Lin Yuanqing shed blood and tears, his expression was unprecedentedly hideous, and he suddenly turned around and shouted

! "Immediately start the self-detonation procedure of all chariots! Everyone retreat immediately

!" "Major General Lin! We can't leave you behind!" "

Lao Tzu let you run! This is an order!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a silver light passing quickly, rushing straight towards the area of the soldiers behind.

His eyes cracked, and his gums bit violently, as if something had been bitten.

The next moment, his aura rose sharply, and the injuries on his body quickly recovered.

With a roar, a barrier instantly appeared in front of the silver light, trying to block the other party's way.

But the silver light flashed out of thin air, and when it reappeared, a large number of screams came from behind.

Blood splattered, stumps and severed arms flew everywhere, and the commander-level warriors had no power to fight back against the split body controlled by Xiao Zi!



loud bang was the sound of Jiang Yuan slashing at the barrier covering Lin Yuanqing's body.

Lin Yuanqing was directly knocked away by Jiang Yuan, and his barrier ability was also beaten full of cracks, but he quickly recovered.

He roared angrily and cast his ability to trap Jiang Yuan, but Jiang Yuan directly cast it and disappeared in an instant.

He wanted to use the barrier ability to split Jiang Yuan in half, but Jiang Yuan was always nimble enough to dodge it.

Touching and not touching, sleepy and sleepy, Lin Yuanqing felt an unprecedented sense of powerlessness in his heart.

Jiang Yuan's gaze was indifferent, and now Lin Yuanqing had returned to his previous peak state, or even stronger, but he still noticed that Lin Yuanqing's aura was somewhat strangely disordered.

Although I don't know what Lin Yuanqing did, this method must have side effects.

He didn't want to kill Lin Yuanqing, just like the other king-level awakened people were just cut off and temporarily lost their mobility.

He wanted to keep these people in captivity, and wait for him to be promoted to the king level before infecting them, so as to preserve their strength to the greatest extent.

For Mu Yu, he was just helpless, after all, a spatial ability awakener was the biggest threat to him, and he might even take a group of people to escape.

All he has to do now is drag it until Lin Yuanqing is exhausted, and then completely control Lin Yuanqing.

But soon, Jiang Yuan found that he had made the wrong choice, he underestimated the strength of the military awakened people, and also underestimated the will of the military awakened people.

After Lin Yuanqing knew that he was no match for Jiang Yuan, he suddenly stopped in place.

His eyes were complicated, and Jiang Yuan saw anger, hatred, and reluctance... It was as if all the emotions that human beings possessed were flickering in Lin Yuanqing's eyes at this time.

"It seems that in my life... That's the end of it..."

Jiang Yuan frowned, and suddenly had a bad premonition.

"What are you going to do?"

he began, the first time he had spoken.

Lin Yuanqing was stunned and looked at Jiang Yuan in a daze: "I see... I see!hahaha!" He

suddenly laughed wildly, his eyes full of madness, and even a hint of unconcealable... Joy.

Jiang Yuan frowned, unable to understand why Lin Yuanqing had such an expression.

He suddenly thought that Li Xiaoshan had said that the military was looking for talking zombies, could it be that there was some connection between this?

At this moment, Jiang Yuan suddenly saw a blazing light light on Lin Yuanqing's body, this light was somewhat familiar, and it was somewhat similar to the flash of the hunter's

self-explosion! And this feeling was even more dangerous than the feeling that the hunter's self-explosion gave him!

"Come with me, die!"

Lin Yuanqing roared angrily, and his eyes suddenly shone brightly. The next moment, Jiang Yuan was shocked to find that the space within a radius of tens of thousands of meters was actually full of barriers arranged by Lin Yuanqing.

"When did he get it?!"

Jiang Yuan was shocked in his heart, and quickly realized that the locations where these barriers appeared were all places where Lin Yuanqing had stayed.

This Lin Yuanqing had already laid out the plan from the time he was fighting with the hunters? Did he have this kind of consciousness a long time ago?

Crazy man! A madman who has to be admired

! In every area covered by the barrier, there was a light lit up, and among them there were even terrifying bombs left by

Lin Yuanqing, even underground! Looking at Lin Yuanqing who was rushing towards him, Jiang Yuan sighed, and suddenly used it in a continuous flash, appearing six thousand meters away in an instant.

At the end of the flash, Jiang Yuan immediately cast his spatial ability, and he teleported to a distance of 10,000 meters in one fell swoop.

But he still hasn't left the barrier, and it will take nearly a second for the spatial ability to be cast again.


first bomb exploded, and it was the bomb in Lin Yuanqing's body.

The barrier he had set up shattered in an instant, and the aftermath set up the remaining bombs that were still in the process of detonating.

"Black Mountain Summons!"

Jiang Yuan shouted in his heart, and the Black Mountain, which was more than ten meters high, instantly appeared behind Jiang Yuan, and he immediately rushed in and directly closed the passage of the Black Mountain space.

But even so, there was still an aftermath that rushed into the Black Mountain space in that short moment.

Just as Jiang Yuan's complexion changed drastically, a strange force suddenly appeared, and the aftermath of the explosion suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

Jiang Yuan was stunned for a moment, knowing that it was the system that made a move.

Also, this is the space of the system after all, how could it be hurt by such a thing.

I couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of blood, which was mixed with a large amount of flesh.

Jiang Yuan smiled bitterly, he had already been affected by the explosion before he rushed into the Black Mountain space, if he was one step later, he might really die in that explosion.


Jiang Yuan was suddenly stunned, he felt that the blood he had just vomited out seemed to have become a little less

, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, and Jiang Yuan slammed his fist to the ground.

After pulling out his palm, Jiang Yuan held a machine in his hand that was exactly the same color as Black Crystal.

"Tsk, will I die if I have some research?"

the doctor's voice came from the machine, and his tone was rather unpleasant.

Jiang Yuan gritted his teeth in anger, this dog thing must have been premeditated!

Maybe since the doctor first entered the Black Mountain space, he had quietly built some machines, and he had been waiting for the day when Jiang Yuan was seriously injured and entered the Black Mountain space nearby.

"If you think about it, you can guarantee that you won't get hurt in the fight outside? I'll be able to get your body parts studied sooner or later.

"And to be honest, I have the ability to forcibly get rid of a part of your body to study, but I am a relatively trustworthy person, and I have never been tough!" Jiang

Yuan secretly slandered, as far as you still have the face to be trustworthy? The dog thing didn't have a good heart when he gave me the nano suit from the beginning!

But if you think about it carefully, what the doctor said is not unreasonable, as long as he cooperates with the doctor for a long time, it will be difficult to avoid this situation.

It's really a big corpse....

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