After the consciousness is transferred into the zombie brother's body, the cell activation skill takes effect instantly.

But no matter how hard Jiang Yuan tries, this broken arm just can't grow well.

Shocked that .JPG

can't be cured?Is the special effect of

the useless stick?How is it triggered?Returning

to the body, Jiang Yuan looked at the useless stick and fell into deep thought....

He didn't feel any special fluctuations when he broke his arm, and there were no special effects such as flashes when he didn't use a big stick, just a little too hard.

The legion's healing skill continued to open, and Jiang Yuan personally picked up the useless stick and slammed it on the zombie brother's unbroken arm.


arm snapped at the sound, but grew rapidly under the healing effect of the legion.

"Go on!"

Jiang Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and just smashed it again and again.

Once, twice....

After more than an hour, Jiang Yuan still didn't trigger the special effect of the useless stick, and his mood was inexplicably a little irritable.

How exactly is this thing used?

During this period, he tried to use emotions to induce, what killing intent, anger, happiness...

He even looked down and forcibly gave birth to a feeling of grief....

But this useless stick is like an ordinary stick, no matter how he changes the flower, it will not react.

"System, can you give some hints?"

[Please develop the host by yourself.]

At this time, the system is suddenly not cute!

【Ding,Evolution point -1,All attributes -1G.】

Jiang Yuan: "???"

communiqué personal vendetta?!Is

he Jiang Yuan the kind of corpse who will casually bow his head [system I love you] and admit his mistake?

[Ding, evolution point +2, all attributes +2G. The

useless stick must be able to trigger incurable damage, but Jiang Yuan hasn't figured out the trigger method yet, and how long will this incurable condition last?

It seems that these things that the system gave him still need to be developed.

Suddenly, the breath of the Human Awakened began to appear in the range of the Perception Skill, and the number was skyrocketing.

It didn't take long for the base to stop, and the Doctor stepped out of the operations room.

"According to the footage from the reconnaissance machine, the surface point in front of it has been occupied by the human awakened.

Jiang Yuan raised his eyebrows and said, "What's the matter, are you going to change places?"

"I still have to go." The doctor suddenly threw Jiang Yuan a triangular metal piece, and said lightly: "Let the nanobots fuse this, which can interfere with the detection of some instruments."

Jiang Yuan looked at it curiously, then put the iron piece on his chest, and it was quickly fused into it by the nanomachine.

The doctor looked at the useless sticks and bricks in the hands of the two zombie brothers, and his eyes stayed for a few seconds, but he didn't say anything.

Jiang Yuan summoned Black Mountain, asked his two men to wait at the entrance of the passage, and asked the nightingale to observe when the broken arm would begin to heal.

The base hovered in mid-air, and Jiang Yuan and the doctor flew towards the surface point.

When he got closer, a huge steel barrier appeared in front of Jiang Yuan.

The barrier was hundreds of meters high and endless, comparable to the size of a city.

The cold muzzles of the guns were always aimed at the perimeter of the barrier, and a large number of spirit beasts and zombie corpses could be seen in the distance, and some awakened people were dealing with them.

Jiang Yuan frowned slightly and looked at the numbered characters on the huge steel barrier.


29?If it is calculated according to ordinary logic, there are at least 29 of these large human survivor bases?

There are too many

! In the direction that Jiang Yuan approached alone, he had already discovered hundreds of king-level! Among them, the highest was the fourth-order king-level!

This was only less than one-tenth of the range of this base, how could the strength of the human awakened suddenly rise so fast? How could this make zombies play with spirit beasts?"

"Let's go, get into that car, and go straight through the main entrance." The

doctor suddenly spoke, pointing to a modified armored combat vehicle heading towards the base below, and then directly turned on the stealth function and flew down.

Jiang Yuan immediately followed, and landed on the chariot with the doctor, silently.

The guards conducted a strict inspection of the armored vehicle, but failed to find the invisible doctor and Jiang Yuan.

They just slipped in along the armored car, Jiang Yuan knew that this was the credit of the triangular metal piece given to him by the doctor, otherwise the instrument that probed and scanned just now would definitely be able to find them.

The armored vehicle drove to an unloading site, and some machinery sorted the materials collected by the awakened into a plan.

The flesh and blood of the spirit beasts were sent to the food factory, and the corpses of the zombies were sent to a large warehouse, where the people were all dressed in protective clothing, and after receiving the goods, they began to be cut.

Jiang Yuan also saw some live zombies being controlled and sent away along a passage.

Observing all the way, Jiang Yuan could see that the high-level leaders of this base wanted to work hard to restore normal human order, but in this apocalypse, it was difficult for the awakened who suddenly gained power to control themselves.

Therefore, there are a large number of patrol teams responsible for maintaining order, and the members of the patrol team are all at the commander level, and they all wear military uniforms.

Some people will greet the patrol team with a smile, while others will have cold eyes and unhappy expressions.

The doctor separated some micro-machines and scattered, and the main body and Jiang Yuan remained inactive in the corner.

"Tsk, that's troublesome!" the doctor suddenly spoke, his tone slightly unpleasant: "It will take at least ten days to hack the system of this base, and there is a risk of being discovered, so let's act directly."

Jiang Yuan was stunned for a moment, this base actually made the doctors feel in trouble

?" "Haven't you always boasted that you are the smartest in the world, and no one can beat you?" Jiang Yuan did not forget to mock.

The doctor said lightly, "That's true, I'm just troublesome.

"Who was forced to blow himself up before?"


The doctor didn't speak for a while, and then Jiang Yuan sensed that the doctor's breath suddenly entered the ground and began to advance towards the core area of the Awakened base.

Jiang Yuan raised his eyebrows, flashed over the metal ground under his feet, and quickly followed with the earth-based ability.

After having the spatial ability, Jiang Yuan was also much bolder in doing things, and he could slip away at any time anyway!

But Jiang Yuan soon found that the closer he got to the core of the base, the more he could feel a strange force affecting the use of the spatial ability.

He felt that it would take at least ten seconds to transfer himself with his spatial ability here, and he couldn't guarantee that he would be able to do so.

But the flash was not affected, which made Jiang Yuan feel at ease.

Perception skills also began to be affected, and large blank areas appeared, making it impossible for Jiang Yuan to perceive the internal situation.


The author has something to say:

Happy New Year!

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