Jiang Yuan, who suddenly appeared, startled the awakened people around him, and they just wanted to make a move, but suddenly saw the monster rushing out of the hole in the wall, and turned around and ran away without saying a word.

Jiang Yuan ignored these people, and immediately used his telekinesis ability to control the surrounding objects, and frantically attacked the monster.

Weakness perception slowly took effect, and in Jiang Yuan's vision, hints of red weakness had begun to appear on the monster.

It's just these red dots... There are too many

! The monster is only four meters tall, and the red weak spots on its body have appeared hundreds, and they are still increasing!

After knowing that he could not be killed with one hit, Jiang Yuan began to use the advantage of the stealth of the nano suit to fight a war of attrition.

The base was in chaos, and all the places where Jiang Yuan had fought with monsters were destroyed to the point where they were not presentable.

The existence of the special skill 'Shock' allows Jiang Yuan to cause damage to everything in the monster's body as long as he touches the monster.

The monster's body has grown from three meters at the beginning to more than six meters tall now, and the more it fights, it has become more and more fierce, giving Jiang Yuan the illusion that the other party has opened a bloodthirsty killing skill.

"Eat my pistachios!" While

the monster roared, Jiang Yuan used his telekinesis skill to throw out a handful of pistachios, all of which fell into the monster's mouth.

The next moment, the monster got excited and shot even harder.

Jiang Yuan was speechless for a while, he didn't expect this monster to be more like a zombie...

And because of the special effect of pistachios, the damage he caused to the monster with his previous mental attack actually recovered somewhat.


Ding, the target is not a zombie, the rebellion skill fails, and it enters the CD phase.] Jiang

Yuan: "..."It's

not a zombie, what kind of CD do you give me?"



The monster fell to its knees suddenly, and Jiang Yuan's eyes flashed instantly.

The next moment, Jiang Yuan came directly behind the monster and slashed out frantically while it hadn't stood up yet.

A large number of weak points of red light were extinguished instantly, and for the first time in the battle, the monster suffered a heavy blow!

"Roar!" The

monster roared angrily, and Jiang Yuan was not to be outdone.

Who have zombies feared

than a roar?A roar greater than a monster rang out, and a spiritual blast and crimson rays unleashed again.


One of the monster's arms was finally unloaded by Jiang Yuan, and he grabbed it in his hand and bit it down.

"Phew! it's so unpalatable!"

Jiang Yuan spit out the meat in his mouth in disgust, put the monster's arm into the storage space, and stabbed the monster's rapidly regenerating arm again.


, a powerful force spread around the monster, and Jiang Yuan's figure flew upside down in an instant, but he quickly used the Sky Stepping Skill to rush back.

When the monster was about to get up, Jiang Yuan immediately used the gravity field skill.

Taking this opportunity, Jiang Yuan waved the giant blade frantically again, the monster seemed to be scared and wanted to escape, Jiang Yuan followed by a taunt, and then the disability skill was activated.

The battle was finally over, and all the monster's limbs were cut off by Jiang Yuan, and its ability could no longer cause damage to Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan didn't kill it, but just made it completely ineffective.

"Montenegro calls. With

a mutter, Jiang Yuan actually summoned the Black Mountain directly in the base, the base was dozens of meters high, and the Black Mountain of more than ten meters would not pierce the base.

A large number of corpses poured out, but not all.

Above the waterhole, those zombies dropped from Jiang Yuan's control base had already surrounded the waterhole, and those awakened who wanted to escape were torn apart by the zombies who rushed up as soon as they rushed out of the waterhole!

This evolution home base was finally completely infected by Jiang Yuan, and only the evil pupil and the monster were spared.

The Doctor's newly built No. 4 machine appears and asks about the loss of contact with No. 3 machine.

Jiang Yuan handed the glasses to the No. 4 machine, and after the No. 4 machine read the data in the glasses, it was silent for two seconds, and instantly turned into a streamer and disappeared from Jiang Yuan's sight.

Jiang Yuan: "What the ???

thing is it? The speed of a broken machine is almost catching up with him?

Jiang Yuan immediately followed, and followed the doctor to a laboratory.

This is the laboratory where the monster walked out, looking at the paralyzed machines all over the ground, Jiang Yuan frowned slightly.

"Can you tell me what happened before the third machine? Who is the guy who forced him to blow himself up and kill him?"

"It's the enemy!" Jiang Yuan: "..."

Lao Tzu also knows that it's the enemy, but the question is the identity of the enemy?"

The doctor said again.

Jiang Yuan pursed his lips, since the doctor said so, it was clear that he would definitely not tell him now, and he didn't bother to ask again.

After Caesar brought the evil pupil over, Jiang Yuan began to interrogate the evil pupil.

During this period, the doctor made a great contribution, and a dose of high-tech special effect truth-spitting agent directly made the evil pupil answer all questions.

Jiang Yuan finally had a certain understanding of the Evolution House, but unfortunately, although the evil pupil knew more secrets than ordinary people, he didn't know who the high-level behind the Evolution House was.

He only knew that the House of Evolution was a global force, not only in the Dragon Kingdom, but it had been well hidden before, making all the forces look down on them.

What Jiang Yuan cared about the most was that the real controller of the Evil Pupil's guess Evolution House had already begun to deploy before the apocalyptic mutation!

Although this was just the Evil Pupil's speculation, Jiang Yuan also suspected this problem, whether it was the Wang family, the military, or the doctor, they were all acting abnormally at this point.

Jiang Yuan pondered for a moment and began to ask about the Apocalypse, the Green Fox Sisters, Tang Xin, and so on.

But when Jiang Yuan asked what was going on in this laboratory, there was a bang, and the evil pupil's head exploded.

Jiang Yuan: "What's

the matter? I just want to get a piece of information, is it so difficult?

Half a day later, the Evolution House base in the waterhole activated the self-detonation procedure, and the blue decomposition light curtain destroyed all traces here.

Jiang Yuan left the splinter guards while he sat in the research base of the Doctor in the Black Mountain Space.

He was waiting for the results of the Doctor's investigation into the golden potion that the Apocalypse had given to the Evil Pupil.

"This thing can't be copied, unless you arrest the Apocalypse, but according to my analysis, the Apocalypse already has

king-level strength, can you?" "It's just a king-level, believe it or not, I'll be promoted to show you at any time?"


Jiang Yuan pretended to be forced, but in fact, he looked at his evolution point value.

Level: Ninth Order Commander Level Zombie (4856/5000)

After absorbing more than a dozen Black Crystal Origins from the Evolution Family, Jiang Yuan's evolution points have been continuously increasing, and according to the speed prompted by the system now, he can evolve at most tomorrow!

But as the number of zombies increased, Jiang Yuan felt more and more that the Origin Black Crystal was not enough.

He kind of wanted to give up some low-level zombies, although the corpses had a miraculous effect when attacking the city, but in the face of too powerful enemies, it was almost non-existent.

It's really a king-level life, and no matter how many low-level zombies there are, they are all food delivered.

"Forget it, let's wait until I am promoted to the king level. Jiang Yuan said secretly in his heart.

[Ding, the host's absorption of Montenegro was discovered by hunters, attracting the attention of king-level hunters. [

Quest Trigger - Total Destruction of the King-level Hunter Squad. Jiang

Yuan: "???"



The author has something to say:

There will be more time in two days, don't panic.

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