A large number of terrifying spikes instantly sprouted in Jiang Yuan's hand, piercing 206's head and throwing it out fiercely.

Quickly put 307's body into the storage space, and took the black mountain back into the system space, Jiang Yuan and the splitter quickly retreated.


was a loud bang, and a huge mushroom cloud slowly rose into the air.

Even if Jiang Yuan's reaction this time was faster than last time, and the increase in attributes also increased his speed a lot, he could still feel that his body was shattered!

Wiping the black blood from the corner of his mouth, Jiang Yuan checked the map function.

On the map, the hunter's cursor is rapidly approaching here.

Jiang Yuan can't directly summon Montenegro to enter the system space here, because the position of the hunter's cursor in the system space cannot be displayed, and he will still be here when he comes out.

If the other party sends someone to stay here all the time, Jiang Yuan will be exposed as soon as he comes out.

Running all the way, Jiang Yuan avoided all the hunters, found a place that he thought was safe, summoned Black Mountain, and quickly entered it.

"Doctor, I've gotten the body of a hunter and helped me get the bomb out of his body.

Jiang Yuan threw the corpse of 307 in front of the doctor and spoke.

Doctor: "..."

There was silence for two seconds, and the doctor gritted his teeth.

"How long did it take him from his death to when you brought him in!"

"Three or four minutes?" I'm not sure, I can't count it all the time.

"Where's his head?"

"You wait.

Jiang Yuan's mind moved, and the black crystal on the side instantly surged rapidly, and a moment later, a black crystal stained with red and white things appeared in front of him and the doctor.

"It's all here. The

doctor walked closer, glanced at it, and suddenly said in confusion: "Strange, why not

?" Jiang Yuan asked suspiciously: "Nothing?"

The next moment, the entire base suddenly lit up with purple light, and the doctor looked back and forth on the flesh and blood on the black crystal and the corpse of 307, and then looked at Jiang Yuan.


the doctor immediately grabbed a pile of red and white objects, turned and looked at them with the instrument.

"Strange thing..."

Jiang Yuan walked over curiously, not understanding what kind of plane the doctor was doing.

The next moment, the entire base lit up with purple light, and the doctor looked back and forth for a long time before he spoke: "How did you kill this hunter?"

Jiang Yuan shrugged and replied: "It's very ordinary, if you keep chopping, you will be chopped to death." There

was a moment of silence before the doctor pressed a button.

Jiang Yuan suddenly sensed the aura of another doctor appearing, and turned his head to see that a suspended metal ball was flying towards him quickly.

"I'll take out the self-detonating device for you first, and then you will take the No

. 3 machine and kill a hunter in a while!" Jiang Yuan: "..."

What are you doing magic tricks with me here? Infinite matryoshka dolls? There really is a No. 3 machine!"

He watched as a bunch of robots moved the hunter's corpse away, carefully dissecting it.

A dim ball the size of a marble was removed, carefully placed into a device by the Doctor, and five minutes later, a simple remote control was created by the Doctor.

"Press this button and it will explode, effectively controlling the distance at 5 kilometers, and the three-second explosion delay is enough for you to escape out of the safe range.

After Jiang Yuan took it, he asked curiously: "This thing is not afraid of falling, right

?" "It is very strong, the nano suit can't break the defense, if this thing explodes when touched, how can the hunter still move

?" "It's also..."Jiang Yuan put it away, and asked again: "So can you tell me what you've been looking for for a long time?"

When a hunter dies, a special nanomachine is activated in their brain cells that will extract a portion of the hunter's dying memories and quickly disperse them.

"Other hunters can find these scattered machines, extract memories of their deceased companions, and project them onto life.

"There are so many of these nanomachines that it is difficult to destroy them all by ordinary means.

"But this kind of miniature self-detonating bomb is more special, and those nano machines can only withstand that special shock wave, and they will all be destroyed."

Jiang Yuan frowned slightly and said, "Then what if the hunter's brain splashes on his body?"

"So I said that they must be allowed to blow themselves up, these nanobots will be destroyed as long as they withstand a very weak special shock wave, but you..."

The doctor frowned slightly and said: " It's strange that this guy you killed, all the nanobots in the brain cells look normal on the outside, but they are a mess on the inside, and they are all destroyed, and they are completely different from the robots that are affected by the power of self-detonation!"

"Is it because I used

the lightning ability?" "Impossible, even if you evolve to the king-level lightning ability, it is impossible to completely destroy these machines, otherwise I wouldn't have repeatedly emphasized the word self-explosion."

Jiang Yuan was curious, so how did these nanomachines break

down? Could it be that the system did it?

[Congratulations to the host, the answer is correct.]

Jiang Yuan: o(゚Д゚)っ

!"Why are you yelling so loudly!Startle me

!"The sound of the system just now was so loud that it was almost unreasonable, as if I was afraid that Jiang Yuan would not be able to hear

it!【In order to help the host complete the task, the system also deliberately blocked the instrument signal for communication between hunters!】Jiang

Yuan: "Why didn't you say it before ????".

The system was silent, and Jiang Yuan suddenly suspected that this cheated system had forgotten to give him these hints before!

[Please don't slander this system. Look

, you didn't threaten me this time! You definitely forgot to say it

! Jiang Yuan gritted his teeth in anger, such an important intelligence system didn't tell him, which made him cautious for so long

! [Ding, congratulations to the host, the nano suit is automatically upgraded in battle!]

Jiang Yuan: "???" bribe me? Is my Jiang Yuan that kind of corpse?!]

[Ding, get an additional evolution point +100, all attributes +100G。 That's


【Ding, the nano suit is being downgraded, the evolution point attribute points are being recovered, and the current progress is 1%...】

As a zombie king, you must be generous! What is there to worry about this little thing

! I forgive you!

Jiang Yuan looked at the progress bar and cleared in an instant, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is there anything else you would like to add?"

Nodding slightly, Jiang Yuan happily glanced at the nano suit that he had reached lv.5, now if he cut those hunters again, he would be able to break the defense with one sword!

Jiang Yuan left directly, and the doctor's No. 3 machine followed, he knew that Jiang Yuan didn't plan to say it, and he didn't ask anymore, and he was going to see what was going on with his own eyes.

Jiang Yuan originally planned not to let the No. 3 machine follow, but the system said that it was left alone, and the No. 3 doctor said that it could help him detect the surrounding electronic equipment, so Jiang Yuan agreed to take him.

After waiting for a long time, Jiang Yuan left the system space.

The ten-meter-high part of the Black Mountain instantly appeared in front of a dirt slope, and Jiang Yuan walked out of it.

Then, the corners of Jiang Yuan's mouth twitched, and he looked at the three hunters who had come from a distance because of the black mountain that suddenly appeared, and he was speechless for a while.

Helpless, Jiang Yuan used his splitting skills and said to Xiao Zi: "I'll have two of you, don't let it go!"


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