Jiang Yuan looked at the mission introduction rather speechlessly.

[Mission Requirements: Extinction Difficulty: Unknown Time Limit: Three Days

] [Completion Reward: One Random Limited Item] [

Failure Punishment: The Luminous Skill is forced to be turned on for three days. The

ghost animal punishment mechanism as always, which made Jiang Yuan's brows jump wildly.

The location system of the king-level team has been marked on the map, a total of twenty people, among which there is a golden cursor, which should be the king-level hunter.

Moreover, the system reminded Jiang Yuan not to look at the king-level hunting team with the eyes of ordinary hunters, and the strength equipment was not a level at all.

Jiang Yuan's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and the mission deadline was only three days, so he couldn't afford to delay.

He immediately drove the base towards the position of the King Hunter Squad.

After the base was transformed by the doctor, the flight speed was very fast, and Jiang Yuan estimated that he would be able to meet the other party in half a day at most.

In half a day, according to the speed at which the system absorbed the Black Crystal Origin to give him evolution points, Jiang Yuan was still unable to be promoted to the king level.

On the way, I passed through a city, and the ruined Black Mountain was still there, but the Origin Black Crystal inside was taken away.

I passed through several small Awakened bases, but there was not a single Commander-level Awakened, and there was not even a Sombra Origin in the base.

Jiang Yuan finally determined that the hunters had begun to collect the origin of black crystal, perhaps just to prevent him.

Normally, zombies have two ways to use Sombra Origins, one is to be companion, and then collect other Sombra Origins to strengthen their companion Sombra.

The other is direct devouring, which brings the most intuitive benefits such as evolution point attributes.

The Black Mountain Leader Corpse King will fuse Sombra and will also let his subordinates devour Sombra to make his subordinates grow quickly.

Black Mountain will also be swallowed, but it is often the corpses that take a lot of time to complete, and they will not be taken away in an instant and silently like Jiang Yuan.

It was through the surveillance they left near Montenegro that the hunters discovered this strange situation, and the black mountain that disappeared in an instant caught their attention.

As soon as communication returned to normal, they reported the matter to their superiors.

At this moment, on a beach, a cold man slowly wiped the blood from the black knife, and calmly looked at a hundred-meter-long giant shark stranded on the beach below.

The shark was covered in scars, and the blood that flowed out of it gathered together, staining the sea behind it scarlet, causing countless fish to go crazy.

"Captain, this king-level shark is such

a big Origin Pill! It has to be more than one meter!" "Tsk, it's really lucky! Although large spirit beasts generally have larger Origin Pills, such a big one is really rare

!" "Hurry up and put it away, don't forget that we still have to investigate the disappearance of Black Mountain!" One

person took out the small box on his waist, and the Origin Pill that was more than one meter was directly collected by him into a small box that was less than the size of a palm.

The hunter's box Jiang Yuan asked Dr. Jiang Yuan to analyze, using a spatial compression technique, which seemed to be only the size of a palm, but there was a space of about three meters inside.

After recovering the Origin Pill, the captain's eyes, who had not spoken, flashed with golden light, and the shark's corpse floated up and was thrown into the sea.

A large number of fish began to bite the shark carcass, and soon a commander-level spirit beast was born.

"Let's go. The captain spoke slowly, and those members who wanted to hunt commander-level spirit beasts had no choice but to give up and turned around to follow the captain.

"Captain, 754 has sent information that a super-large king-level zombie has been found!"

"What about the coordinates?" "It's about

201 kilometers away from us, and we need to go around to get there, which may delay the mission."

"Let 754 stare first, the task is important. "

Understood!" The

team of twenty flew forward quickly, and the captain on the road suddenly frowned, and immediately ordered all the team members to stop.

He looked around suspiciously, but he didn't notice anything wrong.

In his line of sight, there were translucent displays, one of which showed a number of points of light, all of which were life signals in his vicinity.

"Strange, is it a delusion?"

the captain frowned slightly, and then ordered: "051, you use your mental abilities with all your might, and if you find something wrong, report it immediately!" "056,

always pay attention to the fluctuations in the space around you. "

Everyone turns on the stealth function of the nano suit, pay attention to the feedback screen of the life detector, and enter the first-level alert state

!" "Yes!" The

team members responded one after another, and immediately acted according to the request, without asking why.

The next moment, the team of twenty people slowly disappeared in mid-air, only the sound of rapid flight getting farther and farther away.

"It's so dangerous!"

A minute later, Jiang Yuan, who was hiding nearby, sighed, he was almost discovered just now!

In order not to attract the attention of the other party, Jiang Yuan took the initiative to ask the system not to block the communication signals of these hunters for the time being.

But the king-level captain was too sharp, he only moved a little bit of murderous intent, and the other party immediately sensed that something was wrong.

"Well, you still have to wait until the king level, it's safer!"

Jiang Yuan's evolution point is still more than fifty years away before he can be promoted to the king level, as long as he waits for another half a day!

Looking at the direction in which the hunter team left, Jiang Yuan didn't catch up again.

He originally came here to determine the strength of the other party, but when he saw it just now, Jiang Yuan was really shocked.

One king-level, nineteen ninth-order commanders! The attributes of the king-level cannot be seen, but the nineteen ninth-order commanders are not at the same level as the hunters they met before!

Although they

can't see skills, they know through the subject's dictation that these hunters have abilities.

The most important thing is that their all-attribute values are above 300G on average

! In contrast, Jiang Yuan feels that the hunters he has met before are all spicy chicken goods, I'm afraid these are the real backbone

of hunters! The ninth-order commanders are like this, what about the king-level?

The hunters are too mysterious, and Jiang Yuan doesn't want to take risks before he sees the strength of the other party.

With indifferent eyes, he glanced in the direction where the king-level hunter team was leaving, and Jiang Yuan flew quickly towards the other side.

Previously, for the sake of insurance, Jiang Yuan hid the base underground, and the people inside were also moved to the Black Mountain space.

Now it seems that he is doing the right thing, the life detectors that these hunters have, although they don't know what the detection distance is and how accurate it is, but it is always a trouble.

This area was too clean by the hunters, and Jiang Yuan searched all the way and only found the highest second-order commander level life, which should have just been promoted.

Therefore, Jiang Yuan changed the target to ordinary hunters, since they took the Origin Black Crystal, then Jiang Yuan just went and snatched it back!

Thirty kilometers of hunter detection range, Jiang Yuan quickly found a team of six hunters.

With a murderous flash in his eyes, Jiang Yuan changed direction without hesitation and flew over.

After coming to the front, Jiang Yuan raised his eyebrows, and in his perception, there was a large number of human awakened aura in front of him, and five large survivor bases fell on the ruins of the town.

But what he cares about most is the clothes of the gang.

Wang's family!

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