Jiang Yuan smiled, the system seems to have changed a little recently, and it has become a little more reliable.

The splitting skill was used in an instant, Jiang Yuan and Xiao Zi changed into a killing form, and their bodies exploded in an instant.

Chaos Storm and other spiritual skills were all used, and only Mu Yu and Lin Yuanqing at the king level present barely withstood the emotional interference of Chaos Storm's skills, but they were also affected to a certain extent.

But before they could come back to their senses, crimson rays and gravity fields instantly appeared, instantly overwhelming their figures.

On the battlefield, four silver arcs of light tens of meters long suddenly appeared, strangling towards all the king-level at an extremely terrifying speed.

Lin Yuanqing raised his head with difficulty, his pupils instantly shrank, and he shouted angrily: "Be careful!"

He instantly set up a barrier defense, wanting to block the silver light.

But the next moment, something that made him dumbfounded, and the four silver rays of light appeared in front of them as if they were teleporting.


first to be unlucky were the hunters who had lost the defense of their nano-suits, their bodies were already devastated, their fragile necks were exposed, and they were cut off from them almost instantly.

More than a dozen heads flew up, still with incredible expressions on their faces, but they were soon strangled into countless pieces by the silver light in the sky.

The king-level hunters all died in less than a second!

The military awakened had the dual protection of the battle armor and the nano battle suit, and they carried it for a moment.

But those First Order Kings who were affected by the Chaos Storm didn't know how to flee at all, instead frantically attacking the silver arc of light that was slicing their flesh.

The king's desperate attack allowed them to finally see the appearance of the enemy, and the hearts of those who were not affected by the chaotic storm were terrified.

They saw two monsters, two monsters wearing nano suits!

The huge curved blade tens of meters long flashed with silver cutting rays, and the strange rays released by the crimson vertical pupils on the eyebrows would make the opponent's body stagnate every time it hit a king-level awakened person.

Lin Yuanqing and Mu Yu's eyes were about to split, this scene happened so fast that they didn't have time to react at all.

The four king-level awakened people who were left behind to protect the chariot just wanted to step forward to support, but Lin Yuanqing shouted back.

They clenched their fists and slammed their heads back to roar, causing the warriors to instantly recharge the energy cannon and hold on to the giant chariot.

Jiang Yuan glanced at it lightly, the power of the energy cannon was indeed terrifying, but the premise was that it could only be able to hit the enemy.

"Xiao Zi, you go and deal with the remaining commander-level hunters, hurry up!" There

are still survivors of the hunters, and it is impossible for Jiang Yuan to let them go, otherwise he will be in great trouble.

More than ten king-level hunters' Origin Pills were absorbed, and one king-level could provide evolution points ranging from 200 to 300, and Jiang Yuan's evolution points skyrocketed to nearly three thousand in an instant! Moreover, king-level

hunters were different from ordinary hunters, after the ordinary hunters' Origin Pills were absorbed, Jiang Yuan could only get evolution points, but there was no attribute bonus.

The ninth-order leader hunters of the king-level hunting team will all have attribute bonuses, and each of these king-level hunters will provide him with a single or double attribute bonus of about 10G

! Evolution points have skyrocketed, and attribute points have skyrocketed! Jiang Yuan's harvest strength has skyrocketed again!

The first-order king-level awakened person of the human race could no longer resist in the face of Jiang Yuan, whose strength and speed had suddenly skyrocketed, and he was finally cut from the middle!

Lin Yuanqing and Mu Yu roared angrily, their eyes full of scarlet bloodshots.

They shouted and scolded, roared angrily, and tried all kinds of means to kill Jiang Yuan.

But Jiang Yuan's speed was something they could keep up with, if it weren't for Mu Yu who kept interfering with him, he would have solved the battle a long time ago.

After hesitating for a moment, Jiang Yuan looked at Mu Yu and muttered, "Mock!"

A strange spiritual fluctuation enveloped Mu Yu in an instant, and a trace of hatred appeared in his eyes, as if he wanted to devour Jiang Yuan alive.

His figure suddenly became illusory, and he disappeared in an instant, and when he reappeared behind Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan had been waiting for Mu Yu to arrive for a long time, and the skin behind his back suddenly surged, and dozens of sharp terrifying bone spurs stabbed out from his back in an instant.

But his bone spurs suddenly disappeared in front of Mu Yu's body, and stabbed out from another place.

Jiang Yuan frowned slightly, these spatial ability awakeners are really difficult to deal with

! The flash skill was cast, Jiang Yuan directly stuck to Mu Yu from behind, he didn't believe that this Mu Yu could still block it at such a close distance!

But just as Jiang Yuan was about to make a move, a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

His pupils shrank, and Jiang Yuan suddenly saw a large number of black cracks that had grown

out of thin air around him! These cracks covered an area of nearly a hundred meters, and the things they touched disappeared out of thin air as if they had been illuminated by decomposition rays

! "Die! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!" Mu Yu's

mind was disturbed, and at this time, he only had endless killing intent for Jiang Yuan in his heart, and he wanted to kill Jiang Yuan at all costs!

The next moment, Jiang Yuan's heart shook wildly, and the space around him began to collapse, and a terrifying tearing force was frantically pulling him, trying to pull him into the collapsed space

! And not only around, but even Mu Yu's body began to appear black spatial cracks, and even the nano suit was difficult to resist this terrifying tearing power

! This Mu Yu was actually going to die with him!

Jiang Yuan felt bitter in his heart, although the taunting skill could play an unexpected role at a critical moment, it really gave him a bit of a headache when he encountered this kind of opponent.

The flash is still on the CD, but before the CD is refreshed, Jiang Yuan will definitely be completely enveloped by this collapsed space.

He didn't dare to cast his area of effect skills, for fear of making the space around him collapse faster.

The flash can't take anyone with him, and even if the split body performs a continuous flash to get in, it can't take him away.

"I can only fight!" The

effect of the special skill-'Shock' was turned on, and Jiang Yuan didn't care if he would directly shock Mu Yu to death and be unable to mutate, he just wanted to kill Mu Yu as soon as possible!

Ding, Plunder Successful, Congratulations to the Host, Gain Ability-Space. [

Due to the acquisition of spatial abilities, the storage space evolves, and the size of the space is related to the host's spiritual attributes. Jiang

Yuan was ecstatic in an instant, the spatial ability he had been coveting for a long time was finally obtained by him!

Without hesitation, Jiang Yuan finally escaped from this collapsed space at the last moment.

A terrifying suction force came from the collapsed space within a radius of 100 meters, pulling everything around it into it.

Frowning slightly, Jiang Yuan raised his palm and held it weakly.


strange force instantly enveloped the collapsed space, and those shattered spaces began to recover, and the scope of the collapsed space became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared completely.

Lin Yuanqing looked ahead in a daze, he couldn't find any trace of Mu Yu, and he couldn't feel Mu Yu's breath.

He opened his mouth, and he didn't want to believe that his best friend was actually dead, at the hands of that monster!

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