Jiang Yuan suddenly remembered that his

ultimate transformation, could he also be invisible? bored on the road, Jiang Yuan tried to use the ultimate transformation to become invisible.

But he can be a chameleon, but stealth can't do it yet, maybe Xiao Zi's level is not enough.

Shaking his head slightly, Jiang Yuan's mind moved, and three items appeared in front of him.

Useless sticks, bricks, braces.

As for that mask, Jiang Yuan used it as soon as he got it, and his appearance was successfully +1, which made him even more handsome!

The remaining three things, except for the braces, Jiang Yuan knew what the function was, and the remaining two have not been figured out until now.

At present, the only thing that can be determined is that the useless sticks and bricks are not strong, and no matter what means Jiang Yuan uses, he can't destroy a single bit, and he can't even leave scratches.

Putting on braces, Jiang Yuan took out a bottle of Coke that he had searched from the warehouse.



"This is really happiness!

" Then Jiang Yuan picked up the useless stick, crossed his legs, and drank Coke and knocked on the bricks.

While... While... When....


Deep in the mountains, the Evolution House's convoy stopped near a waterhole, and the Awakened on it stepped out of the car.

One of them raised his hand, and their vehicle was instantly covered by a mound of rising earth from the ground, and the men leaped into the pool and slowly disappeared.

After a few minutes, a spot under the water suddenly loosened, and something seemed to have come out, but no human figure was to be seen.

"Where did you get this stealth function?!"

"You guess?"

Jiang Yuan showed off another wave of doctors, and he was in a good mood.

This waterhole is not a natural formation, it must have been created by the people of the Evolution House themselves, just to hide the base.

Looking at the underwater lights in the distance, Jiang Yuan quickly swam over.

Although the perception skill was affected by the origin of the black crystal, Jiang Yuan was still able to detect the situation on the periphery of the base.

And because the base is underwater, the walls of some areas have been opened, and some windows have leaked out to observe the situation inside.

Jiang Yuan drove to a window, there were people guarding here, but they couldn't see Jiang Yuan who was invisible.

Determining an unsafe location, Jiang Yuan turned on the flash and entered the base.

The water on his body was directly thrown into the corner by Jiang Yuan's water system ability, and he himself walked out with a swagger.

But for the sake of safety, Jiang Yuan still opened the lurking, after all, he was cautious about corpses.

The people in the base were all wearing masks, and what made Jiang Yuan frown was that there were too many high-level people here! As soon as he came in, he found three ninth-order commanders on the periphery, and this was only a small area of the base.

Jiang Yuan was a little worried, although he could beat the commander level, but the king level was really uncertain, after all, he was a big rank behind.

Suddenly, Jiang Yuan's pupils shrank, and he saw an old acquaintance!

In this base full of masked people, a group of people with their faces showing their faces looked extremely abrupt.

The person who was the leader was the guard beside the Apocalypse, Lao Liu! The two families cooperated

? Lao Liu was already a ninth-order commander, what about the

Apocalypse? Seeing Lao Liu's team of Apocalypse

forces follow a person and walk inside, Jiang Yuan immediately followed.

"Jiang Yuan, wait a minute, something is wrong with this base!" The

doctor's voice suddenly came, and Jiang Yuan suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong

?" "I may have

met an opponent!" Jiang Yuan was stunned, the doctor had met an opponent? Could it be that there is someone in this evolutionary family who is at the same level as the doctor?

"Don't you boast every day that no one in the world is smarter than you?"

"You don't understand, this... Jiang

Yuan was confused and wanted to ask, but the doctor directly asked Jiang Yuan not to disturb him, saying that he was going to start showing his skills.

Jiang Yuan was speechless, thought about it and listened to the doctor's words, and walked around the periphery.

"Did you hear, yesterday the No. 8 base was destroyed by those traitors, and the wolf and his men were all dead!" "

Why don't you mess with women, what do you say the evil pupil had to provoke those two ancestors in the first place..."

Isn't this the small high-level of the Evolution Family who was behind his own back, and he was in this base

? In addition, the Evolution House was split? It sounds like the group of people from the Green Fox and the White Fox? So Tang Xin may be with those so-called traitors?


"Jiang Yuan..."The doctor's voice suddenly sounded, and Jiang Yuan

was suddenly happy.

"It's done, so fast, awesome!" "


Yuan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly had a bad premonition.

"I've already sent you the entire construction diagram, and I've got some of the personnel information.

"Then there are suspected king-level awakened people here, and there are vibration sensors in some places in the core area, which are very sensitive, and stealth is useless.

"If you insist on attacking here, I won't stop you, and some of the functions of this base will be invalid in a while, and I can't predict which ones will be.

"It's too late, just say this, when you go back, don't forget to hand over your glasses to the No. 1 machine, goodbye

!" "Fight with me?! Lao Tzu has hundreds of millions of doppelgangers! Die for you!"

Jiang Yuan: "

What kind of plane is Dr. ??? doing?" Who is he talking to at the end?

The next moment, the entire base suddenly shook violently, a large number of lights went out instantly, and then the red alarm sounded instantly.

Jiang Yuan: "Fuck it

?!Doctor's No. 3 machine is gone?Who can actually force the doctor to this point?

"Enemy attack!Everyone is on alert!Prepare to fight!"

This is leaking!Hurry up and come here!

"Damn, what are the bastards in the monitoring room doing!"

The Evolution House base fell into chaos, and Jiang Yuan

leaned against the wall and fell into deep thought.

Suspected of being a king...

Looking at the crowd around him, Jiang Yuan's eyes flashed.

Now that it's already chaotic, let's mess up it again

!"Chaos Storm!Shockwave!"Boom!The

two major range skills were used, and a large number of awakened people around Jiang Yuan were instantly crushed into pulp! Some awakened people

who were not shocked to death by the shockwave also had scarlet eyes and attacked their surroundings indiscriminately.

The anomaly here quickly attracted the attention of the upper echelons of the Evolution House, and the awakened people of the Ninth Order Commander level rushed over.

They watched the devastation and shouted angrily at their comrades who were still killing each other.

"What are you doing! Stop

!" "Something is wrong, they seem to have been attacked by

a spiritual ability!" A ninth-order leader with a spiritual ability awakening had a solemn gaze, a bright light in his eyes, and a soft wave spread out in an instant.

The next moment, his face was gloomy, and his spiritual ability was actually ineffective against these people!

After several more attempts, his face was already a little pale, and the scarlet in the eyes of those who had fallen into a state of confusion slowly faded, and he fell limply to the ground.

"Be careful... The enemy's mental ability is stronger than mine!

" "Your spiritual ability in our base is the third, stronger than you?!"

His companion next to him was shocked, and quickly took out the intercom, but suddenly felt a chill in his neck.

"I'm Blacklight, what the hell is going on

in the B-15 area?!" "Please answer!Is there anyone!"

"Damn! Everyone in the vicinity of B-15 immediately went to B-15 to check on the situation!" "The B-15

area was eerily quiet, except for the buzzing of the walkie-talkie in a pool of blood...


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