Perhaps it was the reason why the spiritual attribute had just skyrocketed, Jiang Yuan saw the hunter's attribute, but there was still no detailed description of the skill and the like.

The attributes of the floating around 200G of the force sensitive, the difference between the three hunters is not very large.

This is actually very high, and the human ninth-order awakened person that Jiang Yuan saw before was only more than 100 G attributes.

But in terms of spiritual attributes, these hunters are a little too low, and if they don't exceed a hundred, they may not be as good as the humans who have awakened their abilities.

They were able to ignore the Awakened Person's mental attack, completely relying on a special device embedded in the brain, but that device seemed to be ineffective against Jiang Yuan.

The system has just given Jiang Yuan all attributes + 100G, plus the bonus of Xiaozi and the aura of Black Mountain, Jiang Yuan's spiritual attributes are not at all something that hunters can bear.

Chaos Storm, Crimson Rays, Mental Blasts...

Jiang Yuan and the splitter cast a spiritual attack at the same time, and the three hunters were too close to each other, and they were directly hit.

Doctor No. 3 emitted a purple light curtain to envelop the battlefield ahead, recording all the data of the battle and calculating wildly.

Jiang Yuan's evolution speed was much faster than the doctor expected, and this battle directly overturned all his previous data analysis of Jiang Yuan, and he had to calculate it again.

Now he hadn't given up on slicing Jiang Yuan, just as Jiang Yuan hadn't given up on killing the doctor for a reward.

Jiang Yuan's reliance is on the system, as long as there is no problem with the system by default, he has nothing to worry about the doctor.

And the doctor relied on Jiang Yuan to not kill him.

Both have their own thoughts, but they do make use of each other.


After Jiang Yuan split a hunter's head in the middle with a single sword, Doctor No. 3 suddenly felt a shock in his heart.

He saw some special nanomachines that had just been activated, and they were all suddenly destroyed, as if they had been completely shattered by Jiang Yuan's blow.

And Jiang Yuan's nano suit seems to have been upgraded again... The doctor was puzzled.

Only one of the hunters was still standing, but he was also covered in bruises and his breath was wilting.

After Jiang Yuan cut off another arm, the hunter struggled.

He's really...

He could see that the monster seemed to want to capture him alive, but once he was caught, he would definitely die, and if the other party didn't kill him, the self-detonation program would be activated.

But the monster's attempt to capture him alive gave him a glimmer of hope, though it was very slim... But you still have to fight!

Jiang Yuan rubbed his eyebrows, in order to capture this hunter alive, he had been continuously using his spiritual abilities.

The other party's performance is always telling him that he will faint if he does it again.

But more than two minutes have passed, and the hunter still looks like he will fall at any time, but he is still in a state of not falling, and he is extremely strong...

It's weird, if you replace the hunter with the awakened, you won't know how many times you've died.

Just as he was about to cast his psychic power again, the hunter on the opposite side suddenly stopped moving, just standing upright in place.

In the perception, the other party's breath quickly disappeared and soon completely extinguished.

[Ding, mission completion progress 6/10.]


Yuan stared, feeling inexplicably a little irritable.

"He's been using the potion he has stored in his body to forcibly stimulate his spirits, and it's a miracle that he's been able to survive until now. The doctor spoke lightly.

After the man died, a large number of white spots of light flew out of his head, but they all quickly went out and fell to the ground.

The doctor caught a fluctuation that emanated from Jiang Yuan's body, and he recorded it and planned to go back and study it well.

"I'll bring the body back, and I'll help you remove the bomb, and I'll pick it up myself when the time comes. "

Three rays shone on the hunter's corpse, and Doctor III returned to Montenegro with the hunter's corpse.

Jiang Yuan called out to the doctor and said, "You should be able to extract memory fragments from their brains as well." The

Doctor replied, "If you can destroy the special nanomachines in their brains before killing them, you can." "

Jiang Yuan 'tsk', he doesn't count this thing, he has to ask the system.

But looking at the system, it's clear that it won't do that.

At least not yet.

With a wave of his hand, the black mountain behind Jiang Yuan disappeared in an instant, this thing was summoned slowly, but it was recovered very quickly.

On the map cursor, hunters are basically in groups of three nowadays, and some are in teams of more than three people.

The successive deaths of their companions made them feel a little panicked, thinking that some king-level life that was good at lurking was sneaking up.

For the sake of safety, Jiang Yuan still chose the position of a three-person team to be close.

After flying for several hours, Jiang Yuan saw a huge survivor base located in an open field, and the three hunters were near the base, not approaching for the time being.

Jiang Yuan frowned slightly, it was the first time he had seen such a large survivor base, and the hot weapon muzzles exposed outside the base were obviously different from the previous base.

It's a suburb and it's flying from another city

, and a convoy appears in the distance, heading in the direction of the Awoken base.

In perception, the convoy was all commander-level awakened people, and there were twenty of them!

Jiang Yuan squinted his eyes slightly, and he saw from a distance that the people in the car were all wearing masks.

The House of Evolution, which had disappeared for a long time, actually appeared here.

Licking his lips, the corners of Jiang Yuan's mouth rose slightly, he was really surprised today.

The hunters remained unmoved, and together with Jiang Yuan, they watched the convoy of the Evolution House be inspected and enter the base of the Awoken.

Jiang Yuan didn't want to wait, he wanted to go into that base and have a look.

The splinter appeared, and followed Jiang Yuan to touch behind the three hunters.

The spiritual skills were displayed, and the three hunters were instantly attacked, and they were killed by Jiang Yuan and Xiao Zi from behind, and they couldn't even take the initiative to blow themselves up.

All this happened too quickly, and after the nano suit was upgraded, any defenses of these hunters were as fragile as tofu under Jiang Yuan's sword.

Putting the three corpses into the storage space, Jiang Yuan returned to the Black Mountain space and called out the doctor's No. 3 machine.

"How long does it take for the black to get in.

"Half a day at most, don't look at me like that, I just happened to upgrade myself, it's normal to get a little faster."

Jiang Yuan pursed his lips, and his figure quickly changed, turning into an ordinary young man with a mediocre appearance.

It's just that the bald head is a little eye-catching.

This is a doctor's careful selection from among the humanoid zombies under Jiang Yuan, who has no background and is just an ordinary worker.

The aura was forged into a first-order commander level, and Jiang Yuan walked towards the base.

The guards discovered Jiang Yuan, and a small team quickly came to Jiang Yuan and interrogated him.

"Li Dazhu... First Order Commander Level?" The

captain of the guard raised his eyebrows and looked Jiang Yuan up and down, thinking that he was just an ordinary survivor, but he didn't expect that the level was so high.

Looking at Jiang Yuan's tattered clothes and the long knife full of gaps, the corners of the captain's mouth were slightly upturned, and a hint of discoloration flashed in his eyes.

"Come with me.


The author has something to say:

Workers, souls, and part-time jobs are....

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