The two of the Wang family talked to themselves with their eyes scattered, but Jiang Yuan's brows were always furrowed.

He didn't hear the system prompt for the mission to be completed!

" Take this with you. The

doctor suddenly handed Jiang Yuan something like a helmet, and then put the other two helmets on the heads of the two Wang family.


Jiang Yuan heard the sound of the two skulls being pierced.

"The memory extraction of king-level creatures is a bit troublesome, but it also allows you to see some pictures.

"But I want to warn you that what you see is not necessarily true, these two people's brains have been manipulated, and maybe what they just told you is not true.

"But there is always some information, and can't you be transformed, use this memory to infiltrate the Wang family, maybe you can get the truth." The

Doctor's tone was flat, as if he had done something unusual.

Jiang Yuan glared and smacked his tongue secretly, he thought that the doctor was blowing when he said that he could extract other people's memories, but he didn't expect that he could really do it.

Looking at the helmet in his hand, Jiang Yuan was afraid that this thing would drill two holes in his head, and asked in his heart: "System, no problem." "

Please feel free to use it with the host.

Jiang Yuan was relieved when the system spoke, and silently put on the helmet, and the pictures flashed back in Jiang Yuan's mind in an instant.

He saw the past pictures of Wang Yuanliang and Wang Wenguang, even if these pictures passed quickly, Jiang Yuan could still record them all.

This feeling was amazing, and Jiang Yuan had to admire Dr. Qi.

After memory verification, Jiang Yuan felt that only a small part of what the two said before did not match, but the deviation was not large.

So is it true that the memories of these two people have been passive before? The person in charge behind the Wang family even has to manipulate the memories of his own people, is he so cautious?

Jiang Yuan pondered.

Combined with the memories of the two, the information he has obtained so far is as follows:

The Wang family did prepare before the end of the world, but the two did not know the specific date.

I only know that starting a month before the end of the world, these families began to receive potions from the Longdu family one after another, and at that time they had already begun to secretly manufacture the base.

Later, a large number of potions were sent to various branches, and on the first day of the end of the world, they received an order for all members to start injecting the potions, and then all the people of the Wang family awakened.

The task of each branch is to collect black crystal, collect the origin pill, and all of them have researchers sent by their own families to conduct auxiliary research, and use the elixirs extracted from these things to make the level of the Wang family increase rapidly.

Half of the Wang family's technology comes from the mysterious man, and that mysterious person is the doctor, so it is concluded that the doctor has known some things for a long time.

As for when the memories of these high-level members of the branch were manipulated, Jiang Yuan suspected that the high-level of the family did it when they sent people to each branch to hold a secret meeting.

In addition, as for the hunters, they are listed as the highest danger level by the Wang family, and they can hide if they can, and if they can't dodge, they must be killed on the premise of ensuring that the other party explodes.

And why Wang Yuanliang and Wang Wenguang are so powerful is also made by spraying, but this kind of medicine is only distributed to individual people, and the number is extremely rare.

Jiang Yuan looked at a metal canister with a height of 30 centimeters and a diameter of 10 centimeters on the doctor's laboratory table, and the medicine injected by Wang Yuanliang and the others was made by mixing the contents with various other extracts.

There is only this one tank in the five bases, and the number is extremely rare.

"Doctor, what's in there?"


The doctor's answer made Jiang Yuan stunned, blood, what kind of blood?"

"I'll tell you when I finish my research and analysis, just wait." The

Doctor's tone was still flat, and he didn't even glance at the jar, but was interested in a map he had collected from Wang's house.

The map covers a province and is marked with five red dots, one of which is not far away and can be reached in a day at most.

"Let's go here first, maybe there will be some surprises!" Jiang

Yuan pondered for a moment and nodded.

Turning to look at Wang Yuanliang and Wang Wenguang, Jiang Yuan did not infect them for the time being.

These are two king levels, and if the two of them are downgraded because the virus level of their own commander level is not enough, it will be a big loss.

Let the doctor continue to control the two, Jiang Yuan walked out of the Black Mountain space and returned to the base, and began to rush towards the location marked on the map.

Half a day later, Jiang Yuan frowned as he looked at the hunter cursors that appeared more and more frequently on the map, these hunters seemed to be in the same direction as him?

"Something is wrong!" Jiang Yuan looked at the fourth machine of the doctor, and said in a deep voice: "If there are king-level hunters ahead, can this base hide their detection instruments?"

"No." Doctor No. 4 replied directly: "The transformation of the base is still in progress, and it will take at least three days to completely avoid being discovered by the hunter's tools."

Jiang Yuan immediately stopped the base, and then quickly rose and stopped above the clouds.

Turning on the stealth function and latent skills of the nano suit, Jiang Yuan took the Doctor No. 4 machine and began to fly with telekinesis.

Along the way, Jiang Yuan discovered several Awakened bases, but they were all killed by the Hunter General Commander on the way of the Hunters.

The doctor released some tracking and positioning machines attached to those bases, and Jiang Yuan left directly.

After another half a day, I finally came to the vicinity of the red dot marked on the map.

Jiang Yuan's expression was unprecedentedly cautious, because in his perception, there were more than twenty king-level lifeforms in front

of him! But there were only two kinds of breaths, one was a hunter and the other was a zombie!

Originally, the location marked by the red dot on the map was a plain, but at this moment, there was a towering volcano on that plain.

The magma gushed out wantonly, and the breath of more than ten king-level zombies was in that volcanic area.

As for the inside of the volcano, Jiang Yuan's perception skills were disturbed again, and he couldn't know what was going on.

The number of hunters around was exaggerated, in addition to a dozen king-level guards, the number of ninth-order commander-level hunters was more than five hundred!


a seeping wail sounded, and suddenly a huge palm suddenly stretched out from the huge crater, bringing a large amount of magma to splash around.

Jiang Yuan's eyes widened instantly, and he saw a huge zombie slowly crawling out of the crater.

According to the doctor's measurements, the height of the zombie was 561.43 meters, and the breath was a third-order king!

This giant zombie had a large number of dense protrusions, and a mist sprayed out between the opening and closing.

Jiang Yuan found that those hunters did not dare to touch this mist, and seemed to be a little afraid.

The zombies who were sprayed by the mist reacted completely differently, they seemed to have received a great supplement, and roared excitedly, and even their breath climbed.

The giant zombie screamed and walked towards the direction away from the volcano with huge steps, but none of the hunters stepped forward to stop them, and they avoided them.


, knock, knock, every step the zombie took made the ground tremble violently, wailing all the way, slowly disappearing from everyone's sight...

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