What the hell! How did the routine of the system change? Before, no matter what kind of life, Jiang Yuan only needed to taste a mouthful of blood to get all the evolution points.

He immediately began to gulp blood, and the sound of the system in his head began to sound wildly.

Although he only has 0.01 evolution points in one sip, and even the attribute points that occasionally increase are 0.01G, he can't stop him from drinking too much!

But where does this blood come from?

The field of vision is all bright red, and Jiang Yuan can't see the surrounding situation clearly at all, so he can only use the position of the awakened person in his perception as a reference, and slowly swim downward.

Finally, Jiang Yuan touched something, it was very hard, but it was not cold, but it was a little warm.

He felt a flowing liquid crashing against his body.

After hesitating for a moment, Jiang Yuan opened his mouth and went up to take a bite.

I can't bite it....

He felt like his teeth would break if he tried a little harder.

So what the hell is down here?

Since there's blood gushing out, there should be a passage entrance or something.

In order to ensure that he was not discovered, Jiang Yuan did not use the water system ability to clear the surroundings, and silently groped around little by little.

He also kept an eye on the Doctor's breath, sensing that the Doctor was behind the Awakened.

Jiang Yuan was thinking about whether to do something, in case the doctor didn't operate it well, and even he would be exposed.


, there was another explosion, and the whole base shook slightly.

The brows of the three ninth-order king-level awakeners furrowed at the same time.

One of them said, "Ask what's going on."

Then he tapped the headset and asked, "Lin Yufei, Zhang Hong, what's going on outside?"

"Someone has infiltrated the base and planted many bombs, but the enemy's location has not yet been found.

"How is this possible?"

"That's the case, although I don't know how the other party sneaked in, but the one who came was not good, and the three of you guarded it. The

information from the two made the hearts of the three of them sink, the Dawning Base uses the most advanced technology currently mastered by humans, but it is still infiltrated by the other party, which makes it a little difficult for them to accept.

"Mo Feng, did your psychic detection ability find anything wrong?"

"Not yet.

"Let's go out and take a look, there's too much interference here for your psychic detection skills.

"Okay, I'm at the door, call me at any time. With

that, Mo Feng walked out, and immediately opened the door with his spiritual perception skills in full swing, patrolling around the huge central experimental warehouse.

There was one less ninth-order king in the cabin, and it happened to be the person near the doctor.

The next moment, Jiang Yuan felt that the doctor's breath appeared in the blood pool.

Jiang Yuan: (◑ ˍ ◑)

How did this cargo get in?"

"Jiang Yuan, if you are still staying outside, I advise you to leave quickly, it will be difficult for you to avoid the investigation of the ninth order king. The

doctor's communication suddenly sounded, and Jiang Yuan was so startled that he hurriedly observed the reactions of the two awakened people above, but the two didn't seem to notice anything abnormal.

After two seconds of silence, Jiang Yuan replied, "You swim to the bottom of the blood pool, I'll wait for you here." "


sensed, the doctor immediately accelerated, and Jiang Yuan moved to the location of the doctor's whereabouts.

The surrounding blood suddenly dispersed, and the doctor actually cleared the blood in the vicinity.

Jiang Yuan almost scolded, why is this Doctor Dog so reckless!

But the two people above didn't seem to notice anything abnormal, and Jiang Yuan showed his body in a speechless manner, and greeted the doctor with a palm-sized lump of flesh.

"Hi. Doctor

: "... When did you come in?"

"I've been in for a long time, and I've been waiting for you for a long time. The

blood below was cleared by the doctor, and Jiang Yuan finally saw what was under the blood pool.

It is dark red and has many densely packed small holes of uneven size, from which blood is oozing out.

The doctor was observing Jiang Yuan's state at this time, he had long known that Jiang Yuan could change form, but it was the first time he had seen Jiang Yuan like this.

"You're really... It's strange enough..."

"It's easy to use, do you know what's down there?"

The Doctor immediately sent out a light curtain to scan the bottom of the ball, and after a moment replied, "I don't know."

Jiang Yuan

: "..."I think you know but don't want to say it!

The doctor added: "The blood here... Did you drink it?"

"Then you're done. "


" Jiang Yuan wanted to go up and give the doctor a mallet, what is he done with again?"

"Let go and drink, how much can you drink, anyway... There aren't many days left.

"Why do you make it clear!" The

doctor said lightly: "Drink the blood here directly, you will mark the owner of the blood, this is originally a bait, it is easy to see, even the awakened people above know that there is a problem here, as long as this thing is dealt with a little, it will be fine."

Jiang Yuan was shocked, and hurriedly asked the system: "System, is what he said true?"

[Please drink it with confidence.]

Jiang Yuan was instantly relieved, having a system is awesome!

He said, if there is really any problem, the system will definitely remind him, after all, the system has not cheated him in this kind of matter.

Jiang Yuan grew two eyes, glanced at the doctor with disdain, and then stretched out a mouth and took another sip.

[Ding, Evolution Point +0.01]

Doctor: "... Did you give up on yourself

?" Jiang Yuan replied indifferently, "What's next, what are you going to do?"

The doctor replied: "Go down, this thing is just a trick, you have to look at the things below, as for this blood... Drink it if you want, and I'll see if I can help you figure it out.

Jiang Yuan was a little surprised, the doctor suddenly treated him a little well, and he really didn't get used to it.

"I may not be able to communicate with you after I go down, so it's up to you to choose whether you want to follow or not. After

the doctor finished speaking, he disappeared directly, this time the distance was very close, Jiang Yuan saw the spatial fluctuations around the doctor's body, but he didn't know what was limited to the ten centimeters around the doctor's body.

The perception skill was limited to only one meter here, and Jiang Yuan couldn't sense the doctor's breath at all.

Attempts were made to make contact, but there was no response from the Doctor's side.

Jiang Yuan hesitated for a moment, and the splitting skill was suddenly used, and a mass of splitting bodies like him appeared in the blood pool.

"Xiao Zi, use the storage space to collect the blood here, be careful. With that

, Jiang Yuanli began to cast the Instant Flash Skill downward.

There is a mechanism for instantaneous flashing, if the selected location happens to have a physical object, then the instantaneous skill will automatically flash behind the physical object, provided that it is within a kilometer range, and beyond this range, the instant will fail.

Jiang Yuan chose a centimeter below, and the next moment he appeared in a karst cave illuminated by a faint light.

As soon as he arrived here, Jiang Yuan heard a rhythmic tapping sound.

Bite... Bite... Ding....

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