At the core of the base, the man with blood-colored pavement on his side had a cold gaze, and his face hidden behind the mask was extremely ugly.

This person is none other than the Evil Pupil, and the master of this base.

Across from him sat a group of people dressed in the same costume, with the exception of the sun print on their chests.

"Don't look at me, if Lord Apocalypse wants to kill you, he won't use this way, you know Lord Apocalypse's methods!"

One person spoke, it was Lao Liu, the guard of the Apocalypse.

Lao Liu's face was calm, and he continued: "But... You've been a little dishonest lately!

" The evil pupil was shocked in his heart, and his face remained unchanged and said: "Liu Yufeng, I have always been loyal to Lord Apocalypse, don't frame me!"

"Loyalty?" Lao Liu chuckled: "It's better to be like this, otherwise..."

With a gesture in his eyes, Lao Liu stepped forward with a box in his hand and placed it in front of the evil pupil.

"Here is the seven-day potion, I hope we can get the news that you have really been promoted to the king level in seven days, the position of the seventh knight of the apocalypse, but it has been kept for you. Greed

flashed in the eyes of the evil pupils, and he said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, I will never let Lord Apocalypse down!"

Lao Liu nodded slightly and said, "The things have been brought, you can handle the rest of the things yourself." With

that, Lao Liu looked back at a young girl, the girl took a step forward, her eyes flashed, and the next moment, all the people of the Apocalypse forces disappeared in place.

The evil pupil's eyes shrank, but there was a special device for interfering with spatial abilities, and the girl actually ignored the instrument and took everyone away?"

"You still have to be more careful..."

A burst of ice mist slowly drifted out, and there were seven glittering golden injections in the box.

took out one, and the evil pupil couldn't wait to tie it to his arm, and the next moment, the golden halo on his body flowed, and he couldn't help but moan.

"Within seven days, I will be truly promoted to a king-level awakened person! When the time comes..."The

evil pupil sneered, directly crushed the finished injection, turned around and walked to a wall, and tapped in one place.

The next moment, the walls suddenly parted to the sides, and a small laboratory appeared.

Evil Pupil glanced at all of the robots that had collapsed to the ground, and a flash of alarm flashed in his eyes, and he quickly came to a console and pressed one of the buttons.

"Backup data in transit... The system reboot begins..."

Listening to this mechanical voice, the evil pupil finally breathed a sigh of relief, but in the next moment, something happened that changed his face drastically.

"Warning! Unknown virus intrusion detected!" "

Virus removal failed, the firewall has been breached, all data is being deleted, and the system self-destruct program is enabled. The

next moment, all the equipment in the lab stopped running and all the screens were turned off.

The evil pupil froze in place, and suddenly turned to look at a large metal pod, his throat moving slightly.


was a loud bang, and a bulge suddenly appeared in the metal cabin, and the evil pupil instantly trembled, and his eyes were full of horror.

"Damn! this monster is awake!" the

crash sounded, and the metal pod looked like it couldn't hold on.

The Evil Pupil hurried to a test bench, smashed a vacuum container, and removed one of the pistol-shaped weapons and aimed them at the metal chamber.

Boom! The

hatch was suddenly knocked into the air, and the Evil Pupil fired without hesitation, but it was a blood-colored marble.

After the marbles were shot into the metal cabin, a cloud of red smoke instantly spread.

The evil pupil stood nervously in place, but his figure had already made a retreat movement.

"Brother... Hungry..."

A low voice sounded, the evil pupil's body was shocked, his face was extremely complicated in an instant, and he said:

"Xiao Chao, brother will bring you food in a while, you stay in it first, don't move!"

"Hungry !!"

A monster walked out of the smoke and let out a low roar.

The monster was three meters tall, humanoid but skinless, and its exposed red muscles were twisted together to make people feel terrified at the sight.

The monster dragged a stout tail behind it, with sharp teeth and sharp teeth, and its head was full of eyes.

It had many tubes connected to it, but they were all torn off by it, and a large amount of viscous liquid gushed out of the tubes, giving off a strange smell.

The evil pupil's body froze, and he pulled the trigger again, and another blood-colored projectile shot out.

The monster finally stopped roaring and stood still.

The evil pupil's eyes flickered strangely, and he said, "Squat." The

next moment, the monster crouched on the ground, obedient as a pet.

The evil pupil breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the gun in his hand, there were still four blood-colored projectiles left in it.

In the face of this monster, there was sadness and fear in the eyes of the evil pupil, but more than that, anger.

"Qinghu! If it weren't for you, my brother wouldn't have become like this!When I am promoted to the king level, don't think about it for any of you sisters

!" "And that damn intruder, actually ruined the laboratory! Bad for me, Xiaochao's food tonight is yours!"

Suddenly, the alarm sounded, and the evil pupil's face changed, and he hurriedly took out a device on his waist.

There was a 3D diagram of the base on the screen, and a red dot on it was flashing, rapidly approaching him.

"A bunch of waste

!" Evil Pupil scolded angrily and shouted at the monster, "Xiao Chao, follow me

!" "Roar!"

The monster roared and immediately followed Evil Pupil out of the laboratory.

At this time, Jiang Yuan was walking quickly through the base passage, and his destination was the preservation place of the Black Crystal Origin.

But what bothered him was that from the moment he entered the core area, those vibration detectors began to take effect.

Vibration was detected, but there was no one in the surveillance screen, and the alarm sounded directly.

Jiang Yuan had no choice but to burst out with all his might, wanting to collect the Black Crystal Origin as soon as possible.

"Hmm, what a strong breath!"

Sensing that two breaths in front of him were approaching rapidly, Jiang Yuan immediately stopped and stuck to the wall motionless.

Two figures soon appeared, and Jiang Yuan saw the skinless monster at a glance.

"Gone?" Red

Pupil frowned slightly as she looked at the empty passage in front of her, and then looked at the instrument in her hand, and the red dot had disappeared.

At this time, Jiang Yuan, who was clinging to the wall, was staring at the three-meter-tall monster.

The information detection function shows that although this monster level is also a ninth-order commander, it has a suffix.

[After special modifications, it can exert some of the king-level strength.] The

race column says unknown, and he can't see the monster's skills and attributes

! Is this what the doctor said about the existence of a suspected king-level?

As for the person behind the monster, according to some of the information given by the doctor, Jiang Yuan recognized this person as the evil pupil through that special mask! Jiang Yuan

was motionless, as a zombie, he didn't need to breathe or have a heartbeat, as long as he stood still, no matter how sensitive those vibration detectors were, they couldn't detect him.

But at this moment, the monster's nose suddenly twitched, and its eyes looked directly at Jiang Yuan's position.

"Roar!" The

monster suddenly roared, its body burst up, and it rushed directly towards Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan: "???

"You're a dog, right?

" (╯‵□′)╯(┻━┻

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