"Spreader!" Dr. Four said suddenly.

Jiang Yuan was taken aback, he knew through the information detection function of the system that the zombie had a 'spreader' suffix, but he didn't expect the doctor to know it.

"There are spreaders on the zombie side, and the spirit beasts should also make some moves. The doctor said coldly: "I can also let go of my actions a little!" "

Let go of my actions?"

Jiang Yuan just wanted to ask in detail, and suddenly saw extremely regular lines quickly appear on the surface of the small metal sphere of the Doctor No. 4 machine.

The next moment, something that made Jiang Yuan stunned appeared.

This small hovering machine, which he had long thought to have simple functions such as data processing, quickly deformed in front of him.

Head, hands, feet....

What was originally a metal ball with a diameter of three centimeters had now turned into a humanoid machine that was seven meters high!

As the surface of the machine fluctuated, a familiar face appeared in front of Jiang Yuan.

This face is the paralyzed face that Jiang Yuan saw when he met the doctor for the first time! Even the glasses he was wearing were exactly the same!

The doctor pushed his glasses, nodded slightly, and said with great satisfaction: "I can finally do something else!"

Jiang Yuan: "..."

Are you playing Transformers with me here???

"I'm going in, what about you?" The doctor asked.

Jiang Yuan frowned and said, "This is going in, wait for them to fight first!" The

doctor sneered: "Heh, sorry, that's not my style." Without

waiting for Jiang Yuan to reply, the doctor suddenly turned into a puddle of liquid, which melted directly into the ground.

Perception, the Doctor's breath is rapidly approaching the volcano's location underground.

Jiang Yuan was stunned, was the doctor's personality so reckless?

He quickly tapped his ears and said, "What the hell are you doing! Can't you be calm!"

The doctor replied, "I have a lot of life." Jiang

Yuan: (O_o)??

It makes so much sense that he was speechless!

But the doctor has a lot of lives, and he Jiang Yuan only has one life, and it is absolutely impossible for him to follow the doctor to fool around.

But he was really curious, and wanted to know what secrets were in the volcano.

Suddenly, Jiang Yuan's heart moved, and his eyes looked in the southeast direction.

In his perception

, there was actually a group of human awakened people there, and there were not a lot of them! What surprised him the most was that there were actually more than 20 king-level existence among these human awakened people, and there was even a third-order king-level awakened person

! Jiang Yuan was a little speechless, he was tired and tired and was only at the ninth-order commander level now, why did these human beings ???

this unfair!

He quickly lurked over, wanting to see what the origin of this group of people was.

Jiang Yuan was stunned at this look, this team of awakened people was actually led by a mecha unit!

Those king-level awakened people all had equipment similar to the T-101 gauntlets they got from the Wang family.

The rest of the unequipped Awakened also carry guns and weapons of different shapes, and they also carry melee weapons behind them.

Their costumes are uniform, and you can recognize at a glance which force it is.


are nearly 10,000 people in this military team, and the lowest rank is the ninth-order general, and the number of commander-level is nearly 3,000! The ninth-order commander level has about 800 people, and the number is

even more than that of the hunters! What surprised him even more was the attribute values of these people, half of which were infinitely close to the attribute values

of the hunters! And the attributes of the more than 20 king-level were not inferior to the king-level hunters!

"It's worthy of the military of the Dragon Kingdom, compared to the family or something, it's too low-grade..."

Jiang Yuan smacked his tongue secretly, a little shocked, but also felt a little headache.

Although Jiang Yuan is completely true in a one-on-one situation, after all, his attribute value is much higher than these people.

But he can't stand the large number of opponents, if a group of desperate hunters surround him and blow himself up, whether Jiang Yuan can bear it is really two words.

Such a large contingent of Awoken Ones naturally caught the attention of those hunters.

Jiang Yuan quietly hid in place, watching the hunters come quickly one after another.

One of the hunters led by this group was a second-order king-level, and his face suddenly changed when he saw the military's third-order king-level awakened person.

The expressions of the military were cold, and there was not the slightest fear in their eyes, but they were full of anger.

The third-order king-level of the military said indifferently: "Seventy-three thousand six hundred and eighty-one." The

king-level hunter frowned, and said coldly: "What are you talking about?"

The military king-level slowly spoke: "In the past few days, there have been a total of seventy-three thousand six hundred and eighty-one commander-level awakened people who have died in your hands.

"The people who die at your hands are good and bad, but they are all the hope of my humanity. "

You shouldn't have done it so desperately, you shouldn't!" He

suddenly raised his head, the blue tendons on his forehead instantly bulged, and his eyes were full of endless killing intent: "Remember my name, my name is Lin Yuanqing, and I am the one who came to kill you!"

In the next moment, all the military awakened people raised their weapons in their hands, and the armor suit worn by the king-level awakened person also shone brightly, and the terrifying energy light cannon poured out in an instant!

The hunters' faces changed wildly, and they hurriedly opened the highest-level shield, and also took out their long-range weapons and aimed them at the military awakened people below.

But after all, they were a step slower, after all, they didn't expect that as soon as these awakened people came up, they would directly start a life-and-death struggle! The

hunters suffered a big loss, and some ordinary defenders were instantly annihilated by the light cannons and ray weapons of the awakened people!

Jiang Yuan took the doctor's glasses, and he saw that after the death of those hunters, a large number of nanomachines instantly scattered in all directions, and were blown everywhere by the aftermath of the explosion.

"You're looking for death!" the king-level hunter roared angrily, his face extremely ugly.

The military powerhouse laughed wildly, and there was no fear in his eyes.

"Even if we die, we will pull you together

!" "Kill, kill, kill!" The

roar of the military awakened person shocked Jiang Yuan.

He saw fear in the eyes of some soldiers, and he also saw that the figures of some people trembled slightly.

But none of them backed away, still roaring and pulling the trigger in their hands.

When all the guns and ammunition in their hands are empty, those general-level awakened people who follow will quickly replenish them.

Although these general-level awakened people are of low rank, they also have their own role.

A shield kept them in it, and the hunter's weapons couldn't break through it.

There were thousands of black chariots, armed with weapons that were at their disposal to suppress the hunters.

The dense unmanned fighter flew at supersonic speed, flew out of the shield and roared towards the hunter's position, exploding in mid-air.

The power of that explosion was enough to injure the ninth-order commander-level hunters, and once they showed their flaws, they would be killed by the military's ninth-order commander-level combined efforts in the next moment!

The hunters wanted to retreat to avoid those fire suppressions, but they found that there was a strong barrier around them that trapped them, and even the second-order king-level hunters could hardly break the barrier.

"Want to run?!Have you asked me if Lin Yuanqing agrees!" Lin

Yuanqing's face turned red, his muscles flared up, and blood flowed out of his seven orifices.

He had single-handedly created this barrier, trapping all the hunters inside

! It was a fight to the death! Only those who survived could leave!

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