The Awakened who have lost their technological weapons face an indescribable fear in the face of millions of zombie armies.

What shocked them the most was that there was actually a team of heavily armed

zombies in the distance! Those zombies were actually holding hot weapons and were bombarding and killing the awakened who were fleeing in all directions!

Zombies would use weapons?

This strange picture set off a monstrous wave in their hearts, and it could not be calmed down for a long time.

Those Awakened Ninth Order Commanders who had been protecting Sombra's origin in the base were frantically attacking the metal gate that suddenly closed behind them.

But this is the preservation place of the Origin of Sombra, and now that the base is out of control, the means they originally used to protect the safety of the Origin Sombra have now become a barrier that they cannot break through.

Those things that they had personally arranged, it would be difficult for the ninth-order commander level to break through for a while

! Boom! The

entrance of the base was finally breached, and thousands of zombies poured into the base from the entrance!

Blood flew wantonly, and the screams of horror and anger from the awakened people, and the roar of zombies resounded throughout the base.

When the commander-level awakened saw the arrival of Jiang Yuan, who had killed the hunter in seconds before, a chill poured from head to toe, and he turned around to escape.

But just as they were about to turn around, they felt a strong wind tear through their bodies, making it difficult for them to move forward.

And under their feet, there are earth and rocks that appear out of thin air, directly trapping their lower bodies.

A ninth-order commander who had just escaped from the hunter's hands felt a pain in his chest, and a figure disappeared in front of him without looking back.

He looked down at the bloody hole in his chest, and his eyes showed unwillingness.

His complexion gradually turned blue, and the originally blue blood vessels were now frantically climbing to black, and a pair of eyes gradually changed, and finally turned scarlet.


With a roar, the guardian of the former base joined the slaughter team!

Jiang Yuan took the doctor's special glasses and quickly came to the place where the Origin Black Crystal was kept.

Glancing at the four people who were crazy at the door, Jiang Yuan smiled faintly and entered the laboratory in an instant.

A whole ten black crystal origins appeared in front

of Jiang Yuan! Looking at those panicked scientific researchers, Jiang Yuan didn't kill them, these were all people wanted by the doctor, and they were also useful to Jiang Yuan himself.

He absorbed five Sombra Origins, leaving the remaining five in place.

Flashing again, Jiang Yuan came to the outside of the laboratory.


pupils of the four ninth-order commanders shrank wildly, and they looked at Jiang Yuan, who suddenly appeared, and made a move without hesitation.

Jiang Yuan frowned slightly, and his two arms suddenly swelled violently and split in mid-air.


The four ninth-order commander-level awakened people were instantly clenched by Jiang Yuan's deformed arm and smashed against the wall.

The spirit blast and crimson rays were cast, and Jiang Yuan smashed it again and again, smashing the four of them into a wild spray of blood, and their consciousness gradually blurred.

But if you look closely, you can find that these people were just knocked out by the huge impact, and there were no other wounds on their bodies that were cut by Jiang Yuan.

The silk spinning skill tied up several people, and Jiang Yuan put two fingers in his mouth and whistled.

A white phantom quickly came, looking at Jiang Yuan with an excited expression.

"Xiaobai, open your mouth. "


Looking at Bai Mao's strange expression, the corners of Jiang Yuan's mouth twitched.

Obedience is obedience, but she always feels like she wants to poke herself....

took out a box that he had snatched from the hunter, and poured all the Origin Pills inside into Xiao Bai's mouth in one go.

Click... Click....

The commander-level Origin Pill was chewed and swallowed by Bai Mao like a jelly bean, and Bai Mao's body trembled strangely and twitched for a moment, and his breath instantly skyrocketed.


Order Commander! Bai Mao became the first zombie under Jiang Yuan to be promoted to the rank of Ninth Order Commander.

Of the five black crystals left in the house, two were taken by the doctor for research, and the other three Jiang Yuan decided to assign to his zombies.

Whitehair, Caesar, Nightingale.

Although Bai Mao has a high IQ, she has no talent for commanding zombies, and she doesn't think about strategies with her character, so it's over with Chong.

Therefore, the nightingale who commanded the zombie army when Jiang Yuan was not there became Jiang Yuan's key training object.

And Caesar Jiang Yuan has always valued it, after all, Caesar's fusion evolution skill may bring a huge surprise to Jiang Yuan one day.

As for the florets... Let's talk about it after getting more Black Crystal Origin, and feed it with Origin Pill first.

"Alas, sure enough, there are too many zombies, and the resources are not easy to distribute..."

Jiang Yuan was melancholy, sometimes it is really difficult to be a zombie king, poor....

"You are guarding here, take care of these four people, don't eat it, it's still useful to keep it. "

I can't eat it..."

Bai Mao glanced at the four of them with a little regret, wiped the saliva from the corners of his mouth, and nodded.

Jiang Yuan turned to leave, he wanted to make sure that no one in this base escaped, after all, he didn't want anyone to tell the hunters.

Ten minutes later, the surviving awakened people in the base were surrounded by zombies in the base square, trembling with fear.

Under the gaze of the commander-level zombies, they can't even cut themselves off...

Suddenly, the corpses moved out of the way and knelt down on one knee.

The hearts of the awakened people trembled, are these zombies greeting their king?

This man is unusually handsome, with a pair of purple eyes that look evil and abnormal, but the gaze is extremely cold.

As soon as he raised his hand, a strong wind suddenly broke out in the square, and a general-level awakened person screamed in fear, and his body flew up uncontrollably.

Everyone watched this scene in horror, watching the general-level awakened person just be pinched in the hands of the king of the corpse group.

Then they saw a vial filled with black liquid appear in the corpse king's hand.

He opened the bottle and poured the liquid directly into the Awakened.


strange wave spread, and the awakened person's body suddenly lit up, and his breath rose sharply.

After taking that black liquid, this person was actually promoted to a first-order commander-level awakener!

" "Feeling... It's a little weak.

Jiang Yuan frowned slightly, suddenly took out an instrument and pressed it on it.

The next moment, the ceiling above the base suddenly shook and slowly opened.

A ray of light shone down in an instant, enveloping the newly promoted awakened person in an instant, and his aura climbed again.

"Sure enough, I still have to bask in the sun.

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly, and threw it casually, and the awakened person flew out upside down, and his eyelids rolled and fainted.

"Doctor, I'll leave it to you, choose someone well.

After Jiang Yuan finished speaking, he turned around and left, and at this time, the awakened suddenly heard a buzzing sound.

Following the sound, I saw a dense group of flying insects whistling in.

But if you look closely, these flying insects are clearly some miniature machines, and they will drown all the awakened in them.

Amid the frightened cries of the Awoken, their skin pierced by the machines.

Gradually, the cries of terror became less and less, and more and more people stood on the spot, their eyes blank.

And those who were not affected were pulled out by the zombies around them, and finally mutated after being bitten...

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