Jiang Yuan did not hesitate to use the flash, and appeared behind the two of them in an instant.

But the moment he appeared, the damn vibration detector reacted again.

The Evil Pupil looked at the red dot that reappeared, and immediately turned around.

"Xiao Chao! in the back

!" "Roar!"

Jiang Yuan frowned, and a large number of zombie bombs split out instantly.

He didn't use Shockwave, nor did he activate the attack effect of the special skill 'Shock', which was too close to the self-destruct core of the base, and he was afraid that the core of the base would also be blown up.

This base is a bit strange, Jiang Yuan can't be sure if he can withstand the power of the core explosion, and he still wants to infect the people here, so naturally he won't let these people be blown up.

At the same time as the zombie bomb exploded, Jiang Yuan's arm turned into a giant blade, and his figure jumped up.

With the flash of silver light, the top layer of the base was directly split out of a big hole by Jiang Yuan!

The water in the pool instantly poured into the base, drowning the pursuing monsters and evil pupils.

And Jiang Yuan has the ability of the water system, and he shuttles freely in the water flow and disappears quickly.

A large number of zombie bombs exploded together with great power, and the monster was caught off guard and injured, but quickly recovered as before.

And the evil pupil's body flashed with silver light to carry the attack, and he actually had a nano battle suit! The

monster was injured by the explosion, and instantly became furious, even if it was submerged by the water, it still quickly chased after it, and the speed did not have much effect!

The evil pupil's face changed slightly, and he immediately tried to get the monster back with his spiritual ability, but the monster did not listen to him at all at this time.


the evil pupil cursed in his heart, smashing the wall next to him with a punch and leaving with the current.

Jiang Yuan only destroyed the ceiling of that place, and not the entire base was filled with water.

As soon as the pupil got up, he ordered the awakened of the water and earth abilities to deal with the loopholes in the base, and he himself made rapid progress towards the place where Sombra was kept.

But his speed was too slow, and while he was still on the road, Jiang Yuan had already appeared outside the door of the laboratory where the origin of the black crystal was preserved.

There were more than a dozen ninth-order commander-level guards here, Jiang Yuan didn't pay attention to them at all, and directly entered the laboratory in an instant.

Looking around, Jiang Yuan actually discovered the eighteen black crystal origins! This made Jiang Yuan extremely surprised!

One after another black crystal origins disappeared out of thin air, and when the people inside found out that something was wrong, the entire room became empty.

Jiang Yuan did not remove the stealth effect, but his arm turned into a giant blade

in an instant, and he swung it violently, drawing a silver circle in the room! In an instant, both people and equipment were cut in half!

A miserable scream sounded, attracting the attention of the ninth-order commander-level guards outside.

They hurriedly opened the door and rushed in, but they were greeted by an invisible enemy

! Only the blood-stained silver light reminded them that an unknown being was harvesting their lives!

The evil pupil finally arrived at this time, just in time to see a man whose body was pierced and hung in the air, and through him was a figure soaked in bright red blood.

His pupils shrank wildly, and he was shocked to find that the blood-colored figure was actually transparent in the places that were not stained with blood

! Stealth?!

He finally understood why he couldn't see the enemy before, it turned out that the enemy actually had the ability to be invisible!

"Xiao Chao!" The

evil pupil suddenly burst out, and a terrifying spiritual fluctuation spread instantly.

Jiang Yuan felt that the other party wanted to control his consciousness, but his super high spiritual attribute plus the tenacity effect existed, and the other party's ability could only affect him slightly, but he couldn't control him at all!

Without the suppression of the Black Crystal Origin, Jiang Yuan's perception skills were finally no longer restricted, and the breath of everyone in the entire base was under his control!

He sensed that the monster's breath was rapidly approaching here, while the breath of Lao Liu and the others, whom he cared more about, disappeared.

With a slight frown, Jiang Yuan flashed directly behind the evil pupil, and the giant blade slashed towards the evil pupil's limbs.


nano suit on the evil pupil's body lit up, making Jiang Yuan slightly stunned.

Where did it come from?

But even if the Evil Pupil's nano suit was automatically defended, it would still be difficult to resist in the face of Jiang Yuan's nano suit that had been upgraded to level 5 by the system!

With a scream, the limbs of the evil pupil were directly cut off by Jiang Yuan!

Almost at the same time, the flames roared out, and the broken limbs of the evil pupil were directly scorched, stopping the blood that was being sprayed.


And he couldn't have imagined that he, who had a nano suit, would actually have his limbs cut off by the other party's attack

!"Xiao Chao! Kill him! Kill him!"


The wall in front of him was suddenly knocked open, and the figure of the monster walked out of it.

It saw the tragic state of the evil pupil, and there was an uncontrollable rage in its scarlet eyes.

"You dare... Injure... My brother!"

it roared, and its body grew in a circle out of thin air, directly becoming four meters tall.

At the same time, there was a flash of thunder and fire on his body, and the wind blade that spit out during his breath tore the ground apart!

"So many abilities?" Jiang

Yuan was surprised, this monster was probably the enemy with the most abilities he had seen so far.

And this monster not only can speak, but also called Brother Evil Pupil? Could it be a monster transformed into a human

? How can you play with all the technology to transform people these days? How can ordinary zombies live?

The monster rushed over, and the terrifying speed made Jiang Yuan's pupils shrink, and the speed of the other party was on par with him!

Kicked the evil pupil behind him, and at the same time, the silk spinning skill directly trapped the evil pupil.

He wanted to ask the Evil Pupil about the Apocalypse for a while, but he didn't want this guy to be killed by the aftermath of the battle.

Facing a monster that could exert some of his king-level strength, Jiang Yuan's gaze was very cautious.

But this time he didn't plan to use the splitting skill, he wanted to see if he could kill this guy by fighting alone! The skill

'Shock' special effect was turned on, and the water ability directly washed away the blood on his body, and Jiang Yuan's figure disappeared again.

Although the cutting rays of the nanosuit will reveal his location, it will always have some confusing effect on the opponent.

With all his strength, the giant blade slashed into the monster's shoulder, but it failed to cut off the monster's arm, and it seemed to be stuck in the bone.

Jiang Yuan was shocked in his heart, looked at the fist smashed by the monster, and without hesitation, he flashed behind the monster, and the giant blades in both hands slashed out wildly.

But the next moment, the muscles on the monster's body quickly crystallized, and it actually used the earth-based ability again!

Jiang Yuan's brows furrowed, his face turned ruthless, and his arms turned into afterimages and cleaved out, and in an instant, a large number of crystals were split, hurting the flesh and blood below.

But the monster's speed was the same as Jiang Yuan's, and it reacted quickly, and a large number of bone spurs suddenly appeared on its back, directly sending Jiang Yuanding flying out, smashing through several walls along the way.

The moment Jiang Yuan was attacked, the stealth effect of the nano suit was broken, and his body was briefly revealed.

But after this force was weakened by the nano suit, it still failed to break through Jiang Yuan's defense.

Jiang Yuan frowned slightly, if it weren't for the nano suit, it would really hurt him this time!

"It's worthy of being a monster that can exert some of its king-level strength, it's really interesting!"

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