After a moment, the doctor's voice rang out.

"There are 93,581 people in total, and the rest don't seem to have any qualifications, and they have been infected by your zombie army.

"Okay, got it.

Jiang Yuan smiled slightly, these more than 90,000 awakened people were all human beings who were selected by the doctor to be able to absorb the black crystal origin extract to a large extent.

The two Sombra Origins left behind were for them.

The Doctor destroyed their ability to think with a machine, and a long brainwashing awaited them afterward.

After the brainwashing is successful, these people will recognize Jiang Yuan as the leader of the base and go to recruit more survivors for Jiang Yuan.

In this way, Jiang Yuan can have a new identity, the identity of the leader of the survivor base.

Maybe one day this identity will play a role, and after these awakened people are promoted to the ninth order commander, they will also be infected by Jiang Yuan and join his zombie army!

He is keeping these people in captivity, like hunters.

Back at the door of the laboratory, Jiang Yuan looked at the four former base executives who had woken up and put on a kind smile.

"Answer the question honestly, if I am satisfied, I can consider not killing you!" The

desperate eyes of the four people suddenly flashed a bright light, and they spoke again and again.

"You don't lie to us?"

Jiang Yuan smiled and said, "I, Jiang Yuan, have always been true to my word!" "

Okay! You ask!" The

four of them quickly made a decision, they had no choice, this was their last chance!

Jiang Yuan nodded with satisfaction, and then began to ask.

Where did they come from, what were the conditions that they had discussed before, and how much did they know about the House of Evolution...

After asking a lot of questions, Jiang Yuan already had a more detailed understanding of the origin of this base.

At the same time, they also knew that the Evolution House that was talking about cooperation with the Awakened was just a branch, but they didn't know where the Evolution House was based.

Taking out the glasses made by the doctor and putting them on, Jiang Yuan was slightly relieved to see that the tracking signal left on the evolution house convoy was still moving.

Then Jiang Yuan began to ask about the previous experiences of these people, from the end of the world to the end of the world.

Although these people are strange, they still answer honestly, as for whether the content is true or not, there is a doctor's instrument test, if these people lie, Jiang Yuan will know as soon as possible.

"Very good, I'm very satisfied with your answer!" Jiang

Yuan laughed.

"Then you can let us go now, right?" asked one of the Awakened nervously.

Jiang Yuan glanced at this person and suddenly grinned.


! The sharp claws pierced the heart of the awakened person, directly shattering the other party's body! The

pupils of the other three shrank wildly, and they shouted angrily: "You liar! You must die well! You will definitely go to hell!"

"Liar?" Jiang Yuan shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and said slowly: "I just said that I was just thinking about it before, and you just changed your form and continued to live, if you don't believe it, he will soon wake up." "


looked at the mutated zombies of their former companions, letting out a hoarse roar, and the remaining three people were like falling into an ice cave, and their hearts were completely filled with fear.

"Don't! I don't want to be a zombie! I don't want to die!" Jiang

Yuan's eyes were calm, today, he was no longer the Jiang Yuan who had just crossed over, and the roars of these people made him feel a trace of perverted pleasure in his heart.

Forcibly suppressing this feeling, Jiang Yuan quickly dealt with the other three.

Driving away the four zombies that had just mutated, Jiang Yuan sat on the ground against the wall, looking at the white-haired Caesar who was gnawing at the origin of Sombra, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"The nano suit you asked for is ready for you. "

Doctor III changed its mechanical body and walked with four jars full of silver nanobots.

These materials were taken from hunters and restored by the Doctor so that they could be used directly here.

"Little flower, come here.

Jiang Yuan beckoned, and Xiaohua jumped into his arms with a look.

Xiaohua is complaining about why it doesn't have a Sombra origin to enjoy.

Jiang Yuan grabbed it and jerked it off, and said angrily: "You are a little self-motivated, don't follow the little white ass all day long, as for the current level of the 6th order commander?"

Xiaohua wagged her tail, and finally didn't scream again, and then under Jiang Yuan's instructions, she put her claws into the jar containing the nanobots.

Jiang Yuan had already been told how the nanobot could use it, and Xiaohua got used to it for a while before happily rubbing her head against Jiang Yuan's face.

The little white Caesar nightingale also absorbs the nanosuit after devouring the black crystal.

This nano suit is almost equivalent to level 3, which is enough to fight against the commander-level hunters, and it also adds a new stealth function.

Jiang Yuan hurriedly asked the system if his nano suit could also add stealth functions.

[The equipment building function has not yet been upgraded, but in view of the fact that the host's equipment lags behind the subordinate zombies, the privilege is specially opened for the host, and 100 million exchange points are required to increase the stealth function.


Jiang Yuan opened his mouth generously, it's only 100 million

, sprinkle water!But can the equipment building function still be upgraded

? [The host is promoted to the king level, all the equipment building functions are automatically opened, and there are more surprises waiting for the host, come on!]

"King level? Okay..."

Jiang Yuan pursed his lips and glanced at Xiaobai's attributes.

Although they are all at the ninth order commander level now, one Sombra origin is not enough for them to be promoted to king-level zombies, and it seems that at least seven or eight of them will be needed to advance to the king-level.

In addition, there was another purpose for letting them devour the Black Crystal Origin, and Jiang Yuan wanted to know what the side effects of absorbing this thing normally would be.

He asked the system in advance whether the absorption of the Black Crystal Origin by the zombies he infected would have an impact on him, and the answer he got was no.

But Caesar and Nightingale didn't seem to feel anything, only Xiaobai felt a little wrong, she said that she seemed to feel some strange zombie breath.

But the feeling was so faint that she couldn't figure it out.

Jiang Yuan pondered for a moment, asking Xiaobai to pay attention to this change at all times, and report to him immediately if there was any movement.

Standing up, Jiang Yuan looked at the map function, and within thirty kilometers, there was no cursor display of hunters at present.

Coming to the base control room, Jiang Yuan drove the base into the air and pressed a button.

With a halo of light, the base actually slowly disappeared in the sky!

This is the stealth function that the doctor has just installed for the base, Jiang Yuan has to admire the doctor's IQ, at least he will definitely not be able to get these things.

But speaking of stealth, the corners of Jiang Yuan's mouth suddenly crooked, and as soon as he saw his thoughts, the nano suit quickly covered his whole body, and disappeared in place in an instant.

"This new stealth function is really good!" Jiang Yuan's voice sounded, and his figure reappeared.

His stealth is faster! After all, it is produced by the system!

Looking at the tracking cursor of the Evolution House team, the corners of Jiang Yuan's mouth curled.

Babies, I'm coming!


The author has something to say:

put two chapters first, and the last chapter is being written... I've had a lot of time to wait for two days

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