Finally, Jiang Yuan came to a huge metal cylinder, and he could hear the sound of machinery running inside.

Groping with the Doctor along the metal column toward the ground, it wasn't long before they came across the metal wall again.

The doctor spoke, "This is it, let's go inside."

Jiang Yuan asked curiously, "How are you going to enter... Before

he could finish his sentence, the doctor's breath suddenly teleported ten meters away.

Jiang Yuan glared, a machine, can use the spatial ability? Boom!

Instant flash immediately followed, Jiang Yuan instantly frowned.

It is a confined space with a radius of several kilometers, and it is full of various mechanical equipment.

He also saw some clear containers of creatures dipped in a green liquid and tubes stuck in them.

Within a perception range of 100 meters, these creatures are human, there are zombies, spirit beasts, and some of the breath is extremely mixed, similar to the breath of modified creatures.

The most important thing is that the creatures in those containers are all king-level!And the attribute points are extremely high, surpassing hunters of the same level

!"Oh, stupid humans!" The doctor's tone was quite disdainful.

Although the doctor was still in a state of invisibility, Jiang Yuan could almost think of the doctor's expression now.

"There are a lot of life detection devices here, and you can make a light move. With that, the doctor landed lightly on the ground and walked slowly towards the center.

Jiang Yuan slowly followed, constantly observing the surroundings.

Not all containers here are transparent, a large part is completely closed, but there is also the breath of life inside.

There are also some complex mechanical equipment, Jiang Yuan doesn't know what these are for, but there are a large number of circuit pipes that extend all the way to the central area.

As he walked, Jiang Yuan's footsteps suddenly stopped.

Ninth Order King Rank, five!

Inside that huge machine in the central area.

Playing with snakes? He hasn't been promoted to the king level yet, and the ninth-order king level of the human race has come out?

Jiang Yuan wasn't sure if the stealth function and latent skills of the nano battle suit could hide from the eyes of the ninth-order king, and he was a little entangled in whether to move forward.

"It's a bit of a hassle. The doctor also spoke suddenly, and said, "I have to use some means."

Jiang Yuan was just about to ask, but suddenly felt that the entire underground equipment began to shake violently, and then the alarm sounded directly.

Jiang Yuan: "??? "

Doctor, what have you done?"

The king-level awakened people of the entire underground facility were instantly on full alert, and immediately blocked the entrance of the only passage.

And Jiang Yuan finally saw the true colors of the two ninth-order king-level awakened people.

The two men, both of whom looked like they were only about thirty years old, were not angry and arrogant, and just standing there gave people a sense of oppression from the momentum of the superior.

"Let's take a look, it's been a long time since I've moved.

"Yes. The

two figures disappeared almost instantly, and Jiang Yuan couldn't see the speed of the two of them.

"Only two came out?" the doctor muttered, "Forget it, it's still within the acceptable range, Jiang Yuan, I'm going in."

Jiang Yuan: "???

"What are you going to go in?" There are still three ninth-order king-level guards inside, how are you going to get in?"Don't make trouble, there are still three ninth-order king-level

guards in there!"

"I know." The doctor replied lightly, "But how do you know that there are three more?"

"You don't care how I know, I warn you not to mess around, and I will suffer with you when the time comes!" "I didn't

force you to come with me, you came with me." "


the doctor actually walked over.

Jiang Yuan was in a quandangle, he really wanted to go in and take a look, but the pressure on him from the three ninth-order kings was too great!

He only had one life, unlike the doctor, it didn't matter if a doppelganger machine died.

What should I do? Flashing in and taking a look at it and then withdrawing? Or just slipping away? Or let the splinter go and sacrifice the splinter to get information?

In thought, the doctor had already walked to the entrance of the facility, and although Jiang Yuan couldn't see the doctor, he also knew that he was definitely changing his form and sneaking in now.

Wait, change form?

Jiang Yuan's heart moved, and he immediately used the ultimate transformation skill.

If Jiang Yuan hadn't turned on his stealth at this time, others would have seen that Jiang Yuan seemed to melt and turn into a small wriggling lump of flesh the size of a palm.

"Is the size of a palm already the limit?" Jiang

Yuan felt strange now, although it was a puddle of meat, he could see everything around him clearly.

Trying to move, Jiang Yuan squirmed forward quickly like a mollusk.

Moreover, in this state, Jiang Yuan actually felt that his combat strength had not decreased much, and with the blessing of his martial arts mastery, he had mastered a large number of combat methods in an instant.

Quickly crawling to the door, Jiang Yuan got in a little bit along the crack in the door.

The Doctor's aura was five meters in front of him, and he was moving very slowly, obviously alerting the existence of the three ninth-order kings.

In order not to arouse suspicion, Jiang Yuan did not use anything superfluous except for the stealth function of the nano suit, which was still turned on.

Finally, he got into the facility, and the picture in front of him instantly shocked Jiang Yuan's heart.

He saw a pool of blood sealed by a transparent substance, and the smell of blood emitted by the hot blood made Jiang Yuan's heart feel restless, making him want to rush

in and drink all the blood! Some tubes were pumping out the blood in the pool, but the pool of blood seemed to be unable to be exhausted, and there was no downward trend at all.

And the three ninth-order king-level awakened people were standing on the edge of the blood pool at the moment, motionless, as if everything that happened in the outside world had nothing to do with them.

The Doctor's breath was slowly approaching the pool of blood, extremely slowly, as if he was afraid of attracting the attention of the three people below.


A dull sound sounded suddenly, like the sound of a heartbeat.

Jiang Yuan and the doctor immediately stopped, and the three ninth-order kings looked back at the suddenly churning pool of blood, and soon stopped looking, as if they had long been Xi to it.

"Hold up the bold and starve to the faint of heart, fight!" Jiang

Yuan gritted his teeth secretly, and the next moment the flashing skill was directly cast, his target

was the blood pool! While the blood pool had not subsided, it was Jiang Yuan's best chance to sneak in.

Instantaneous abilities are completely different from spatial abilities, and they don't have any spatial fluctuations when they are activated.

Jiang Yuan entered the pool of blood, immediately motionless, and put away all his emotional fluctuations.

The blood pool was still surging, perfectly covering up the waves that Jiang Yuan set off when he entered the blood pool.

Allowing his body to descend freely, Jiang Yuan kept an eye on the movements of the three ninth-order king-level awakeners.

Jiang Yuan was overjoyed in his heart, and a mouth instantly grew on top of the meat ball that he had turned into, and he drank a mouthful of blood in the blood pool.

【Ding, evolution point +0.01】

Hmm?Why is it so little?

Jiang Yuan was stunned for a moment, but because the taste of this blood was too sweet for him, he couldn't help but take another sip.

[Ding, evolution point +0.01]

Jiang Yuan: "?!"


The author has something to say:

The New Year still has to code words, and the code word people are really miserable.

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