hunters blow themselves up at every turn, so recklessly?

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