Jiang Yuan sighed, if the hunters could be infected, Jiang Yuan's zombie army would definitely have a large number of top-level combat power.

But unfortunately, the task is on his own, and he can only choose to kill.

"System, after the king-level hunter team is destroyed, can you help me deal with the special nanomachines in their bodies?"


Yuan frowned slightly, he actually thought that if the system refused, he would ask the doctor for help.

But what does the system mean by this?Is it dangerous to infect hunters


[Ding, insufficient permissions, I can't tell you for the time being.] After

a moment of silence, Jiang Yuan decided to follow the system's advice.

Turning to look at the hunter's gauntlet, Jiang Yuan reached out and picked it up.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, obtained the T-101 battle armor (gauntlet part).]

Jiang Yuan was slightly stunned, this thing can actually be specially prompted by

the system? The black knives of those ordinary hunters and the box containing the Origin Pill have not attracted the attention of the system!

The things that are included in the system will be introduced, Jiang Yuan hurriedly checked it.

T-101 Battle Armor (Gauntlet Part): It can fire an energy light cannon, which needs to consume the Origin Black Crystal or Origin Pill, or it can be fired by extracting the energy in the wearer's body, and the strength of the light cannon is related to the injected energy.

The moment he got this thing, Jiang Yuan already knew how to use it, and the residual energy in the gauntlet could still fire a light cannon.

Trying to put the gauntlet into the equipment building frame, looking at the construction cost of up to 5 billion exchange points, Jiang Yuan immediately gave up.

After the hunter's corpse was put into the storage space, Jiang Yuan walked up to the Wang family.

These are two real kings! I just don't know if they will be downgraded after mutation.

But now is not the time, Jiang Yuan fainted the two of them, and let Xiao Zi carry them back to the location of the Wang family's base quickly.

Walking up to the unconscious hunters, Jiang Yuan quickly killed all of them.

[Ding, the task is completed, and the reward is distributed.] [

Congratulations to the host, get a limited edition triangle red pants.] Jiang

Yuan: "???"


year is not my natal year, what are you doing for me

with red pants! What kind of bullshit limited item? Sure enough, as always, I cheated on my father!

Holding back his anger and opening the introduction of the red pants, Jiang Yuan was suddenly stunned.

Limited Triangle Red Pants: 10% speed bonus for inner wear, 20% speed bonus for outer wear (Note: This item cannot be destroyed).

It doesn't matter what he wears inside and outside, what Jiang Yuan cares about is that indestructible affix

! This is a top-level defensive artifact! As long as he uses the ultimate transformation to transfer his core to the place covered by the red pants, wouldn't he be invincible? The real immortal!

He put the red pants in the palm of his hand and stabbed them with a knife.


was a crisp sound, and the red pants were intact!

However, Jiang Yuan still felt his power penetrate the pants and slam into the palm of his hand.

If his defense is low, although the pants will not break, the palm of his hand will definitely be pierced by the tip of the knife along with the red pants.

After thinking about it, he took out another ordinary disintegrating ray firearm, which was a shot at the red pants.

The blow was completely blocked by the red pants, and his palms didn't feel


This is simply a perfect small invincible shield! It can be worn on the body when necessary, and then the ultimate transformation is used to transfer all the weaknesses to the range covered by the red pants.

Although the picture of holding his pants to defend against the opponent's attack is a little weird, what is more important than life?

Safety first

! It is worthy of being produced by the system, I love it!

Jiang Hong's pants are carefully put away, and Jiang Yuan completely forgot that he disliked this thing before.

Turning to look at the five royal family bases covered by the black prison, Jiang Yuan did not rush in, but poured out the Black Crystal Origin and Origin Pill collected by the hunters.

There were more than 800 Origin Pills, of which there were more than 200 at the Ninth Order Commander level.

There were 141 black crystal origins, and Jiang Yuan suspected that these hunters had brought all the black crystal origins that could be collected nearby.

"With so many black crystal origins, my evolution point seems to be worrying!" Jiang

Yuan laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth, and immediately absorbed 120 black crystal origins.

The sound of tinkling and ding beeps sounded continuously, like the sound of heaven.

The remaining 21 were put into storage, intended for the white-haired Caesar to use for them.

Summoning Montenegro out, Jiang Yuan asked the corpse group to move all the corpses of all the hunters to the doctor's laboratory, and at the same time contacted the doctor's fourth machine.

After the fourth machine walked out, he looked at the five royal bases covered by the black prison in front of him, and said in a flat tone: "I can help you recover it." "

It's you!" Jiang Yuan gave a thumbs up and said, "By the way, help me make sure there is any monitoring equipment left by hunters around."

"Yes. A flash of light flashed in the eyes of the fourth machine, and a large number of small machines suddenly poured out of the black mountain behind him, and began to scan around.

"By the way, how did you kill that king-level hunter? You were promoted to

the king-level?" "No, it was the king-level awakened people of these two royal families who fought with the hunters that both lost, and I just took the opportunity to pick up a leak. "

Heh, you just keep pretending.

The doctor didn't believe Jiang Yuan's words, and Jiang Yuan didn't care, so he handed over the blood-colored pill collected from the king-level hunter to the doctor and let the doctor study.

As for the kind of injection that the two of the Wang family used before, since everything on the two of them was destroyed in the light cannon, Jiang Yuan could only go to the Wang family's base to see if he could find it.

Putting on the mask of the evil pupil again, the split body also changed into the appearance of the evil pupil's younger brother monster.

Entered the Wang family base in an instant, and lost the base guarded by the king, where could Jiang Yuan be stopped, and those commander-level awakened people were infected by Jiang Yuan and the split body one by one, and it didn't take long for them to be all infected.

On this trip, Jiang Yuan once again harvested 60 Black Crystal Origins!

The five royal bases were also smoothly controlled by the doctor, and this time there were no accidents.

After the doctor recovered the black prison, Jiang Yuan did not let the corpses attack the remaining awakened people, but just pretended to continue to hunt down these people as evil pupils, and in the end most of them successfully escaped.

Jiang Yuan smiled with satisfaction.

When these people brought the information back to the Wang family, he didn't believe that the Wang family could endure it.

The more chaotic it is, the better!

The doctor emptied all the things that could be used in the Wang family base, and finally activated the self-detonation procedure of the base.

All evidence was wiped out, and Jiang Yuan turned off the hunter's signal shield and quickly left the place.

After returning to the base hovering high in the sky, Jiang Yuan left the splinter guards and entered the Black Mountain space again.

Coming to the doctor's laboratory, Jiang Yuan asked, "There is nothing in those two people that will cause self-explosion!"

The doctor replied, "No."

Jiang Yuan was instantly relieved, he was really uncomfortable by those who played self-destruction.

"How long will it take for the king-level truth-spitting elixir to be completed?"

"One hour, but after all, it is a king-level awakened person, and the effect of the truth-spitting elixir is not guaranteed."

An hour later, Jiang Yuan woke up the two high-ranking members of the Wang family, and the truth vomiting agent was directly inserted into the two of them.

Looking at the two of them whose pupils were gradually dilating, Jiang Yuan said leisurely: "Tell all the secrets of the Wang family that you know!"


The author has something to say:

I almost confessed to the mirror today, hey, being handsome is sometimes really troublesome.

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